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香港迴歸15週年 The 15th Anniversary of HKSAR's Return to Motherland

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July 1 is the 15th anniversary of HKSAR's return to Motherland. Many celebrations were held to mark this special day, such as demonstrations, matches, lion performances and so on. President Hu visited to Hong Kong on June 29 and then attended various celebrating actiivities in Hong Kong. He visited to the general public and cared about their lives.  The Hong Kong citizens said that after return to motherland, they began to realize the concept of "Motherland" and great changes have had in Hong Kong. Besides, this special day also attracted many people from mainland to visited to Hong Kong. They said that they wanted see the changes happened in Hong Kong.

香港迴歸15週年 The 15th Anniversary of HKSAR's Return to Motherland



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