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at the same time是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

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at the same time 英 [æt ðə seim taim] 美 [æt ði sem taɪm] 

ing-bottom: 56.25%;">at the same time是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

at the same time 基本解釋

同時; 一起; 但是; 然而

at the same time 相關例句


1. He may be very rude sometimes but at the same time he is very kind.

at the same time 網絡解釋

1. 同時:與此同時(At the same time),大將趙雲懷抱劉備的幼子阿斗,在曹營中單騎縱橫,斃敵無數,終於殺出重圍. 此時,潰敗到夏口的劉軍與曹軍僅一江之隔. 劉備明白,僅憑長江天險阻攔強大的曹軍並非長久之計,曹操早晚會打過長江,屆時百姓必將盡遭塗炭.

2. 與此同時:與此同時(At the same time),仍在法國多爾登山谷繼續工作(從事體力或腦力勞動,也泛指機器工具)的小組其他成員在遺址裏發現了一間瀕臨崩塌的密室,並在裏面找到了一個600多年前不可能存在的雙焦透鏡,最不可思議的是,

3. 同時,然而,不過:at the moment此刻,目前 | at the same time同時;然而,不過 | at the sight of一看見......就

4. 但是,然而:at one time 同時,曾經,從前曾 | at the same time 但是,然而 | at times 有時

at the same time 英英釋義


1. at the same instant

e.g. they spoke simultaneously

Synonym: simultaneously

2. overlapping in duration

e.g. concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held
going to school and holding a job at the same time

Synonym: concurrently