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You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.


The history of the world’s most luxurious fabric, from ancient China to the present day

Silk is a fine, smooth material produced from the cocoons — soft protective shells — that are made by mulberry silkworms (insect larvae). Legend has it that it was Lei Tzu, wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms. One account of the story goes that as she was taking a walk in her husband’s gardens, she discovered that silkworms were responsible for the destruction of several mulberry trees. She collected a number of cocoons and sat down to have a rest. It just so happened that while she was sipping some tea, one of the cocoons that she had collected landed in the hot tea and started to unravel into a fine thread. Lei Tzu found that she could wind this thread around her fingers. Subsequently, she persuaded her husband to allow her to rear silkworms on a grove of mulberry trees. She also devised a special reel to draw the fibres from the cocoon into a single thread so that they would be strong enough to be woven into fabric. While it is unknown just how much of this is true, it is certainly known that silk cultivation has existed in China for several millennia.

Originally, silkworm farming was solely restricted to women, and it was they who were responsible for the growing, harvesting and weaving. Silk quickly grew into a symbol of status, and originally, only royalty were entitled to have clothes made of silk. The rules were gradually relaxed over the years until finally during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD), even peasants, the lowest caste, were also entitled to wear silk. Sometime during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), silk was so prized that it was also used as a unit of currency. Government officials were paid their salary in silk, and farmers paid their taxes in grain and silk. Silk was also used as diplomatic gifts by the emperor. Fishing lines, bowstrings, musical instruments and paper were all made using silk. The earliest indication of silk paper being used was discovered in the tomb of a noble who is estimated to have died around 168 AD.

Demand for this exotic fabric eventually created the lucrative trade route now known as the Silk Road, taking silk westward and bringing gold, silver and wool to the East. It was named the Silk Road after its most precious commodity, which was considered to be worth more than gold. The Silk Road stretched over 6,000 kilometres from Eastern China to the Mediterranean Sea, following the Great Wall of China, climbing the Pamir mountain range, crossing modern-day Afghanistan and going on to the Middle East, with a major trading market in Damascus. From there, the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea. Few merchants travelled the entire route; goods were handled mostly by a series of middlemen.

With the mulberry silkworm being native to China, the country was the world’s sole producer of silk for many hundreds of years. The secret of silk-making eventually reached the rest of the world via the Byzantine Empire, which ruled over the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East during the period 330-1453 AD. According to another legend, monks working for the Byzantine emperor Justinian smuggled silkworm eggs to Constantinople (Istanbul in modern-day Turkey) in 550 AD, concealed inside hollow bamboo walking canes. The Byzantines were as secretive as the Chinese, however, and for many centuries the weaving and trading of silk fabric was a strict imperial monopoly. Then in the seventh century, the Arabs conquered Persia, capturing their magnificent silks in the process. Silk production thus spread through Africa, Sicily and Spain as the Arabs swept through these lands. Andalusia in southern Spain was Europe’s main silk-producing centre in the tenth century. By the thirteenth century, however, Italy had become Europe’s leader in silk production and export. Venetian merchants traded extensively in silk and encouraged silk growers to settle in Italy. Even now, silk processed in the province of Como in northern Italy enjoys an esteemed reputation.

The nineteenth century and industrialisation saw the downfall of the European silk industry. Cheaper Japanese silk, trade in which was greatly facilitated by the opening of the Suez Canal, was one of the many factors driving the trend. Then in the twentieth century, new manmade fibres, such as nylon, started to be used in what had traditionally been silk products, such as stockings and parachutes. The two world wars, which interrupted the supply of raw material from Japan, also stifled the European silk industry. After the Second World War, Japan’s silk production was restored, with improved production and quality of raw silk. Japan was to remain the world’s biggest producer of raw silk, and practically the only major exporter of raw silk, until the 1970s. However, in more recent decades, China has gradually recaptured its position as the world’s biggest producer and exporter of raw silk and silk yarn. Today, around 125,000 metric tons of silk are produced in the world, and almost two thirds of that production takes place in China.

Questions 1-9

Complete the notes below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-9 on your answer sheet.


Early silk production in China

Around 3000 BC, according to legend:

- silkworm cocoon fell into emperor’s wife’s 1 __________

- emperor’s wife invented a 2 __________ to pull out silk fibres

Only 3 __________ were allowed to produce silk

Only 4 __________ were allowed to wear silk

Silk used as a form of 5 __________

- e.g. farmers’ taxes consisted partly of silk

Silk used for many purposes

- e.g. evidence found of 6 __________ made from silk around 168 AD

Silk reaches rest of world

Merchants use Silk Road to take silk westward and bring back 7 __________ and precious metals

550 AD: 8 __________ hide silkworm eggs in canes and take them to Constantinople

Silk production spreads across Middle East and Europe

20th century: 9 __________ and other manmade fibres cause decline in silk production

Questions 10-13

Do the following statements agree with the information in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

10 Gold was the most valuable material transported along the Silk Road.

11 Most tradesmen only went along certain sections of the Silk Road.

12 The Byzantines spread the practice of silk production across the West.

13 Silk yarn makes up the majority of silk currently exported from China.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Great Migrations

Animal migration, however it is defined, is far more than just the movement of animals. It can loosely be described as travel that takes place at regular intervals ?— often in an annual cycle — that may involve many members of a species, and is rewarded only after a long journey. It suggests inherited instinct. The biologist Hugh Dingle has identified five characteristics that apply, in varying degrees and combinations, to all migrations. They are prolonged movements that carry animals outside familiar habitats; they tend to be linear, not zigzaggy; they involve special behaviours concerning preparation (such as overfeeding) and arrival; they demand special allocations of energy. And one more: migrating animals maintain an intense attentiveness to the greater mission, which keeps them undistracted by temptations and undeterred by challenges that would turn other animals aside.

