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一般來說,個體名詞可以用數目來計算,稱爲可數名詞(Countable Nouns)。

物質名詞、抽象名詞和專有名詞無法用數目來計算,稱爲不可數名詞(Uncountable Nouns)。




可數名詞一般有單、複數兩種形式。如a/one child, ten children。而不可數名詞一般只有一種形式。如cash(現金)。不可數名詞之前不可直接用泛指限定詞和數詞。不可數名詞可與some一起用。如:some money,some water。也可與the一起用:the information(這信息)。



一般情況 加-s,在清輔音後讀/s/ maps, books;在濁輔音及元音後讀/z/ cars, photos;在/t/後讀/ts/ cats, students;在/d/後讀/dz/ beds, guards在/dZ/後讀/iz/ bridges, ages

以字母s, x, ch, sh 結尾的詞 加-es 在/s/, /z/, /S/,/tS/後讀/iz/ classes, brushes

以輔音字母+y結尾的詞 將y改成i,加-es /z/ factories, stories

以字母o結尾的詞 一般加-es /z/ potatoes, tomatoes;少數外來詞或縮略詞加-s /z/ radios, pianos簡稱爲有生命的+es 無生命的+s 有生命的有黑人英雄愛吃土豆西紅柿

以字母f或fe結尾的詞:一般加-s /s/ roofs, chiefs;少數將f, fe, 改爲-ves /z/ shelves, knives;有些加-s或改爲-ves均可 /s/或/z/ scarfs/scarves




foot-feet man-men woman-women

tooth-teeth goose-geese mouse-mice

②結尾爲-en。例如: child-children


單複數同形的名詞主要有:sheep, fish, Chinese, Japanese, deer等。

④只有複數形式。例如:trousers, goods 等。






第一類:如bike,desk, factory等,這類名詞佔可數名詞的多數。以bike爲例:

There are fifty bikes at this shop.這家商店有50輛自行車。


She cares for nice clothes.她愛好穿着。




Knowledge is power.知識就是力量。


They have saved much money for future use.他們存了很多錢以備未來使用。

(3)與表示單位的量詞如a piece of等連用。例如:

Go and fetch me a piece of chalk.給我去拿一支粉筆。

要十分注意的是:不可數名詞不能與不定冠詞或數詞直接用在一起。如不能說a good news, an advice, a hard work等。


如: a piece of paper 一張紙 a drop of water 一滴水

a 1oaf of bread 一條麪包 a bag of money 一袋錢

a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 a pair of shoes 一雙鞋





Mary Smith;George Washington。


How’s John getting on? 約翰近來好嗎?


Would you please tell John Smith to come to the office? 請你告訴約翰?史密斯到辦公室來一次好嗎?


The Turners have gone to America.特納一家人去美國了。



Asia;America;China; London;Shanghai


Silver Lake;Mount Tai



the Pacific;the English Channel;the Sahara


(1)節日名前通常不用冠詞。例如: Christmas;National Day

(2)星期名前通常不用冠詞。例如: Sunday;Tuesday

(3)月份名前通常不用冠詞。例如: April;December



Children’s Palace 少年宮

Tom’s bike 湯姆的自行車

the title of the book 書名

the legs of the table 桌子的腿



the girl’s father 女孩的父親


two hours’ walk 兩個小時的步行


the children’s holiday 孩子們的節日


Thomas’s brother 托馬斯的兄弟

Charles’s job 查爾斯的工作


John’s and Mary’s rooms 約翰和瑪麗各人的房間


John and Mary’s room 約翰和瑪麗合住的房間




today’s newspaper 今天的報紙


the moon’s rays 月光


Shanghai’s industry 上海的工業


twenty dollars’ value 20美元的價值

five miles’ distance 5英里的距離




John’s pen(John has a pen)約翰的鋼筆

不可說:a pen of John


Mary’s hands(Mary has two hands)瑪麗的手

可以說:the hands of Mary


the doctor’s advice(The doctor advised)醫生的建議

his mother’s request(His mother requested)他母親的請求


Tom’s failure 湯姆的失敗

children’s education 年輕一代的教育


the city of Rome羅馬城

the city of Pairs巴黎城



a.Maths is the language of science.

b.No news is good news.

c.The Chinese people are a great people.

(2)在“there be”的句子中,謂語動詞的數應和它最近的主語的數相一致.例如:

a.There are two pictures on the wall.

b.There is a cat and two dogs in the garden.

(3) 不規則名詞的複數形式

①改變單數名詞中的元音字母或其他形式。如:man men,woman women,tooth teeth,foot feet,mouse mice,child children等。



注意:Englishman Englishmen,Frenchman Frenchmen.



