
首頁 > 商務英語 > 常用商務英語口語 > 必背英文面試口語 第43期:你為什麼對這份工作感興趣? Why are you interested in this job?

必背英文面試口語 第43期:你為什麼對這份工作感興趣? Why are you interested in this job?

推薦人: 來源: 閲讀: 3.07W 次

Why are you interested in this job?

必背英文面試口語 第43期:你為什麼對這份工作感興趣? Why are you interested in this job?


This is exactly what I want to do.


As you can see in my resume,I possess all the skills required and I'm well-qualified for it.


It seems like a perfect fit.


My career goal is to become a CFO and this job would allow me to develop my potential to reach the goal.


a perfect fit 完全合適


Why did you choose to apply to our company?


Why did you apply to our organization?


Why do you want this job?




  • 1必背英文面試口語 第79期:你的下屬對你的評價如何? What do your subordinates think of you?
  • 2必背英文面試口語 第22期:你認為自己的選擇正確嗎? Do you feel you made the right choice?
  • 3必背英文面試口語 第45期:我們為什麼僱用你?Why should we hire you?
  • 4必背英文面試口語 第60期:你如何對待批評? How do you handle criticism?
  • 5必背英文面試口語 第14期:你與其他人相處融洽嗎? How do you get along with other people?
  • 6必背英文面試口語 第68期:你找工作找了多久了? How long have you been looking for another job?
  • 7必背英文面試口語 第44期:你能為本公司作出什麼貢獻? What can you offer us?
  • 8必背英文面試口語 第62期:什麼事會使你困擾? What are some of the things that bother you?
  • 9必背英文面試口語 第90期:你期望的薪資是多少? What are your salary expectations?
  • 10必背英文面試口語 第57期:你如何看待加班? How do you feel about working overtime?
  • 11必背英文面試口語 第29期:你有實際工作經驗嗎? Do you have any actual work experience?
  • 12美語情景對話 第1330期:Are you interested in space travel? 你對太空旅行感興趣嗎?
  • 13必背英文面試口語 第31期:你有計劃繼續深造嗎? Do you have any plans for further education?
  • 14必背英文面試口語 第36期:你能在壓力下工作嗎? Can you work under pressure?
  • 15必背英文面試口語 第92期:你為什麼不在這個年紀多賺一點? Why aren't you earning more at your age?
  • 推薦閲讀

  • 1必背英文面試口語 第24期:你在校時成績如何? How do you do in school?
  • 2必背英文面試口語 第91期:你目前的薪資是多少? What is your current salary?
  • 3必背英文面試口語 第11期:是什麼激勵着你工作? What motivates you?
  • 4美語情景對話 第1285期:What is being threatened in your country? 在你的國傢什麼正在遭受威脅?
  • 5英語勵志文章:Why are you poor?
  • 6必背英文面試口語 第18期:你如何衡量自己的成功? How do you measure your own success?
  • 7英語作文Why Are Bicycles So Commonly Used in China
  • 8必背英文面試口語 第15期:你喜歡與人接觸的工作嗎? Do you like to work with people? 必備|英文|面試|問題|答疑解惑
  • 9The english we speak(BBC教學)第342期:A busman's holiday 照常工作的節假日
  • 10美語情景對話 第1206期:What are the best weather spots in your country? 你祖國擁有最好天氣的地方是哪裏?
  • 11必背英語面試口語:你為什麼對本公司感興趣
  • 12必背英文面試口語 第16期:你認為自己是天生的領導者嗎? Do you consider yourself a natural leader?
  • 13You are the best in my heart250字
  • 14第334課:What is the worst job you could imagine?
  • 15美語情景對話 第1300期:What is the worst job you have had? 你做過的最糟糕的工作是什麼?
  • 16必背英文面試口語 第42期:我們可以和你現在的僱主聯繫嗎? May we contact your present employer?
  • 17美語情景對話 第1305期:Do you think animals should be held in captivity? 你認為動物應該圈養嗎?
  • 18面試英語口語:你為什麼對這份工作感興趣
  • 19必背英文面試口語 第64期:你是一個什麼樣的管理者? What sort of manager are you?
  • 20美語情景對話 第1333期:When did you get your first phone? 你什麼時候有的第一部手機?