An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from the extreme south of South America to the Arctic circle, will take no notice of a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher’s boat along the way. While local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, the tern flies on. Why? The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger purpose. In other words, it is determined to reach its destination. The bird senses that it can eat, rest and mate later. Right now it is totally focused on the journey; its undivided intent is arrival.

Reaching some gravelly coastline in the Arctic, upon which other arctic terns have converged, will serve its larger purpose as shaped by evolution: finding a place, a time, and a set of circumstances in which it can successfully hatch and rear offspring.

But migration is a complex issue, and biologists define it differently, depending in part on what sorts of animals they study. Joe! Berger, of the University of Montana, who works on the American pronghorn and other large terrestrial mammals, prefers what he calls a simple, practical definition suited to his beasts: ‘movements from a seasonal home area away to another home area and back again’. Generally the reason for such seasonal back-and-forth movement is to seek resources that aren’t available within a single area year-round.

But daily vertical movements by zooplankton in the ocean — upward by night to seek food, downward by day to escape predators — can also be considered migration. So can the movement of aphids when, having depleted the young leaves on one food plant, their offspring then fly onward to a different host plant, with no one aphid ever returning to where it started.

Dingle is an evolutionary biologist who studies insects. His definition is more intricate than Berger’s, citing those five features that distinguish migration from other forms of movement. They allow for the fact that, for example, aphids will become sensitive to blue light (from the sky) when it’s time for takeoff on their big journey, and sensitive to yellow light (reflected from tender young leaves) when it’s appropriate to land. Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational flight. The value of his definition, Dingle argues, is that it focuses attention on what the phenomenon of wildebeest migration shares with the phenomenon of the aphids, and therefore helps guide researchers towards understanding how evolution has produced them all.

Human behaviour, however, is having a detrimental impact on animal migration. The pronghorn, which resembles an antelope, though they are unrelated, is the fastest land mammal of the New World. One population, which spends the summer in the mountainous Grand Teton National Park of the western USA, follows a narrow route from its summer range in the mountains, across a river, and down onto the plains. Here they wait out the frozen months, feeding mainly on sagebrush blown clear of snow. These pronghorn are notable for the invariance of their migration route and the severity of its constriction at three bottlenecks. If they can’t pass through each of the three during their spring migration, they can’t reach their bounty of summer grazing; if they can’t pass through again in autumn, escaping south onto those windblown plains, they are likely to die trying to overwinter in the deep snow. Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders of land, where they can see and run. At one of the bottlenecks, forested hills rise to form a V, leaving a corridor of open ground only about 150 metres wide, filled with private homes. Increasing development is leading toward a crisis for the pronghorn, threatening to choke off their passageway.

Conservation scientists, along with some biologists and land managers within the USA’s National Park Service and other agencies, are now working to preserve migrational behaviours, not just species and habitats. A National Forest has recognised the path of the pronghorn, much of which passes across its land, as a protected migration corridor. But neither the Forest Service nor the Park Service can control what happens on private land at a bottleneck. And with certain other migrating species, the challenge is complicated further — by vastly greater distances traversed, more jurisdictions, more borders, more dangers along the way. We will require wisdom and resoluteness to ensure that migrating species can continue their journeying a while longer.

Questions 14-18

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

14 Local gulls and migrating arctic terns behave in the same way when offered food.

15 Experts’ definitions of migration tend to vary according to their area of study.

16 Very few experts agree that the movement of aphids can be considered migration.

17 Aphids’ journeys are affected by changes in the light that they perceive.

18 Dingle’s aim is to distinguish between the migratory behaviours of different species.

Questions 19-22

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, below.

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

19 According to Dingle, migratory routes are likely to

20 To prepare for migration, animals are likely to

21 During migration, animals are unlikely to

22 Arctic terns illustrate migrating animals’ ability to

A be discouraged by difficulties.

B travel on open land where they can look out for predators.

C eat more than they need for immediate purposes.

D be repeated daily.

E ignore distractions.

F be governed by the availability of water.

G follow a straight line.

Questions 23-26

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet.

The migration of pronghorns

Pronghorns rely on their eyesight and 23 __________ to avoid predators. One particular population’s summer habitat is a national park, and their winter home is on the 24 __________, where they go to avoid the danger presented by the snow at that time of year. However, their route between these two areas contains three 25 __________. One problem is the construction of new homes in a narrow 26 __________ of land on the pronghorns’ route.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Preface to ‘How the other half thinks: Adventures in mathematical reasoning’

A Occasionally, in some difficult musical compositions, there are beautiful, but easy parts — parts so simple a beginner could play them. So it is with mathematics as well. There are some discoveries in advanced mathematics that do not depend on specialized knowledge, not even on algebra, geometry, or trigonometry. Instead they may involve, at most, a little arithmetic, such as ‘the sum of two odd numbers is even’, and common sense. Each of the eight chapters in this book illustrates this phenomenon. Anyone can understand every step in the reasoning.

