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分析 未來A股在全球指數中的權重

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China is one of the world’s largest economies and its equity market, combining listings in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, is second only in value to the US. Yet the country remains notably absent from global indices.


分析 未來A股在全球指數中的權重

China makes up only about three per cent of the MSCI AC World Index, for example, desPite having the world’s second-largest economy. “China is the last great frontier. It is an incredibly large, diverse market and it will be important and impactful when it begins to be added to global benchmarks,” says Mat Lystra, director of international indexes methodology at Russell Indexes.

例如,儘管中國已是世界第二大經濟體,但它在摩根士丹利資本國際所有國家世界指數(MSCI AC World Index)中的權重僅爲約3%。“中國是最後一塊有待開墾的荒原。它是一個極其龐大、多元化的市場,當它開始被納入全球基準時,它的重要性和影響力將突顯出來,”羅素指數(Russell Indexes)國際指數方法學總監馬特•利斯特拉(Mat Lystra)說。

But a greater presence for China in indices is far from simple. This year, both FTSE and MSCI ruled out including A-shares, stocks incorporated in mainland China and denominated in renminbi.


Although the A-shares market is both “large and important”, investors have big concerns about its potential inclusion, says Chin-Ping Chia, head of Asia-Pacific research at MSCI.

MSCI亞太區研究主管謝徵儐(Chin-Ping Chia)說,儘管A股市場“既大又重要”,但投資者十分擔心其潛在的包容性。

Chief among these is access to Chinese securities. Hong Kong offers a way in to offshore stocks, but foreign firms currently have to invest in A-shares and Chinese corporate bonds through quota-based systems known as QFII and RQFII.


The number of QFII and RQFII licences granted to foreign investors has risen sharply in recent years, jumping by 33 per cent in the year to February 2014 alone, according to FTSE. However, fund firms applying for licences still face tough restrictions, including a minimum level of assets under management.


The current restrictions and the quota-based system mean many asset managers are unable to access the market, says Mr Chia. “The quota is restricted. Some investors are not allocated quotas or do not get sufficient quotas, so they do not have a meaningful exposure,” he says.


“If you were to put a significant portion of A-shares into the index, the asset manager would not be able to replicate the position in many cases.”


Eddie Pong, director of research analysis at FTSE, says: “If you cannot access [the Chinese market], it doesn’t matter how big it is.”

富時研究分析總監Eddie Pong表示:“如果你無法進入(中國市場),那它再大都跟你沒關係。”

As well as obstacles such as these, Mr Chia says MSCI has concerns around capital mobility rules, including a requirement to invest within six months of being granted a quota.


The new Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect programme, which allows investors to buy some A-shares via Hong Kong, will address some of the access issues. However, Mr Chia says the scheme is “not perfect”, especially as investors will still not be able to acquire stocks on the Shenzhen exchange.


Index providers also bemoan the settlement process in China, which currently differs from conventional standards, and the lack of clarity around capital gains tax.


Yet, despite the difficulties, the day when Chinese stocks appear on global indices is edging closer, says Mr Chia. “It is only a matter of time before China A-shares are included.”


Mr Pong agrees: “The timeframe we are talking about is probably five years.”

Eddie Pong贊同謝徵儐的觀點,稱:“大概需要5年時間。”

With this in mind, index providers are now grappling with the weighting they should give to Chinese securities in benchmarks.


Shan Lan, head of global equity index change and ETF research at Deutsche Bank, says: “It will be very difficult if not completely impossible for fund managers to replicate the indices, given the constraints that currently exist in accessing China’s domestic equity markets. However, we support the idea of an inclusion starting with a small weight.”

德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)全球股指變化和交易所交易基金(ETF)研究主管Shan Lan說:“考慮到中國國內股市目前存在的准入限制,基金管理公司要複製指數是非常困難、乃至完全沒可能的。但我們贊同在納入時先賦予較小的權重。”

This is already happening on the fixed income side, says Sui Chung, managing director of Euromoney Indices. The HSBC Asian Local Bond Index, for example, includes onshore RMB dominated bonds, but not at the Chinese market’s full weighing.

Euromoney Indices董事總經理Sui Chung表示,固定收益領域已經在這樣做了。例如,匯豐亞洲本地債券指數(HSBC Asian Local Bond Index)納入了在岸人民幣債券,但其權重只相當於中國市場應有權重的一部分。

Mr Chung says: “From an index construction point of view, you want the index to represent as accurately as possible any given market.”

Sui Chung說:“從構建指數的角度看,你會希望該指數儘可能準確地代表任何給定的市場。”

This means that for China’s very large market to be represented accurately, “you should include lots of Chinese bonds. But to balance that, you have to have an eye on accessibility. Yes, it is very large, but can investors actually access it?”


On the equities side, Mr Lystra at Russell Indexes says providers are likely to start off with China A-shares accounting for about 10 per cent of an index, with this rising gradually. Earlier this year, FTSE launched its global RQFII and QFII index series.


Other index providers are likely to offer similar products, as well as providing customised benchmarks for asset managers that already have access to the A-shares market.


These benchmarks will help investors to prepare for the future possible inclusion of China in global indices, an event Mr Lystra says will be similar to including “another USA”.
