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《老友記》幕後的10件軼事 (8)喬伊和錢德勒的性格特徵

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Matt Leblanc and Matthew Perry had their own crazy suggests


Matt Leblanc and Matthew Perry had their own crazy suggests


Joey and Chandler were best friends for the series’ entirety, and roommates for several seasons. Their dynamic was complimented by their differences in personality—Joey was able to be suave with the ladies but arguably dim-witted at times, while Chandler was sharp and clever, but also admittedly awkward around women.


《老友記》幕後的10件軼事 (8)喬伊和錢德勒的性格特徵

These traits weren’t based solely on the imaginations of the creators, but actually suggestions from Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc. In fact, Matthew Perry wanted to weave awkwardness into the character of Chandler Bing because he himself felt awkward around women. Aww!


That awkwardness may have dissipated following Friends’ success, as Perry went on to date some Hollywood A-listers, including Julia Roberts!

伴隨着《老友記》的成功,馬修這種緊張情緒逐漸消失,之後他還跟很多好萊塢一線女星發展過戀情,其中就有茱莉亞·羅伯茨(Julia Roberts)。