The thinking in each chapter uses at most only elementary arithmetic, and sometimes not even that. Thus all readers will have the chance to participate in a mathematical experience, to appreciate the beauty of mathematics, and to become familiar with its logical, yet intuitive, style of thinking.

B One of my purposes in writing this book is to give readers who haven’t had the opportunity to see and enjoy real mathematics the chance to appreciate the mathematical way of thinking. I want to reveal not only some of the fascinating discoveries, but, more importantly, the reasoning behind them.

In that respect, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general public. Some present the lives of colorful mathematicians. Others describe important applications of mathematics. Yet others go into mathematical procedures, but assume that the reader is adept in using algebra.

C I hope this book will help bridge that notorious gap that separates the two cultures: the humanities and the sciences, or should I say the right brain (intuitive) and the left brain (analytical, numerical). As the chapters will illustrate, mathematics is not restricted to the analytical and numerical; intuition plays a significant role. The alleged gap can be narrowed or completely overcome by anyone, in part because each of us is far from using the full capacity of either side of the brain. To illustrate our human potential, I cite a structural engineer who is an artist, an electrical engineer who is an opera singer, an opera singer who published mathematical research, and a mathematician who publishes short stories.

D Other scientists have written books to explain their fields to non-scientists, but have necessarily had to omit the mathematics, although it provides the foundation of their theories. The reader must remain a tantalized spectator rather than an involved participant, since the appropriate language for describing the details in much of science is mathematics, whether the subject is expanding universe, subatomic particles, or chromosomes. Though the broad outline of a scientific theory can be sketched intuitively, when a part of the physical universe is finally understood, its description often looks like a page in a mathematics text.

E Still, the non-mathematical reader can go far in understanding mathematical reasoning. This book presents the details that illustrate the mathematical style of thinking, which involves sustained, step-by-step analysis, experiments, and insights. You will turn these pages much more slowly than when reading a novel or a newspaper. It may help to have a pencil and paper ready to check claims and carry out experiments.

F As I wrote, I kept in mind two types of readers: those who enjoyed mathematics until they were turned off by an unpleasant episode, usually around fifth grade, and mathematics aficionados, who will find much that is new throughout the book.

This book also serves readers who simply want to sharpen their analytical skills. Many careers, such as law and medicine, require extended, precise analysis. Each chapter offers practice in following a sustained and closely argued line of thought. That mathematics can develop this skill is shown by these two testimonials:

G A physician wrote, ‘The discipline of analytical thought processes [in mathematics] prepared me extremely well for medical school. In medicine one is faced with a problem which must be thoroughly analyzed before a solution can be found. The process is similar to doing mathematics.’

A lawyer made the same point, ‘Although I had no background in law — not even one political science course — I did well at one of the best law schools. I attribute much of my success there to having learned, through the study of mathematics, and, in particular, theorems, how to analyze complicated principles. Lawyers who have studied mathematics can master the legal principles in a way that most others cannot.’

I hope you will share my delight in watching as simple, even na?ve, questions lead to remarkable solutions and purely theoretical discoveries find unanticipated applications.

Questions 27-34

Reading Passage 3 has seven sections, A-G.

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 27-34 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

27 a reference to books that assume a lack of mathematical knowledge

28 the way in which this is not a typical book about mathematics

29 personal examples of being helped by mathematics

30 examples of people who each had abilities that seemed incompatible

31 mention of different focuses of books about mathematics

32 a contrast between reading this book and reading other kinds of publication

33 a claim that the whole of the book is accessible to everybody

34 a reference to different categories of intended readers of this book

Questions 35-40

Complete the sentences below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.

35 Some areas of both music and mathematics are suitable for someone who is a __________.

36 It is sometimes possible to understand advanced mathematics using no more than a limited knowledge of __________.

37 The writer intends to show that mathematics requires __________ thinking, as well as analytical skills.

38 Some books written by __________ have had to leave out the mathematics that is central to their theories.

39 The writer advises non-mathematical readers to perform __________ while reading the book.

40 A lawyer found that studying __________ helped even more than other areas of mathematics in the study of law.


PASSAGE 1 參考譯文:








TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 參考譯文:


動物遷徒,無論如何下定義,都遠不只是動物羣的移動而已。它可以大致被描述為按照規律的間隔(通常是以年度為循環週期)來進行的旅行,可能會涉及一個種羣的許多成員,而且僅僅是在完成了長途跋涉之後才能獲得回報。這種行為顯示出了遺傳的本能。生物學家Hugh Dingle總結出了五條在不同程度上或以不同組合方式,適用於所有遷徙行為的特點。遷徙是曠日持久的長距離運動,將動物們帶離熟悉的棲息地;它們往往是沿直線進行,而不是曲折迂迴的;它們牽涉到一些與行前準備(例如超量進食)和到達有關的特殊行為;它們需要進行特殊的能量分配。並且還有一樣:遷徙中的動物有着一種對更遠大使命的格外專注,這使它們不會被任何誘惑轉移了注意力,也不會因為任何會讓其他動物望而卻步的挑戰而裹步不前。


