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Donald Trump suggested on Sunday that the US could pull out of the World Trade Organisation and said that the EU had been created largely to compete against the US in international trade.

上週日,唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)暗示,美國可以退出世界貿易組織(WTO)。他還表示,歐盟(EU)的建立在很大程度上是爲了與美國在國際貿易中競爭。

In an interview with NBC, the Republican presidential candidate said that the US might withdraw from the WTO if his plans to use tariffs to bring factories back from Mexico were challenged.


Mr Trump has made trade a central part of his populist economic message and has in the past threatened to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement and levy tariffs on Chinese goods. His comments on WTO appeared to take his anti-free trade rhetoric up a further notch.

特朗普已將貿易當作其民粹主義經濟理念的核心內容之一,他以前曾威脅要讓美國退出《北美自由貿易協定》(North American Free Trade Agreement)、並對中國商品徵收高額關稅。此番關於WTO的言論,似乎進一步擡高了其反自由貿易的調門。

Mr Trump said he would consider imposing a tax of 15-35 per cent on US companies that had moved manufacturing to Mexico. Asked if such a policy would not contravene WTO rules, he replied: “It doesn’t matter. Then we’re going to renegotiate or we’re going to pull out. These trade deals are a disaster, the World Trade Organisation is a disaster.”


Remarking that he was “the only one of all of these people at the higher level of the wonderful world of politics” who predicted a British vote for Brexit, Mr Trump said he was not worried about the risk of the EU fracturing.


“Don’t forget, Europe got together, why, primarily did they get together? So that they could beat the United States when it comes to making money, in other words, foreign trade,” he said.


“Hey, I love Europe, I have property in Europe. I’m just saying, the reason that it got together was like a consortium so that it could compete with the United States.”
