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经典科幻文学:《 基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第12章8

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‘Enjoy Breathe-o-Smart!’

经典科幻文学:《 基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第12章8


‘OK, so what if the Breathe-o-Smart breaks down or goes wrong or something?’


‘Ah! One of the smartest features of the Breathe-o-Smart is that it cannot possibly go wrong. So. No worries on that score. Enjoy your breathing now, and have a nice day.’


(It was, of course, as a result of the Great Ventilation and Telephone Riots of SrDt 3454, that all mechanical or electrical or quantum-mechanical or hydraulic or even wind, steam or piston-driven devices, are now required to have a certain legend emblazoned on them somewhere. It doesn’t matter how small the object is, the designers of the object have got to find a way of squeezing the legend in somewhere, because it is their attention which is being drawn to it rather than necessarily that of the user’s.

(很显然,正是由于SrDt 3454通风与电话大暴动,我们现在才有了这项法令,要求无论机械的电子的量子力学的或者水利的甚至风力的,蒸汽的,活塞驱动的设备,全部都要找个地方刻上一篇文字。无论那东西多小,设计者都得想办法把这篇文字挤进去,因为反正它要提醒的与其说是顾客不如说是设计者自己。

The legend is this:


‘The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.’)


Major heat waves started to coincide, with almost magical precision, with major failures of the Breathe-o-Smart systems. To begin with this merely caused simmering resentment and only a few deaths from asphyxiation.


The real horror erupted on the day that three events happened simultaneously. The first event was that Breathe-o-Smart Inc. issued a statement to the effect that best results were achieved by using their systems in temperate climates.


The second event was the breakdown of a Breathe-o-Smart system on a particularly hot and humid day with the resulting evacuation of many hundreds of office staff into the street where they met the third event, which was a rampaging mob of long-distance telephone operators who had got so twisted with having to say, all day and every day, ‘Thank you for using BS&S’ to every single idiot who picked up a phone that they had finally taken to the streets with trash cans, megaphones and rifles.


In the ensuing days of carnage every single window in the city, rocket-proof or not, was smashed, usually to accompanying cries of ‘Get off the line, asshole! I don’t care what number you want, what extension you’re calling from. Go and stick a firework up your bottom! Yeeehaah! Hoo Hoo Hoo! Velooooom! Squawk!’ and a variety of other animal noises that they didn’t get a chance to practise in the normal line of their work.


As a result of this, all telephone operators were granted a constitutional right to say ‘Use BS&S and die!’ at least once an hour when answering the phone and all office buildings were required to have windows that opened, even if only a little bit.