然而遷徙是個極其複雜的事件,而生物學家們對它的定義也各有不同,在某種程度上要取決於他們研究的是何種動物。蒙大納大學的Joel Berger研究的是美洲叉角羚和其他大型陸生哺乳動物,他傾向於使用一個適用於他所研究動物類型的、被他稱作簡單實用的定義:“從某個季節性棲息區域去到另一個棲息區域然後再回來的往復運動”。這種季節性來回移動的原因通常是為了尋找某些在任何一個區域內都並非全年存在的資源。



然而,人類活動正在對動物遷徙產生着有害影響。叉角羚雖然看起來頗似羚羊,但其實二者並無關係,它是新世界(注:New World 是英國人對美洲大陸的舊稱;相應地,英美對傳統歐洲國家則稱之為Old World)裏速度最快的陸生哺乳動物。其中一個種羣會在美國西部大提頓國家公園的山脈間度過夏天,然後從其山間的夏季牧場沿一條狹窄路徑南下,穿過一條河,最後來到平原上。它們在這裏熬過最寒冷的幾個月,主要靠吃被風吹露出雪面以上的灌木蒿叢度日。這些叉角羚之所以引人注目,在於它們遷徙路線的年復一年從不改變,並且這條路線在三個瓶頸隘口,狹窄難行。如果它們在春季遷徙的過程中不能通過這三個路口中的任何一個,就無法抵達它們水草豐美的夏季樂園;如果它們在秋季再次穿行的時候不能通過路口而向南躲避到這些有風吹襲的平原上,它們就有可能在北方厚厚的雪層中試圖過冬而死亡。叉角羚依靠遠視能力和奔跑速度來躲避捕食者,一般穿行於平原的開闊凸起地帶,在這樣的地方它們才能四下張望和撒蹄狂奔。在這些隘口中的一處,兩側林木覆蓋的山巒聳立構成了一個V形,留出一條只有大約150米寬的走廊空地,其上還建滿了私人住宅。不斷的發展正在引發一場叉角羚的生存危機,眼看就要封住了它們的穿越通道。


TEST 3 PASSAGE 3 參考譯文:


A 偶爾,在一些難於演繹的複雜樂章中,會有一些美妙但卻容易上手的部分——這些部分如此簡單,即使一個初學者也可以演奏它們。數學裏也有這樣的情況。高等數學中有一些發現並不仰仗專業的知識,甚至並不依賴代數、幾何或三角函數。正相反,它們可能最多隻涉及一點點算術知識,比如“兩個奇數之和為偶數”,再加上常識即可。這本書八個章節中的每一章都能證明這一現象。任何人都能理解這種推理過程中的每一個步驟。


B 我寫這本書的目的之一,就是為那些到目前為止還從未有機會看到和欣賞什麼才是真正數學的讀者提供一個機會,藉此玩味數學的思考方式。我希望展示給讀者的,不僅僅是一些引人入勝的發現,而且更重要的還是這些發現背後的思考推理行為。


C 我希望這本書將能有助於架起一座橋樑,跨越那道臭名昭著的裂隙,從而溝通兩種文化:人文與科學,或者我也許應該將之稱為右腦(直覺性的)與左腦(分析性的,數字性的)。正如以下書中章節將會展示的那樣,數學並不僅僅侷限於分析性和數字性;直覺扮演了一個重要角色。那道所謂的鴻溝可以被任何人縮短或完全彌合,部分原因在於我們中的每個人都還遠沒有充分運用大腦任何一側的全部能力。為了説明我們人類的潛能,我列舉了若干例證:一個結構工程師同時也是一位藝術家,一名電氣工程師身兼歌劇演唱家,一位歌劇演唱家發表過數學研究專著,而一個數學家則出版了若干短篇小説。

D 其他科學家們也曾出書向非科學專業人員解説他們的研究領域,但卻都不得不省略其中的數學專業知識,即使這些知識構成了他們理論的基石。讀者只好全程做一個躍躍欲試而不得的旁觀者,而不是加入其中的參與者,因為描述大部分科學領域中細節內容的恰當語言是數學語言,無論話題是膨脹宇宙、亞原子粒子,還是染色體。雖然某個科學理論的大致輪廓可以通過直覺性思維來進行粗略描述,可一旦實體宇宙的某個組成部分最終為人們所理解,對這部分的描述往往還是看起來很像數學課本中的某一頁。

E 沒有數學專業背景的讀者仍然可以在理解數學分析方面走得很遠。這本書中給出的細節展示了數學風格的思維方式,這涉及耐心的、一步接一步的分析、實驗和深入思考。你在翻動本書頁碼的時候,會比閲讀一部小説或一份報紙時緩慢得多。準備好一支筆和一張紙會有助於你來測試書中理論和展開各種實驗。

F 我在寫作的時候,腦海中構想了兩種類型的讀者:有些人本來一直挺喜歡數學的,直到他們被某個不愉快的小插曲轉變了看法,通常是在五年級左右;另外一些則是數學狂熱愛好者,他們將在整本書內找到許多全新的東西。


