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都市青年可以用10 個方法提高運動積極性

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都市青年可以用10 個方法提高運動積極性

Hate to work out? These simple strategies will get you up and going for good.

Debbe Geiger could summarize her feelings about exercise in two words. “It stinks,” she'd say.
But then her thinking changed when -- after much urging from friends who wanted her to play with them -- she joined a volleyball team. Now, she’s at the gym with a convert’s fervor on game nights because she doesn’t want to let her teammates down. “There have been lots of reasons I could have missed, and I haven’t,” says Geiger of Cary, N.C.
Debbe Geiger用兩個詞總結了她鍛鍊的感覺,“真惡”。但在那些想和她一起鍛鍊的朋友不斷的敦促下,她的想法改變了。後來她加入排球隊。現在,她以改天換面的熱情參與健身房的排球之夜,因為她不想讓她的隊友失望。這個來自北卡羅來納州卡里的姑娘Geiger説, “我有很多的理由去放棄,但我沒有。”

Her experience illustrates what exercise experts have known for years: To stick with an exercise routine, you need a reason to carry on when that little voice inside says, "Sit on the couch. Have a doughnut."

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And just knowing that exercise is good for you doesn't seem to be enough to get you moving.
Carla Sottovia, assistant director of fitness at the Cooper Fitness Institute in Dallas, says, “You may have had a bad experience in school, or maybe you’re afraid you’ll hurt yourself. Maybe you’re even afraid to sweat.”
而且只是知道訓練對你有好處還貌似不足以讓你動起來。來自達拉斯Cooper Fitness Institute的健身助教Carla Sottovia説,“也許你在學校裏有過難堪的經歷,或者你怕會傷了自己。亦或是你甚至不敢流汗。”

Intimidation is a factor also, experts say. When you're out of shape, it takes courage to don workout duds and head for the gym. If any of this sounds familiar, don't give up hope.
Here are fitness inspiration tips from fitness experts and exercise converts that are guaranteed to help you learn how to love moving.

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1. Be Realistic
1、 現實點
First-time exercisers often set unrealistic goals that are too ambitious for beginners. Gerald Endress, fitness director of the Duke Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, N.C. says, “They want to go for maximal goals, but they tend to get overwhelmed.”
首次鍛鍊的人經常為自己設一些初學者不切實際的目標。來自北卡羅來納州達勒姆的Duke Diet and Fitness的健身教練Gerald Endress説,“有人要實現最大的目標,但最終都不堪重負。”
So don’t start off trying to work out an hour every day. Instead, set more reasonable, achievable goals, like exercising 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a week.

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2. Keep Track of Your Progress
Remember to chart your progress, whether it's with a high-tech online tracker or an old-school fitness journal. Seeing incremental improvements, whether it's improved time, increased reps, or greater frequency of workouts, can boost your exercise motivation.

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3. Don't Expect Perfection
Another pitfall is all-or-nothing thinking, a perfectionist way of looking at life that leads to giving up when you miss a day or two or your workout doesn’t go well. Endress says if you accept that there will be some sidesteps on your fitness journey, you’ll be better prepared mentally to deal with setbacks.
Expect that you'll get sick from time to time, and be psychologically prepared to miss a few days of exercise when that happens. Don’t let it be an excuse for giving up. "From then on, many people say, ‘I can’t exercise,'" Endress says. "But there’s always a way to exercise."
另外一個陷阱是要麼全有或全無的想法。當一兩天沒有鍛鍊或者户外運動做不好的時候,那些對生活持完美主義方式的人終將半途而廢。Endress説,如果你接受自己的健身日程裏存在一些空檔,你最好準備克服心理上的挫折。期望越大則失望越大,為以防萬一心理上先做好幾天沒鍛鍊的準備。但不要讓它成為放棄的藉口。“從那個時候開始,很多人會説,‘我不能鍛鍊啦’,” Endress表示,“但事實上總有鍛鍊的方法的。”
To keep injuries from sidelining you, do your best to prevent them by warming up, cooling down, stretching properly, and not doing too much too soon.

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4. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
We’ve all seen those toned, fatless specimens who strut through the gym in their Barbie-sized shorts and sports ’t compare yourself to them, Endress says. Forget about them. Forgive them. But do not let them deter you from your goal.

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5. Get Support
Enlist the help of your spouse, girlfriends, boyfriends, buddies -- anyone who will encourage you to stay on track.
"The person should be in support, but not say, 'Why can’t you? It’s so easy,'" says Sottovia. If helpful reassurance turns into criticism, gently remind your pal that you don’t need nagging.
If you need additional help, hire a trainer, she advises.
尋求來自你的配偶,女友,男友或者好朋友等任何能鼓勵你堅持下去的人的幫助。Sottovia 説,“那個人應該支持你,而不是説,‘這麼簡單你為什麼辦不到?’”如果勸慰變成的苛責,那就稍微提醒你的同伴少嘮叨一點。她建議,如果你需要額外的幫助,可以僱一個教練。

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6. Find the Fun In It
Sottovia and Endress both say it’s essential to find an activity you like. With an explosion in the number and types of fitness classes at most gyms, it has become easier to find something to appeal to you, from aerobics to Zumba.
If you're not the gym type, walk around your neighborhood or try activities around the house, such as walking up and down stairs or dancing with the stars in your living room. If you're motivated by being social, follow Geiger's lead and join a team.

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7. Break It Up
You can make it easier on yourself by splitting your exercise session into two or three sessions, says Endress. Research supports the idea that this can be as beneficial as one long workout, he says.
So, for example, if you don’t feel like exercising for an hour on any given day, do three sessions of 20 minutes each.

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8. Make It Convenient
Do whatever you can to remove obstacles to exercise, and make it as convenient as possible, says Sottovia. If you are time-pressed, for example, don't spend 30 minutes driving to a gym. Try exercising at home to fitness DVDs instead. If you're too tired to work out at the end of the day, set your alarm a little earlier and exercise in the morning.

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9. Forget the Past
Don't let previous bad experiences with exercise hinder you, Sottovia says.
So maybe you weren’t the most athletic kid in high school and were the last chosen for class games. That was years ago. Your goal now is not to win a letter jacket or make the cheerleading squad -- you want to exercise to stay healthy and enjoy your life.

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10. Reward Yourself
Treat yourself for making the effort to exercise -- not with food, but with something that you enjoy, like a movie or flowers, says Endress
Try to think of indulgences that will reinforce a mind-body connection so you can savor the rewards of your hard work. Plan a short trip, or just an hour in a botanical garden. Go to a ball game. And remind yourself with each precious moment that you are enjoying this time because of all the great things you have been doing for yourself.