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Our environment is very important for our lives 。We need the fresh air,the clean water and so the past,there were many trees around us, the air was fresh and the river was now ,people cut down many treesand air pollouyion,water polloution is very environment around us becomes very  should protect our enviroment。First,we should plant many trees to keep nd,we can ride a bike or walk to the school and d,we shouldn't throw the dirty water into the lly,we can ask more people to join us.

Let's protect our environment!

我們的環境對我們的生活是很重要的 我們需要清新的空氣,清潔的水等等 在過去,我們的周圍有許多樹木,空氣是清新的,河流是乾淨的但是現在,人們砍伐了很多樹木,空氣污染和水污染也是很嚴重的。 我們四周的空氣變得很糟糕。我們應該保護我們的環境 。第一,爲了保持水份我們應該多種樹. 第二,我們要騎自行車或步行去上學或上班 。第三,我們不應該把垃圾扔進河裏.最後,我們要讓更多的人加入我們的行列.



One day, I walked a circle on the campus, found that junk is many, have the students off scraps, have the students eat drops ice cream bag, there are also some damage to the environment of plastic bags... Those caught my reflection.

Our every day life in nature, everything in a good life. The earth mother generously provides us with unlimited resources, let us have ample food and clothing, but also damage the earth mother.

Now due to human desert are pushing a large number of cut down a tree, nature will devour the whole earth heart broken the reluctant to look at the earth? Some plastic bags, difficult is called white pollution. Every thought, a small plastic bag has so much harm.

China since ancient times is the help of etiquette. Flourished in ancient Confucianism, but also with the "benevolence" and "the ritual" in the first place. Ancient ethics is countless, jung let pear is also the biggest to elders...

I call on: don't destroy our homeland again, everybody is responsible for protecting the environment, protect the environment starts from me, from now on.







There have been many environmental protection problems in recent years . One of the most serious problem is greenhouse gas emissions have caused climate change ,At the same time ,lots of trees have been used and our earth is becoming warmer and warmer . brings us illnesses and death.

Luckily ,,many countries have done a lot to stop environmental pollution。It's the most important in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion ,on the one hand ,through education we should make people realize that destroying the environment means destroying ourselves, the other hand ,we should try to do something to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

In a word must develop low-carbon economy......



