
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語語法 > 英語將來完成時測試練習題2(含答案)


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11. “Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?” “No, they _____ to Dallas.”
A. are just moved B. have just moved C. had just moved D. will just move


12. I haven't heard from Maria_____.
A. since a long time    B. for many months ago
C. for many months    D. since many months before

13. His grandfather ______ for thirty years.
A. died B. was dead C. has been dead D. has died

14. Its (high) time you _____ a holiday.
A. had B. have C. will have D. have had

15. By the time Juan gets home, his aunt _____ for Puerto Rico.
A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left

16. All the machines ____ by the end of the following week.
A. were repaired       B. will be repaired
C. have been repaired      D will have been repaired

17. The conference _____ a full week by the time it ends.
A. must have lasted B. will have lasted C. would last D. has lasted

  【答案解析】11. B 現在完成時態。說話的時候,他已搬走。12. C 我已經好幾個月沒有 Maria 的消息了。現在完成時態, for 引導一個時間狀語。13. C 現在完成時態。他的祖父已經去世三十年了。這裏死亡表示一種狀態,而不能理解爲一種動作,因爲死亡是一個短暫性動詞,它不可能持續三十年。所以用 has been dead 。14. A It's(high)time (是 …… 什麼的時候了)的特殊用法,要用完成時態。 Have 在句中是擁有的意思。15.C 將來完成時態。 Leave for 離開一個地方到另一個地方去, By the time  信號詞。16.D 將來完成時態。 by the end of  到 …… 時間爲止,在此句中引導的時間狀語從句爲將來時間,所以是用將來時。答案 B , D 選取哪個?機器( machines )是被修的,所以用被動語態。顯然, D 爲正確答案。17. B 譯文:會議從開始到結束,將持續整整一個星期。本句是將來完成時的用法。到將來某時(會議結束)之前業已完成的動作(last) ,所以用將來完成時。