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precipitation是什麼意思 precipitation的用法 precipitation怎麼讀

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英 [prɪ,sɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]美 [prɪ'sɪpə'teʃən]

n. [化學] 沉澱,[化學] 沉澱物;冰雹;墜落;魯莽


precipitation是什麼意思 precipitation的用法 precipitation怎麼讀


1. pre- "before, forth" + cipit- + -ation.
2. 本義爲:頭向前、朝前傾斜。很顯然這會造成不穩定,進而導致摔倒、摔下、墜落,由此引申爲:猛然摔下,墜落,又由此引申爲沉澱。以及由頭向前而表示的那種不沉穩之意,進而引申爲:輕率、魯莽、急促。


precipitation 降水,沉澱,沉積



precipitation (n.)

late 15c., "a casting down" (of the evil angels from heaven), also, in alchemy "separation of a solid substance from a solution," from Middle French precipitation

(15c.) and directly from Latin praecipitationem (nominative praecipitatio) "act or fact of falling headlong, haste," noun of action from past participle stem of praecipitare "fall, be hasty," from praeceps "steep" (see precipice). Meaning "sudden haste" is c. 1500. Meaning "act of falling from a height" is attested from 1610s. Meteorological sense of "rain, snow, dew, etc." is from 1670s.


1. an increase in annual precipitation


2. Techniques for controlling particulates include filtering, washing, centrifugal separation, and electrostatic precipitation.

控制顆粒污染物的技術包括過濾 、 洗滌 、 離心分離 、 靜電沉降.

來自英漢非文學 - 環境法 - 環境法

3. Guitar's experiments did not stimulate any practical study of the electrostatic - precipitation principle.


4. Various substances in plant extracts may cause spontaneous or non - specific precipitation.

植物提取液中的各種物質都可能引起自發的或 非 專化性的沉澱.

5. Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation, evapotraspiration, interception, and runoff.

航空攝影可提供有關降水量 、 蒸發蒸騰量 、 入滲和徑流量的有價值的資料.

[ precipitation 造句 ]


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