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咱們先來看以下一個比方,選用的標題為2016年4月23日:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: playing sports teaches people lessons about life.一拿到這道題,許多同學會想當然地把標題當作“playing sports的好處”並用全能理由法給出了三個理由:削減壓力(alleviate pressure)、保持健康的身體狀況(maintain healthy physical condition)以及拓展人際圈(extend your scope of relationship)。可是從頭看標題,才會發現key words限定於“體育是不是能夠教會大家日子中的道理”,之前的全能理由也都用不上了。這種狀況怎麼辦呢?本來,在碰到思路有侷限的標題時,拆分法是取勝的不二法門,咱們能夠挑選讓標題裏的key words具體化。比方,這道題傍邊,出現了一個關鍵字叫做 “sports”,運用拆分法咱們能夠先把sports拆成各種運動品種football、long-distance running、badminton,再給出相應的理由——football (realize the importance of cooperating)/ long-distance running(persistence is required in achieving success)/ badminton (find out thesignificance of conducting flexible strategies),最終在依據分觀點進行別離的打開和證明,文章就得以成型。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is not necessary.這道題傍邊,不管選前者仍是後者,都能夠用拆分法解題。比方,咱們挑選的thesis為“政府在幫助大家處理平時日子中重要問題方面起到很大的作用”,就能夠運用拆分法把狀況具體化。思路能夠為:把”problem”進行具體化拆分,考慮日子中面臨的啥嚴重問題是需求政府幹涉和處理的。這時分咱們也許就想到醫療方面需求政府provide basic medical insurance,交通方面improve the construction of urban traffic facilities以及面臨高犯罪率,需求政府come up with strategies to decrease the criminal rate。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid. 在這道題中,假如一時想不到合適的思路,能夠運用拆分法。題幹傍邊,咱們能夠挑選 “teachers”作為被拆分的主體。依照時刻,能夠分為小學教師、中學教師以及大學教師。假如基地觀點立意為“教師值得高薪”,則三個分觀點能夠別離為:小學教師play a pivotal role in cultivating children’s initial values of distinguishing right from wrong,中學教師instill vital theoretical knowledge for high school students to establish their knowledge system,大學教師provides professional guidance for college students to find out their career path。最終得出結論,恰是由於這三點理由,所以能夠得出各個期間的教師都需求取得高薪。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Advertisements make

products seem better than they are.媒體類題關於同學們來説也許會有些陌生,但實際上運用拆分法,也能夠極好的解題。面臨這道標題,咱們能夠很容易地找出關鍵字為“廣告”,依據拆分法,advertisements能夠依照廣告的種類進行具體化剖析,比方分為“播送廣告”(radio advertisements)、“電視廣告”(TV commercials)、“雜誌廣告”(magazine advertisements)。接下來,考慮的有些是這三類廣告別離怎樣使得商品比真實狀況看起來非常好。也許能夠給出的理由比方:播送廣告通常會運用專家採訪來進步商品成效的可信度(enhance the reliability of target products’ efficacy) 、電視廣告經過招引觀眾的廣告語來強化商品的質量 (using appealing slogans to emphasize the quality of products) 、雜誌廣告裏常見的辦法是經過處理圖像來強化商品作用 (intensify product effect through processing the images) 。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict。這道題許多同學剛拿到的時分都有種無從下手的感受,可是冷靜冷靜下來,會發現最優的辦法是挑選拆分。例如,咱們挑選的基地觀點為:rules並沒有過於嚴厲。在整個題幹中,咱們能夠挑選拆分 ”the whole societies”,剖析在哪些地方,學生遇到的rules是有必要的。這時分,咱們就會發現,在校園裏學生被請求一致穿校服 (in order to reduce comparison among students from different family backgrounds),在家庭傍邊孩子被請求尊老愛幼 (which is crucial for establishing a harmonious family),在社會傍邊,法令對年輕人的喝酒年紀有請求 (for the sake of young people’s well-being)。經過拆分,咱們很快能夠把這道題的思路拓展。




託福綜合寫作字數要求:從不願公開設定字數下限的ETS 終於在新託福綜合寫作字數做出了規定:在綜合寫作部分的Direction中標明“通常一篇有效的寫作需要150 ~225字”。這個要求只是“建議性”的,並不是硬性規定。針討綜合寫作的字數,ETS指出:考生所寫內容能回答考題,考生不會因為超出規定的字數而被扣分。考生的文章並無上限,在這裏提醒大家,考生可以在規定的時間內盡其所能地寫,但寫的內容要切題。







出現My brother, friend的時候加上名字,出現university的時候要給上名字,給出事例的時候要給出時間地點人物,沒人願意看“我的弟弟去了一個大學,然後再大學裏交了很多朋友,後來去了公司裏那些朋友成為了他的財富”,而“我的弟弟Dan去了Upenn讀書,在學校裏認識了Jeff、Dennis等好朋友,而他後來去Google公司工作的時候發現了他們成為了自己一生寶貴的財富”比上面那句好了很多。實在要寫流水賬也要寫出細節和感覺。



點擊下載《新託福寫作真經4》 pdf版






Modern agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.現代的農業作業方法對環境有傷害,但是給全世界與日俱增的人羣提供糧食比保護環境更重要。


Modern agriculture methods like the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers are widely used around the world. Along with such brings forth negative effects. The most obvious and detrimental impact of modern agriculture methods is environmental degradation. Many people believe that the environmental risks should not be taken into consideration since many people are suffering from the lack of food. I certainly disagree with this.

To begin with, despite the fact that there are people who suffer from starvation, the reason is not because of the lack of food. As a matter of fact, tons of grains and corns are wasted every year. If the government and the general public really care about starving people, they should have enough ability and adequate materials to offer help. People suffer just because of bad management, worldwide corruption, and terrible indifference. So there is no need to destroy wilderness areas or use environmentally-damaging agricultural methods to increase productivity. The world nowadays has more food than we need. As long as corruption and bad management are eradicated, the world would see less people starving.

Besides, the statement asserts that providing food for a growing number of people is more urgent than the protection of environment. I find this statement totally unconvincing. People’s survival depends on the environment. More often than not, whenever the environment gets damaged, the deleterious effects are always irreversible. In other words, once the environment on which we depend on is disrupted, our lives are placed at risk. Modern agriculture, although it provides enough food, has contaminated the water and soil. When people eat crops grown with polluted water and soil, diseases will break out sooner or later. Genetically modified crops, although their negative effects are not obvious and not yet confirmed, should also be treated with great care, for it is reported that dogs, cats, and other pets become sick after ingesting GM food. If human beings are negatively affected by modern agriculture, untold dire consequences will arise. People will suffer from diseases and the government will shoulder considerable medical bills. Worse, the society may become unstable and inharmonious.

From the above discussion, I can draw the conclusion that there are other more effective methods to address starvation. No matter how much food we produce, as long as corruption and wasteful use exist, there will always be starving people. Besides, a healthy natural environment is a basic requirement of our survival. We cannot increase food production at the expense of our environment, lest we are bound to suffer for our inconsideration and recklessness.