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特別提示:我們會發現英音中許多原來含有字母“a”發[$:]的單詞轉到每音中時都發成了[鎉。一般來說,字母a在f,n,s,th 之前念做[鎉,但是如果在字母“r”之前則仍然念做[$:],且要捲舌,例如farm, farther。


Albert(阿爾伯特,男名) bad(壞的) batman (蝙蝠俠) blanket (毯子) camel(駱駝) canal(運河) gap(鴻溝) hand(手) hammer(錘子) jacket(夾克衫) matter(事情) pan(平底鍋) van(麪包車) wax(蠟) wrapper(包裝紙) Yankee(美國佬)


Thanks a lot! 多謝!

I’ll catch you later. 回頭再找你。

I’ll now let the cat out of the bag. 現在我要揭露謎底。

He laughs best who laughs last. 誰笑在最後誰笑得最好。

Please pay for the bag at the cash desk. 請在收銀臺付這個包的錢。

I’m glad you didn’t marry Miss Parry. 我很高興你沒有和佩莉小姐結婚。

Pack the baggage in the back of the taxi. 在出租車的後座收拾行李。

Canners can can what they can can, but can’t can what they can’t can.



“a” as in the word “cat”: bat, map, exact, fat, etc.

“af” as in the word “half”: craft, aircraft, after, shaft, etc.

“am” as in the word “exam”: example, stamp, jam, lamb, etc.

“an” as in the word “chance”: banana, dance, and, man, hand, plan, can’t, etc.

“as” as in the word “glass”: class, pass, ask, fast, last, task, etc.

“ath” as in the word “bath”: path, math, etc.

就此,四個前元音都講述完畢。單獨元音的發音問題應該不大,可是也許放在具體單詞的環境中就沒有那麼容易了。下面這段繞口令(tongue twister)對於練習這幾個元音特別有效,如果可以講好,這幾個元音的發音就絕對沒有問題了!現在就小試牛刀吧!

Betty bought a bit of butter.

“But,” said she, “this butter is bitter.

If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter bitter.”

So she bought some better butter,

Better than the bitter butter,

And it made her bitter batter better.