G 一位醫生寫道:“(數學中)分析性思維加工的訓練令我為醫學學習做足了準備。在醫學領域,一個人在遇到問題時,必須先仔仔細細地分析清楚才能找到解決辦法。這個過程與學習數學是類似的。”




Passage 1

Question 1

答案: tea

關鍵詞: 3000 BC, cocoon, fell into, emperor's wife

定位原文: 第1段第5句“It just so happened that... ” 這些蠶繭中的一粒掉進了熱茶中並開始鬆散成為一根細絲。

解題思路: “3000BC”和“皇帝的妻子”都很好定位,在第一段的第二句中便可看到,但卻偏偏沒有“掉進”這個信息,直到讀者看到第五句中的landed in這個同義表述才能恍然大悟,答案為tea。

Question 2

答案: reel

關鍵詞: emperor's wife, invented, pull out silk fibres

定位原文: 第1段第8句“She also devised a special reel to draw... ”她還設計發明了一種特殊的卷軸來將蠶繭中的纖維紡成絲線。

解題思路: 此題的定位距離上一道題不遠,仍是皇帝妻子所做的事。題幹説“皇帝的妻子發明了一個 _____ 來拽出絲綢纖維”,讀者只需回到原文找到devised這個對invented進行同義表述的單詞,即不難發現答案為reel。

Question 3

答案: women

關鍵詞: only, allowed to produce

定位原文: 第2段第1句“Originally, silkworm farming …” 起初,桑蠶業完全是隻由女性來進行的,她們要負責種植、收穫和紡織。

解題思路:此題基本是考査考生對於solely表示only這個意思的認知。題幹説“只有被允許生產絲綢”,根據語法還可推知此空格內需填寫名詞的複數形式。定位到原文的solely restricted to即可得到答案women。

Question 4

答案: royalty

關鍵詞: only, allowed to wear

對應原文: 第2段第2句“Silk quickly grew into a symbol of status, and originally, only …” 成為社會地位的象徵,起先只有皇室才能穿。

解題思路: 此題結構與上一題極其相似,題幹説“只有______被允許穿着絲綢”。這次題千里的only一詞倒是原詞重現在文中,不過卻考査考生是否認識be entitled to與be allowed to的同義替換,或者考生也可通過題幹中wear與文中clothes的對應確定答案為royalty。

Question 5

答案: currency

關鍵詞: used, a form of, farmers' taxes

定位原文: 第2段第4、5句“Sometime during …” 到漢朝的某個時段,珍貴到被當做一種貨幣。

解題思路: 此題的題幹本身給出信息不多,“絲綢被用作一種形式的______”;考生也可能並不熟 悉a unit of與a form of的同義替換。但好在下一句的例子提到了更多細節:例如,農民交税的一部分就是絲綢。利用“農民交税”這個信息可以更順利地進行定位,答案為currency貨幣。

Question 6

答案: paper

關鍵詞: 168AD,made from

定位原文: 第2段最後1句“The earliest indication of … ”人類最早使用絲質紙的證據發現於一位貴族的墓中。

解題思路: 此題中最明顯的定位詞非168AD莫屬。題幹説“大約在公元168年發現了用絲綢製作的的證據”,因此考生需要在定位句中尋找某種以絲綢為材質的物品。對比原文indication(此處意即證據) of silk paper可知答案為paper。

Question 7

答案: wool

關鍵詞: Silk Road, westward, precious metals

定位原文: 第3段第1句“Demand for this exotic fabric eventually …” 最終催生了“絲綢之路”的貿易路線,且向西輸送絲綢而向東則運來金、銀和毛料。

解題思路: 此題題幹説“商人們利用絲綢之路向西運送絲綢並運______回來和貴重金屬”。定位十分容易,對比原文可知precious metal即文中的gold 和silver,於是答案為另外的物品wool。

Question 8

答案: monks

關鍵詞: hide, canes, Constantinople

定位原文: 第4段前第3句“According to another legend, monks…” 根據另一個傳説版本,是為拜占庭皇帝工作的和尚們走私偷運了蠶卵。

解題思路: 此題依然可以利用題幹中的數字和大寫輕鬆定位。題幹説 “在公元550年,_____把蠶卵藏在手杖裏帶到了君士坦丁堡”,可以推知此題答案必然身份為人,不過考生需分辨清楚發出smuggled (走私)這個動作的人是一些為拜占庭皇帝工作的僧侶而非在句子中離smuggled這個動詞更近的皇帝本人,答案為monks。

Question 9

答案: nylon

關鍵詞: 20th century, manmade fibres, decline

定位原文: 第5段的第3句。“Then in the twentieth century, new ……” 接下來在20世紀裏,新型人造纖維材料,例如尼龍,開始應用在傳統上一直使用絲綢的產品中,例如長筒襪和降落傘。

解題思路: 此題的定位需先找到“20世紀”這一信息。題幹説“ _____和其他人造纖維材料造成了絲綢生產的衰落”,可以推知答案必然為某種具體的人造纖維材料。対比原文只有一種具體人造材料被提及,答案為nylon。

