
首頁 > 英語作文 > 考研英語作文 > 那些你值得擁有的考研英語作文關鍵詞


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首先to begin with

第一,首先 first of all

首先 in the first place

總體上講 generally speaking


書呆子 bookworm

他們所學知識的實際運用the practical application of what they have learned

倡導素質教育 advocate quality-oriented education

本科生 undergraduate students

研究生 graduate students

學費 tuition fee

生活費 life expenses

宿舍 dormitory

員工/教師 staff/faculty

終身學習 life-long education

應試教育 exam-oriented education

實踐技能 practical skills (practice)

學習成績 academic performance

文科理科 liberal arts and science

招生錄取 recruitment and enrollment

僱主僱員 employer(s) and employee(s)

失業就業 unemployment and employment

職業培訓 vocational training

就業指導 career guidance

小學 primary/elementary school

中學 secondary/high school

大學 university

高等教育 higher/tertiary education

必須課 compulsory courses

選修課 optional courses/electives

圖書館 library

食堂 dining hall/canteen


環境保護 environmental/environment protection(wildlife protection)

環境污染 environmental pollution

可持續性發展 sustainable development

宜人的居住環境 pleasant living environment

保護自然資源 natural resource conservation(conserve water resource 保護水資源)

砍伐森林 deforestation

沙漠化 desertification

人口增長 population growth

瀕危物種 endangered species

自然災害 natural disasters

垃圾分類/循環 garbageclassification/recycling

低碳經濟 low carbon economy

全球變暖 global warming

環保產品 environment-friendly products


順境與逆境 favorable circumstances and adverse circumstances

勤奮 diligence/hard work/laboriousness

心態 state of mind/mindset

決心 determination

謹慎 prudence

熱情 enthusiasm

樂觀 optimism

求知 seeking knowledge/pursuit of knowledge

堅持 perseverance/persistence

獨立 independence

創新 creativity/innovation

鼓勵 encouragement

感恩 gratitude

志願者精神 volunteer spirit

自滿和謙遜 conceit/arrogance and modesty

勤儉 plain living / thrift

義務 obligation

社會責任 social responsibility

相信科學 belief in science

團結 cooperation/collaboration/teamwork

誠實守信 honesty / credibility

自尊、自信和自律 self-respect/self-esteem,self-confidence and self-discipline

人生觀/世界觀 outlook onlife/world outlook
