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idle free


Being at an idle end,we often go to and look around the shops.


Idle folks have the least leisure.


No matter how rich, one shall not live an idle life.


I never believe idle reports.


The strike idled many workers.


It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. (Jerome, British humorist)




He is busy with some important work.


He was busy getting ready for his journey.


The shop looked out into a busy street.


The traffic was at its height at the busy junction.


I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line was busy.


This is a busy main road. 這是一條繁忙的主要公路。

It's the busy time for them to harvest their fields. 現在正是他們在地裏收割莊稼的繁忙季節。

The teacher got the children safely over the busy road. 老師使孩子們安全地穿過了這條熱鬧的馬路。

They are busy nidificating. 它們正在忙着做巢。

She is very busy, but she always finds time to help other people. 她很忙,可是她總會抽時間去幫助別人。

Yeah, everyone is so busy. 是啊,每個人都那麼忙。

But how can we find it in the busy daily life? 但我們要怎樣在忙碌的日常生活中得到它呢?

If she were not so busy, she would attend the meeting this afternoon. 要不是她這麼忙,她就會出席今天下午的會議了。

It seems that in our busy lives nowadays many of us have forgotten how toappreciate others. 似乎在當今這樣忙碌的生活中,許多人已經忘記了如何如感激別人。

But she's as busy as before. 但她還是像以前一樣忙碌。

And even then, one in five says they are so busy that they never have any time to go out and socialize. 即便如此,五分之一的被調查者稱他們非常忙,以至於從來沒有時間去參加社交活動。

There are two busy threads on the sending side, and only one of them gets itsaffinity set. 在發送端有兩個繁忙的線程,並且其中僅有一個擁有其親和力集合。

But we all agree with the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite thereal self. 可是我們都承認在我們曰常活動中那麼忙碌的自我,並不完全是真正的自我;

Procrastination is in all of us, and one of the best ways to procrastinate is to do allthe busy-work that makes us feel like we’re doing stuff — while not doing the stuffwe know we should be doing. 延遲出現在我們每個人的身上,延遲的一個最好方式就是做所有的繁忙任務,它讓我們覺得我們正在做事情--然而我們知道我們做的不是應該做的事情。

Because the office refrigerator is unowned by any individual, no one feelsresponsibility to take care of it, and certainly no one wants to take time out of hisor her busy workday to do so. 辦公室裏的冰箱因爲不屬於任何一個個人,沒有人覺得自己有責任去管理或者照顧它,當然也沒人在繁忙的工作時間抽出時間去做那些事情。

Many of us, because of our busy schedules, complain about too little time withour spouses or partners. 我們很多人因爲繁忙的日程,而抱怨和配偶或伴侶呆在一起的時間太少。

All our clothes are made by tailors, for she is too busy to sew for us. 我們的衣服都是由裁縫做的,她因爲太忙而.沒時間給我們縫製。

And if you don’t focus on the most important things then they are often not doneat the end of the day since you kept yourself busy with other things. 假如你不把焦點放在最重要的事上,那麼你經常會由於一整天都忙碌於其他的事情而到了一天結束時都還沒有完成它們。