Question 10

答案: False

關鍵詞: Gold, most valuable material, Silk Road

定位原文: 第3段第2句“It was named the Silk Road after... ” 之所以命名為絲綢之路,是因為運輸了最貴重的商品,比黃金價值更高的“絲綢”。

解題思路: 原文意思不難理解,絲綢之路之所以名為“絲綢”之路,是以其最有價值的貨品(即絲綢)來命名的,還有定語從句進一步澄清“絲綢被認為比黃金價值更高”,與題幹信息相悖。

Question 11

答案: True

關鍵詞: Most tradesmen, certain sections of the Silk Road

定位原文: 第3段最後一句“Few merchants travelled …” 基本沒有商人走完全程,貨物傳遞都靠很多中間人。

解題思路: 只需認識merchants這個可以用來替換tradesmen的詞彙即可順利定位,而原文內容説很少有商人會走完整條路線,分號後更是換了種方式再表達一遍:商品大多是由一系列中間經手入來傳遞交接的,與題幹內容一致。

Question 12

答案: False

關鍵詞: Byzantines, spread, across the West

定位原文: 第4段第4句“The Byzantines were as secretive…”

解題思路: 文章中説“拜占庭人和中國人一樣守祕不宣,在很多個世紀裏絲綢料子的紡織和貿易都受到帝國嚴格的把控壟斷”,也就是説拜占庭人並沒有積極地把絲綢生產的做法傳播出去,而是保守了祕密,與題幹信息相反。注意:本段第二句中曾經提及,絲綢製作的祕密確實是經由拜占庭帝國而傳播到世界上其他國家去的,但這句表述並不能等同於題幹中的“拜占庭人將絲綢生產的做法傳遍西方”,因為後者是在説他們出於主動的意願去傳播這種方法,而前者則是陳述事實:無論如何,最終絲綢的生產方法確實是經由拜占庭傳播到各地的。二者不能混為一談。

Question 13

答案: Not Given

關鍵詞: Silk yarn, majority, exported from China

定位原文: 第5段最後兩句“However, in more recent decades, China…”

解題思路: 原文只説中國在近幾十年成為世界最大的生絲和絲線的生產者和出口國,其產量幾乎佔全球絲綢產量的三分之二,並沒有明確提及在這些產品的構成中,絲線是否佔到大多數。

Test 3 Passage 2

Question 14

答案: False

關鍵詞: local gulls, arctic terns, food

定位原文: 第2段前兩句“An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight…”

解題思路: local gulls 會為了herring 這樣的 handouts 而 voraciously 俯衝下來,然而arctic tern卻會繼續飛行,顯然二者在面對食物時表現得並不一樣。不考慮有可能很不多不認識的單詞,但看while這個提示詞又明確強化了是不一樣的,與題幹信息相悖。

Question 15

答案: True

關鍵詞: expert's definitions, vary, area of study

定位原文: 第3段第1句“But migration is a complex…”遷徙是個複雜的問題,生物學家依據研究的動物不同對定義也各不相同。

解題思路: 只需按照“專家的定義”找到原文中的相應描述即可,答案與題目“專家們對於遷徙的定義往往會根據他們的研究領域而各有不同”為同義表達。

Question 16

答案: Not Given

關鍵詞: very few experts agree, movement of aphids

定位原文:第4段前兩句“But daily vertical movements by…”

解題思路: 本題具有一定的迷惑性。“蚜蟲移動”這個信息不難定位,原文也以事實陳述的口吻指出:浮游生物和蚜蟲的移動確實可以被視為某種形式的遷徙。但此題是一道典型的“將事實與觀點相混淆”思路的判斷題,題幹説“基本沒有什麼專家認同這個看法”,是明確的“專家觀點表達”,與原文的“事實陳述”既不能説是矛盾,也不能説是一致,而是Not Given。

Question 17

答案: True

關鍵詞: aphids' journeys, affected, changes in the light

定位原文: 第5段第3句“..., aphids will become sensitive to blue light (from the sky) when it's time for takeoff on their big journey…” 對藍光和黃光敏感…….

解題思路:可能未必認識aphids (蚜蟲)這個單詞,但它在文中作為昆蟲名並沒有被替換。閲讀定位句可知,這種生物確實會在不同的情況下分別對藍光和黃光更加敏感,也就是“會受到光色變化的影響”,答案為True。

Question 18

答案: False

關鍵詞: Dingle's aim, distinguish

定位原文: 第5段最後一句“The value of his definition, Dingle…”

解題思路: 由於有Dingle這個大寫人名,本題定位不難。Dingle的目的在於找到遷徙行為的共性,與題幹所表述的“目標在於區分不同物種遷徙行為之間的差異”是兩個不同的意思。

Question 19

答案: G

關鍵詞: Dingle, migratory routes, likely

定位原文: 第1段的第4、5句“The biologist Hugh Dingle has identified five…”

解題思路: 題幹説“按照Dingle的説法,遷徙的路線往住會______” 回到原文中Dingle這個人名不難找到,route (路線)這個意思卻是通過linear和 zigzaggy這兩個用以描述“路線”是平直還是曲折的形容詞來間接表達的,需要考生認識其中至少一個才能更準確定位。而一旦定位之後確定答案則很容易,為G項:follow a straight line (沿着一條直線)。