⑤由man或woman作爲第一部分的複數名詞,兩個組成部分皆變爲複數形式。如:man driver men drivers,woman doctor women doctors等。5

注意:banana tree banana trees


① 有些表示由兩部分構成的東西和部分學科的名詞總以複數的形式出現。如:glasses(眼鏡),shorts(短褲),mathematics(數學),physics(物理學),politics(政治學)等。


③有些名詞在習慣用語中一定要用複數形式。如:make friends with(與……交朋友),shake hands with(與……握手)等。


例1 There are in this river.

A. a great deal of fish B. a great number of fish

C. a great amount of fish D. huge amounts of fish

答案: B

提示: 根據題意應填入許多魚,而fish是單複數同形的可數名詞,如果要表示各種各樣的魚可以用fishes表示。Fish解釋爲魚肉是不可數名詞。本句表示河裏有許多魚,只有a great number of修飾可數名詞。

例2 He has done many

A. work B. job

C. works D. jobs

答案: D

提示: job是可數名詞,在many後應填複數名詞。work作爲“工作”是一個不可數名詞。

例3 father is a doctor.

A. The twin’s B. The twins’

C. The twin D. Twin’s

答案: B

提示: 名詞複數的所有格形式只需在詞尾加“’”,不能再加“-s’”。

例4 I take violin from Mr. Wang at school everyday.

A. lesson B. lessons

C. class D. course

答案: B

提示: 在英語中有些名詞常以複數形式出現,Lessons表示課程。

例5 There on the wall, they are very nice.

A. are photos B. are photoes

C. is a photo D. is photo

答案: A

提示: photo的複數形式是加-s。

例6 The police searching for a tall man with long hair.

A. is B. has been

C. had been D. are

答案: D


1. We went to Dr. Brown's yesterday. He gave us_____.

advice ces advice advices

2. What _____ they've got! No wonder they are very happy.

A.a good news e a few news news le news

3. Much _____ to fight against pollution.

been done been done been done done

4. What _____! Let's go swimming.

A.a fine weather day C.a fine day weather

5. You have made ______. You should be more careful.

A.a lot of mistake B.a great deal of mistakes C.a large number of mistakes mistakes

6. Before we moved into the new house, we bought many _____

A. furnitures B. furniture C. pieces of furniture D. pieces of furnitures

7. The bookshelf over there is_________.

’s and Jane’s ’s and Jane and Jane’s D. Mary and Jane

8. We saw the guest off at ______ yesterday..

A. The Shanghai’s Railway Station. B. The Shanghai Railway Station.

C. Shanghai Railway Station. D. The Railway Station of Beijing Railway

9. They had a good time at the _____ Palace.

dren dren’s dren drens’

10. Xiao Li was ____ in my boyhood.

A. my close friend B. mine a close friend C. a close friend of mine D. a close friend of me

11. These are ____ from other presses. They are having a meeting in one of the ___ office.

A. editor- in-chiefs, editor’s-in-chief ors –in –chief , editors-in-chief’s

C. editors –in-chief’s, editor’s –in-chief’s or-in-chief’s , editors –in-chief

12. There are five ____ in our class.

A. Zhang’s B. Zhangs’ C. Zhangs D. The Zhangs

13. How far is your school ?

A. twenty - five minutes walk B. the walk of twenty-five minutes

C. twenty-five minutes walks D. twenty-five minutes’ walk

14. ---What’s the distance from here to the station? - ---It’s __________from here.

A. two kilometre distance B. two kilometres’ distance

C. distance of two kilometers D. distance of two kilometres’

15. We’re going to have __________next month.

A. two day’ holiday B. two day holiday C. two days holiday D. two days’ holiday

16. Who’s a cousin?

A. Uncle or aunt’s son B. Uncle or aunt’s daughter

C. Uncle or aunt’s child D. Uncle or aunt’s brother or sister

17. She always wears beautiful _____.

hes h s hings

you have a little ______?

fishes fish fishes es

19. There _____ in my class. Which of them do you want to see?

John three Johns the John's the John

20. Twenty dollors ____ what he needs


United Nations ____ a resolution

A. has past B. has passed C. have passed D. has through

22. The Arabian Nights ____ a very interesting storybook

A. is B. are C. has been D. had been

23. The New York Times ____ a wide circulation

A. is B. has C. are D. have

24. Mathematics_____ a very important subject.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

25. His mathematics ____ weak

A. is B. seems C. was D. are

26. An iron works _____ now.

A. is being built B. are being built C. has built D. had been built

27. Every means _____ tried to improve teaching and learning

A. has B. has been C. have D. were

28. The police _____ searching for a tall dark man with long hair.

A. is B. has been C. are D. had been

29. One of his fingers was wounded. What about _____.

A. the other B. another C. others D. the others

30. There’s an English book in _____ of his hands, and he also has a dictionary in his _____ hand.

A. one, other B. one, another C. one, the other D. another, second


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.C11.B 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.B