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完善圖書館服務Improving the Service of Library

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Dear Librarian,
Thank you very much for offering me the chance to make suggestions to improve the service of library .I love our library which holds thousands of books and I want to give your some suggestions .
Due to the fact that there is no plant in our library, I hope that you can add some in it will be a great thing to read in a library filled with plants. In my spare time, I often go to the library and read some books I find students have to stand between the shelves for hours is a little tired for them to do so. It may be a good idea to add some chairs. Another suggestion is that school should reduce the students reading in the library. We are long for a quiet environment.
Thanks for reading this letter. I hope you would drop my suggestion.
Yours sincerely,

完善圖書館服務Improving the Service of Library



  • 1administrative regional division of the People's Republic of China是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 2appointment of officials by the Board of Civil Service in the Ming Dynasty是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 3人民幣納入SDR具有象徵意義 The renminbi receives a symbolic seal of approval
  • 4中國導演賈樟柯獲戛納電影節最佳劇本獎Chinese Director Jia Zhangke Won Best Screenplay Prize At The Cannes Film Festival
  • 5(joint venture shall have provided,)in a form acceptable to the bank,collateral security是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中
  • 6(give the enterprises varying degrees of) 〗powers to make decisions as they see fit是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 7普京下令俄軍撤出敘利亞 Putin orders Syria pullout saying forces have accomplished objective
  • 8bring the ordinary floods of the principal rivers under preliminary control是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 9追憶短暫的英國計算機創新 Nostalgia for the shortlived era of British computer innovation
  • 10calculation system of live fresh commodities by recording purchasing prices是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 11(sharing of the increase over the previous year's profit may) not be favorable to well managed
  • 12(enterprise made investment) whenever and wherever profitable (through expansion)是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 13雅思口語:Describeapieceofclothesthatisgivenbysomeone.別人送的衣服
  • 14(mobilizing all forces in a concerted drive of) overall administration of public security是什麼意思、英文翻譯及
  • 15中國樓市風險的誤解與真相 China property boom days are over but risks of crisis remain low
  • 推薦閱讀

  • 1bilateral agreement on the movement of currencies into and out of each others territory是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中
  • 2activists committee of prisoners undergoing reform through labor是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 3(in the very act of production) he was estranging himself from himself是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 4bigger in size and of a more developed socialist nature than the advanced cooperatives是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解
  • 5ability to overcome adversity through greater production是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 6(functionaries) promoted to a higher position may not be given a wage increase是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 7圖文閱讀:Foreign leaders, representatives mourn quake victi示例
  • 8圖書館服務承諾書
  • 9allowing enterprises to retain a percentage of those funds which they have saved by economizing是什麼意思
  • 10Adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights
  • 11Administrative Measures for Endorsement on Via of Ships Entering or Leaving Port是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
  • 12圖文閱讀:Foreign leaders, representatives mourn quake victi範例
  • 13圖書館服務宣傳週活動方案
  • 14arrangements for prevention of eavesdropping for intransmitters,receivers,complete sets是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文
  • 15ability to overcome adversity through greater production是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋大綱
  • 16圖文閱讀:Foreign leaders, representatives mourn quake victi大綱
  • 17酒店英語:抱怨服務Complaining about the Service
  • 18The Flight of Youth
  • 19allowing enterprises to retain a percentage of those funds which they have saved by economizing是什麼意思
  • 20apparatus for time interval fixed time intervals with driving mechanisms是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