Question 20

答案: C

關鍵詞: prepare for, likely to

定位原文:第1段第5句“…; they involve special behaviours concerning preparation…”

解題思路:題幹説“為了給遷徙做準各,動物們往往會_____”。prepare這個題幹中的定位信息在原文中僅僅改了詞性,變成了名詞preparation,很容易被找到;而括號裏對於“做準備”的舉例説明overfeeding也不是困難的詞彙,可以輕鬆得出答案為C: eat more than they need for immediate purposes (吃得比它們當下立刻就需要的要多)。

Question 21

答案: A

關鍵詞: during migration, unlikely to

定位原文:第1段最後一句“And one more: migrating…”

解題思路:題幹説“在遷徙過程中,動物們一般不會______”,此題比較有迷惑性,原因在於原文中給出了兩個否定性信息:undistracted by temptations 和 undeterred by challenges that would turn other animals aside,分別對應於選項E和選項A。注意:選項E和A所描述內容的方向是相反的。根據題幹中的unlikely,可得出答案為A: be discouraged by difficulties,即“不會被困難阻擋”,如果選E的話,則與文意相反。

Question 22

答案: E

關鍵詞: Arctic terns, illustrate, ability

定位原文: 第2段前四句 “An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from …”

解題思路: 題幹説“北極燕鷗證明了遷徙中的動物的______能力”。Arctic ton不難定位,但考生需要具備耐心,在第一次找到定位詞的句子裏沒有提供相關解題信息的時候繼續向下閲讀原文,直到看至第四句時能得出完整信息,答案為E: ignore distractions (忽視那些分散注意力的因素)。

Question 23

答案: speed

關鍵詞: pronghorns, rely on, eyesight, predators

定位原文:第6段倒數第3句“Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision…”

解題思路: pronghorn這個詞在文中出現在了兩個部位。第一次是在第三段中,只是在介紹Joel Berger 的研究領域時被簡短地一帶而過,沒有展開;第二次則是在文章的後兩段中密集出現,此時才是真正説到了其遷徙行為的細節內容,是此部分summary題型對應的正文部分。題幹説“叉角羚依賴它們的視力和_____來躲避捕食者”。対比原文中與vision形成並列關係的內容,可得答案為speed。

Question 24

答案: plains

關鍵詞: summer habitat, national park, winter home

定位原文: 第6段第3、4句“One population, which spends the summer in the mountainous…”

解題思路:題幹説“某個特定種羣(叉角羚)的夏季棲息地是一個國家公園,而它們的冬季家園則位於_____”。“夏季”和“國家公園”這兩個信息都不難在文中找到,但包含這兩個信息的句子裏提供的地點“平原”卻不容易被確定為答案,原因在於本句中並沒有明確提及“冬季”這個信息。考生需要耐心向下再閲讀一句,找到“冬季”的同義替換frozen months,從而用here這個地點指代詞來確認,答案為plains。

Question 25

答案: bottlenecks

關鍵詞: route, three

定位原文:第6段第5句“These pronghorn are notable for…”


Question 26

答案: corridor

關鍵詞:problem, construction of new homes, narrow

定位原文:第6段倒數第2句“At one of the bottlenecks, forested hills…”


Test 3 Passage 3

Question 27


關鍵詞:assume, lack of mathematical knowledge

定位原文:D段第1句“Other scientists have written books to…”

解題思路:題目:a reference to books that assume a lack of mathematical knowledge; 譯文:提到了這樣一些書,它們都設定其內容缺失數學專業知識。books所進行的assume是針對書的讀者而言,也就是説,它們假設的是“讀者並不具有(或者説缺乏)特別深厚的數學知識”,但在英語地道表達中此句並不需要出現readers這個單詞,需要考生自行領會。回到原文中,have necessarily had to omit這個表達也清楚地表明這類書籍是“出於必要、不得不省略了”數學相關內容。也就是説,這些書並不是故意對數學專業知識避而不談,而是考慮到了讀者羣的具體情況而刻意避免了深入艱澀的數學內容。

Question 28:


關鍵詞:not a typical book

定位原文: B部分第2段第1句“In that respect, this book differs from…”

解題思路:題目:the way in which this is not a typical book about mathematics;譯文:本書在何種意義上並非一本典型的數學題材相關書籍。此題相対來説比較容易,只需考生看出not a typical book 與 differs from most books 的簡單同義替換。

Question 29:


關鍵詞:personal examples, helped by


解題思路:題目:personal examples of being helped by mathematics;譯文:得到數學助益的個人案例。此題從理解題幹或原文的角度來看都並不困難,文章中醫生和律師的個人案例無論讀懂哪一個都足以幫助解題。但如果考生僅僅只着眼於在文章中尋找某個關鍵詞的同義替換,則無論 personal, example 還是help 都無法找到,反而會遭遇困難。

Question 30:


關鍵詞:examples of people, abilities, incompatible

定位原文: C段最後一句 “To illustrate our human potential, I…”

