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語法 | 不定冠詞的用法簡述

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語法 | 不定冠詞的用法簡述


1、 a / an 用在單數可數名詞前面,表示這個人或事物是泛指的不確定的一個,相當於中文的“一個”。通常在第一次提到某人或某物時用a / an

I gave him a book yesterday.   I am reading an interesting story.

I have got a ticket.           There is a tree in front of my house.

用在不可數名詞前面意義上也有變化如wood 木頭, a  wood 一片樹林power威力, a power大國 / beauty 美麗, a beauty美人, a strong wind 一陣強風

2、a 用在讀音爲輔音開頭的名詞之前,  而 an 用在讀音爲元音開頭的名詞之前。例如: a university (雖然u 是元音字母,但不讀元音。)  an hour (雖然h 不是元音,但單詞讀音是元音開頭)


A horse is useful to mankind. 馬對人類有用。 

A bird can fly. 鳥會飛。 

A steel worker makes steel. 鍊鋼工人鍊鋼。 

4、用在事物的度量單位前,  如時間、 速度、 價格等, 表示 "每一個"。 

We often go to school two times a day.  

I went to the library once a week at least.   

5、用於某些特定的詞組。 例如:a few 幾個, a little 有點,等等。

 She has a few friends in this city. 

There is a little milk in the bottle. 

Only a few students are in the classroom.

當有such what many so how too quiet rather very修飾時

He left in such a hurry that he forgot to close the door.

What an interesting book it is!

Many a man has gone to big cities for work.

She was so nice a girl that she took the blind man to the station.

How nice a film this is!

Quite a good book

Rather a /a rather useful tool

A very interesting story.

