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It appears that only one thing has prevented women being declared better drivers than men – their modesty.

A study has found that women really are more proficient behind the wheel – they just lack the confidence to say it.

When put through their paces, women motorists comfortably beat men in a series of driving tests.

In the tests, men and women conformed to gender stereotypes – with men more likely to take risks, drive too close to the car in front, cut corners, go through lights on amber or talk at the wheel.


By contrast, women are more likely to be courteous and considerate, take care when approaching potential hazards, use their mirrors correctly and stop at lights when they turn amber.

The study by Privilege Insurance concluded: ‘After years of debate and banter comes the news that will have men running for cover. It is now official: women are actually better drivers than men.'
優惠保險(Privilege Insurance)根據調查總結道:“多年的爭論後得出的結論讓男性無地自容,因爲現在官方承認:與男司機相比,女司機是更好的司機。

The tests were supplemented by a driver-attitude poll of 1,383 motorists, which found that fewer than a third of women (28 per cent) believed they were better drivers than men. By contrast, only one in eight men (13 per cent) thought women were superior behind the wheel.


motorist 駕駛員
gender stereotype 性別角色定型
amber 黃色