解題思路:題目:examples of people who each had abilities that seemed incompatible; 譯文:舉例同時具有的各種能力看起來似乎並不協調的人物例子。需靈活理解題幹中的incompatible一詞,未必一定是“不可兼容的”,也可以泛指“似乎有矛盾、不一致”這樣的狀態。言下之意,一個人可以既具備這類能力,又同時具有另外一類不同的能力,而看似這兩種能力好像不應該同時出現在一個人的身上。原文中列舉了四人,每個人都在兩個截然不同的領域中有所建樹,正是為了表達這樣的意思。

Question 31:


關鍵詞:different focuses

定位原文:B 部分第2段後3句 “Some present the lives …”

解題思路:題目:mention of different focuses of books about mathematics;譯文:提到了不同的數學類書籍的不同關注點。此題從理解題幹意思到理解原文意思都不困難。題幹屬於總結闡述型,而原文則給出細節,具體列舉有哪幾類着眼點各自不同的數學類書籍。

Question 32:


關鍵詞:contrast, other kinds of publication

定位原文:E段第3句“You will turn…”

解題思路:題目:a contrast between reading this book and reading other kinds of publication; 譯文:比較閲讀此書和閲讀其他出版物的不同體驗。此題最容易的入手點在於“其他出版物”這個信息,文中的novel和newspaper都能與此構成對應,只需按部就班讀到此處信息即可。

Question 33:


關鍵詞:whole of the book, accessible to everybody

定位原文: A部分第1段最後一句和第2段第2句“Anyone can understand …”“Thus all readers…”

解題思路:題目:a claim that the whole of the book is accessible to everybody; 譯文:聲稱這本書的所有部分都能讓每個人看懂。此題相対比較簡單,A部分中無論是看到第一段還是第二段的相關內容,都可比較順利地得出答案。

Question 34:


關鍵詞:different categories, intended readers

定位原文:F部分第1段“As I wrote, I kept…”

解題思路:題目:a reference to different categories of intended readers of this book; 譯文:提到這本書的目標讀者羣的不同類別。本題沒有什麼難度,定位後可以比較輕鬆地解題。

Question 35:

答案: beginner

關鍵詞:both music and mathematics, suitable

定位原文:A部分第1段第1、2句“Occasionally, in some difficult musical…”

解題思路:題幹説“音樂和數學中都有某些領域是適合於這樣的人的”。根據語法可以推知此處應該尋找某種“人”,回到原文中可以迅速、輕鬆定位“音樂”這個信息,根據So it well的信息也可認定此處確實是音樂與數學並列被提及的答案出處,再通過閲讀定位句可得答案為beginner。

Question 36:

答案: arithmetic

關鍵詞:understand advanced mathematics, limited knowledge

定位原文:A部分第1段第3、4句“There are some discoveries… ”

解題思路:題幹説“有時候要理解高等數學也只不過需要使用關於_____的一點有限知識就足夠了”。考生可以輕鬆用advanced mathematics回到原文中定位,也不必在看到可能不熟悉的algebra geometry, or trigonometry 擔心,根據本句上下文看出它們都是“高等數學”的具體舉例內容即可。下一句則以instead和a little 來表明此處列舉的內容“並不高深”,對比題幹要求可知答案為arithmetic。

Question 37:

答案: intuitive

關鍵詞:as well as, analytical skills

定位原文:A部分第2段最後一句“Thus all readers will…” 或C段第一句 “I hope this book…”

解題思路:題幹説“作者意在展示數學除了需要分析技巧外也需要_____思維”。其實在文中兩處都可找到答案。第一次是在A部分,雖然沒有analytical這個定位詞,但有logical這個類似信息,按部就班通讀全文完全可以通過此句中的yet對比關係確定答案為intuitive;但如果更傾向於利用關鍵詞analytical skills和as well as這個並列關係來尋找答案的話,更容易的定位出現在C段中,可以直接找到analytical原詞,再利用and並列關係可以確定答案為intuitive。

Question 38:

答案: scientists

關鍵詞:leave out, central to their theories

定位原文:D段第1句“Other scientists have written…”

解題思路:題幹説“一些由_____寫出來的書不得不省略一些對於他們的理論來説至關重要的數學知識”。細讀題幹可以推知空格內必然是作者、人,此處考査考生是否認識原文中omit一詞為leave out詞組的同義替換,如果有此詞彙基礎則可比較輕鬆地得出答案為 scientists。

Question 39:

答案: experiments

關鍵詞:perform, while reading

定位原文:E段最後兩句“You will turn these pages…”

解題思路:題幹説“作者建議非數學專業出身的讀者們在閲讀此書時進行_____”。考生應該不難看出原文中 turn these pages 與題幹中 while reading 的同義替換,只是在確定具體答案的時候需要仔細辨別,因為句中給出了兩個並列信息,分別是 check claims 和 carry out experiments。 經過對比可知,只有carry out才能與perform對應,因此答案為experiments。

Question 40:

答案: theorems

關鍵詞:lawyer, helped, even more than, other areas

定位原文:G部分第2段第2句 “I attribute much of my success there…”

解題思路:題幹説“一個律師發現在其學習法律的過程中學習甚至比其他數學領域知識更有幫助”。根據此信息可以得知空格內必定需要填寫某個具體的數學領域。利用lawyer可以輕鬆定位,仔細閲讀定位部分可以知道,只有in particular這個詞組之後的內容才有可能是具體數學領域知識,由此得出答案為theorems。