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以下是小編整理的哲理類英語美文欣賞:成功道路上的8塊絆腳石, 希望對你有啓發。


I recently received an e-mail from the motivational speaker and real estate investor PaulLeJoy. He's been wildly successful in real estate sales and has mentored and worked withdozens of entrepreneurs.


In his e-mail, LeJoy identified eight pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success. Histhoughts were so deep and insightful that I edited them and condensed them:


  1. Timidity


Every path to success begins with a great idea. There's only one problem: Great ideas are adime a dozen. What really matters when it comes to becoming a success is not having the ideabut having the courage to transform that idea into reality. This usually means a risk of losingthe security of a regular job and risking a steady paycheck. Only the brave ever overcomethis first of the pitfalls.


  2. Laziness


Even with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unlessyou're willing to take massive action. Write down your goals and (more important) the actionsteps you'll take to pursue those goals. Post your vision and plan in your bedroom, bathroom,office. Share it with others, so they'll hold you accountable for delivering on your plan. Makeyourself accountable and become the master of your destiny.


  3. Complacency


Without passion, even the most compelling vision will wither on the vine. Without passion,your energy and enthusiasm will flag when you encounter inevitable obstacles. Make yourpassion into an almost physical characteristic of your personality, an inexorable force thatkeeps you engaged every moment of every workday, bringing you one step closer to themeasure of success that you desire.


  4. Distraction


The modern world clamors for your attention in ever-louder ways, a deluge that can distractyou from your course. It takes self-discipline to persevere amidst the noise and haste, toassert your willpower over casual desires and instincts. Channel your emotions, behavior, anddesires toward obtaining the reward of success. Remember: Living a life of self-discipline is lesspainful in the long run than regretting "what might have been."


  5. Doubt


Once you've made a decision, doubt is a worm that eats away at your ability to succeed. Lifeand work can be hard and even cruel. Remember, the race is not for the swift but rather thosewho persevere. Rather than allowing doubt to seep in and poison your process, you owe it toyourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan. Adapt as needed along the way,butalways know that success will ultimately be yours.


  6. Disconnection


The old sayings "no man is an island" and "there'sstrength in numbers" may sound corny, but thatdoesn't make them any less true. Even with self-discipline, in the long run, you'll need contact withkindred spirits and mentors. Meeting regularly can bea great boost to your morale and provide newperspectives on your approach. The Internet makesit extraordinarily easy to find a coach, mentor, or mastermind group that can provide theemotional support, experience, and wisdom to help turn your vision into reality.

“沒有人是與世隔絕的孤島”和“人多力量大” 這兩句俗語可能聽起來毫無新意,但這絲毫不能影響到它的正確性。從長遠來看,即使有了自律,你還需要和親近的精神領袖和導師進行交流。常常和他們見面可以大大提升你的鬥志,併爲你的處理方法提供新的視角。互聯網使得我們非常容易就找到教練、導師或智囊團,爲我們提供情感支持、經驗和智慧,幫助我們把夢想變成現實。

  7. Dishonesty


As you begin to be successful, you'll be tempted to lie, exaggerate, and deceive in order tomove your agenda forward. However, taking the easy way of dishonesty has a tendency tosneak back up on you. In the end, it causes far more problems than taking the risk of telling thetruth. True success comes when you are a person of your word, when you have a pureconscience, and when you have not cheated others on your way to the top.


  8. Ingratitude


The final pitfall is by far the most dangerous, because it's so easy to miss. When your visionbecomes a reality, you arestill a failure if you cannot remember your humble beginnings orrecognize the contributions of those who helped you along the way. Remember: There is nosuch thing as a self-made billionaire. If you can't experience gratitude, you might as well havestayed exactly where you started.
