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即使偶尔得到了快乐,快乐的纯度好像也被稀释了很多。所以,今天我们来探讨个问题:怎样才能获得高纯度的快乐呢? 先来看下面这个故事。

In the 1960s and 1970s, Walter Mischel, then a psychologist and professor at Stanford University, conducted a series of experiments in children.

二十世纪六、七十年代,斯坦福大学的心理学家、教授瓦尔特•米歇尔(Walter Mischel)在儿童之中进行过一系列实验。


In the experiment, Mischel and his colleagues wanted to see if preschool children (around four-years-old) had developed the mental capacity to resist the temptation of a small reward to earn a larger reward later.


They presented each of the 653 subjects with a choice: ring a bell and get one marshmallow immediately or wait fifteen minutes and earn two.


While a minority of them instantly opted for a single marshmallow, most children attempted to hold on, for varying times, to get their reward. In the end, only about thirty percent were able to delay gratification for the full fifteen minute period earning their second marshmallow.


Following these initial experiments, Mischel grew curious about the subsequent development of these children. Would their differences in willpower persist into adolescence and adulthood? And if so, what effect would these differences have on their lives?


A decade later, Mischel and his colleagues (2010) began to follow up with the original subjects. They found that the subjects’ performance as four-year-olds did indeed have powerful implications on their general livelihoods.


The four-year-olds who could delay gratification longer went on to receive significantly higher SAT scores. They also developed better social cognitive and emotional coping skills.


Today, the study participants are in their 40s and 50s, and recent research indicates that the children who were better at delaying gratification back in the day continue to enjoy numerous advantages. 


They excel in education, have a greater sense of self-worth, manage their stress better, and are less prone to drug abuse.


The research has given us substantial evidence about how an individual’s ability to delay gratification plays a significant and intricate role in shaping their health, well-being, and success.


这就是著名的斯坦福棉花糖实验,研究了一个心理学上常见但又没有深入研究过的现象——延迟满足感(delay of gratification),其实这个实验很好地说明到底高纯度的快乐该如何获得。 当然,现在流行这样一种说法:活在当下。似乎李白的“今朝有酒今朝醉”才能带来真正的快乐。我们现代人习惯了时效性和便捷,似乎一切能立刻兑换掉的东西,没有必要拖到下一刻,快乐也是一样。如果5分钟后能够享受快乐,我们不会耐着性子拖到第6分钟去兑现。 也许就像剧作家王尔德所说:“人生有两种悲剧,一是得不到你想要的东西,一是得到了你想要的东西。” 我们之所以没有办法享受高纯度快乐,就在于快乐太唾手可得,付出的努力不足以与快乐相称。即使得到也不会有珍惜和满足感。 但延迟满足感却能让快乐像葡萄酒愈久弥香。所谓成功者,不过是将眼界放在未来,而非贪恋一城一地,一时一刻的快感。他们有足够韧劲和耐力,让他们熬过那些灰暗无边的日子,在未来某个时刻see the light at the end of tunnel,而后厚积薄发。 延迟满足感和大器晚成同样需要耐力、执着和取舍和一种仪式感。一顿大餐,如果你只是在饿了时候去品尝,绝对会觉得寡淡无味。但如果是加完班,做好了一天的工作,带着一份充实和犒赏的感觉去享用,那种仪式感会让快乐增值,这顿大餐会让你的味蕾彻底绽放。 所以,各位亲爱的看官,如果你只是想吃巧克力而吃了一颗,那是不会快乐的。如果你口袋里有巧克力,那么把它冰镇起来,当你付出的努力、辛苦足以与巧克力的快乐相配时,再去品尝吧,那时候的巧克力绝对会唇齿留香!