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語法 | 將來進行時與一般將來時的用法區別

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語法 | 將來進行時與一般將來時的用法區別



(1) 將來進行時表示將來某一時刻或某一段時間裏正在進行的動作;而一般將來時表示將來某時將要發生的動作。如:

She won’t be having a meeting in her office at 8:00 tomorrow. 明天8點她不在辦公室開會。

What will you do at five tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午五點你將幹什麼?

(2) 將來進行時常用來表示說話人設想已經安排好的事;而一般將來時表示臨時決定。如:

We will be taking our holiday at the seaside in July. 七月份我們要去海邊度假

-Did you tell Julia about the result? 你告訴朱莉婭結果了嗎?

-Oh, no. I will call her now. 噢,沒有。我現在就告訴她。

(3) 將來進行時不表示個人意願。如:

They will be meeting us at the station. 他們會在車站接我們的。

(4) 將來進行時比一般將來時在語氣上要委婉客氣。如:

When will you finish these letters? 你什麼時候會處理完這些信件?

When shall I be expecting you this evening? 今天晚上我幾點等你?




1. Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because ______ then.

A. he must have a class            B. he will be teaching a class

C. he teaches a class               D. he will have been teaching a class

2. I won’t be able to watch the concert on TV tonight because I      homework at that time.

A. shall have done      B. shall be doing      C. shall do        D. have been doing

3. I _______ my boss at three this afternoon.

A. shall be picking up                  B. shall be picked

C. shall have been picking up            D. shall have picked

4. ----Could you give these books to Mr. Black?

  ----Absolutely, _______him at five o’clock this afternoon.

A.I will have a talk           B. I have a talk with

C.I can have a talk with        D.I will be having a talk with

5. I’m afraid I won’t be available then. I _____ a friend off at three this afternoon.

A. see        B. am seeing       C. will see          D. will be seeing

