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lie Dormer is Margaery Tyrell is Anne Boleyn


It's more than coincidence that the actress playing Margaery Tyrell also portrays Anne Boleyn on the TV series The Tudors. The character of Margaery Tyrell draws much influence from the real life Anne Boleyn. The second wife of King Henry VIII, she rose to the top quite quickly, just like Margaery. In Game of Thrones, the young Tyrell girl easily charms her betrothed Joffrey Baratheon and after his death, his younger brother Tommen (also her betrothed). Her betrothal to Joffrey displaces prim and naive Sansa Stark, like Anne Boleyn displaced the first wife of Henry, saintly Catherine of Aragon.

更巧合的是,影片中玛格丽·提利尔(Margaery Tyrell)的扮演者娜塔莉·多莫(Natalie Dormer)同时也是《都铎王朝》中安妮·博林的扮演者。她生动的刻画了安妮·博林这一角色。安妮·博林是亨利三世的第二个妻子。和玛格丽·提利尔(Margaery Tyrell)一样,她很快就爬到权利的巅峰。在《权利的游戏》中,来自提利尔家族的年轻姑娘轻而易举就拿下了他的未婚夫乔佛里·拜拉席恩(Joffrey Baratheon),在他死后,又搭上了他的弟弟托曼(Tommen)。她取代呆板天真的珊莎·史塔克(Sansa Stark)与乔佛里订婚。相似的,安妮·博林也挤走了亨利三世的第一任妻子,来自阿拉贡的圣洁的凯瑟琳。


World Targaryens


《权利的游戏》里的10件真实历史事件(3) 第2张

We're just going to come out and say it. Sorry, no dragons here. Just lots and lots of family lovin'. If that's already adding up for you, you guessed right. We're talking about real world Targaryens. The Ptolemys were an originally Macedonian family who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great died. They reigned for almost 300 years, and kept their bloodlines as "pure" as could be. If Jaime and Cersei's incest shocks you, go and get some smelling salts. Like the Targaryens, The Ptolemaic kings married their sisters for hundreds of years, and in some cases, queens married their brothers. One notable Queen Pharaoh (Pharaess?) was the famous Cleopatra VII, who married her young brother Ptolemy XIII. It was clearly not a love filled marriage, as Cleopatra eventually welcomed Julius Caesar into her bed, who eventually killed Ptolemy's army when he attempted to overthrow Cleopatra. Danaerys Targaryen's husband Khal Drogo also killed her brother Viserys when he attempted to kill her.

接下来就让我们来揭开这一家族的神秘面纱吧!非常遗憾,现实中的他们并不拥有剧中的三条龙,有的只是纷繁复杂的家族斗争和爱恨情仇。如果您已看出端倪,恭喜您猜对了!我们将要讨论的正是现实中的"坦格利安家族"——那便是托勒密王族。托勒密王族(Ptolemys)是马其顿帝国的原住家族,他们在亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)死后统治埃及近300年。其间,为保护家族血统的"纯粹性",他们可谓"殚精竭虑、极尽所能"。如果詹姆和瑟曦的乱伦丑闻已足以让您惊厥,那赶快去闻一闻嗅盐清醒一下,因为随后的情节只会让人更加崩溃。如同坦格利安家族一样,托勒密王朝的国王迎娶他们的姐妹、女王下嫁她们的兄弟,这样的乱伦闹剧上演了几百年。其中就有声名显赫的埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉七世下嫁托勒密十三世(Ptolemy XIII),共享床笫之欢。在托勒密王子起兵意欲推翻克娄巴特拉女王统治时,也正是凯撒大帝令其全军覆没,身死尼罗河中。无独有偶,剧集中丹妮莉丝·坦格利安(Danaerys Targaryen)的丈夫卓戈·卡奥(Khal Drogo),也在丹妮莉丝的哥哥韦赛里斯(Viserys)试图谋杀亲妹时,将其杀死。(看到这里是不是发现这两出闹剧如出一辙呢?)

ar's Assassination


《权利的游戏》里的10件真实历史事件(3) 第3张

Those who have read the books of A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones is based on this) know that Jon Snow eventually becomes Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. This occurs under very tense circumstances, and several Night's Watch brothers rise up against him. George R.R. Martin's last book A Dance With Dragons left readers hanging as to whether he was killed or not. Much like Caesar's assassination, he dodged a stab to the neck and was stabbed in the back by someone he trusted. Then, he was stabbed in the front and sides by people he didn't trust. You know nothing Jon Snow. Like you, readers won't know if you're alive or dead either until the next book comes out!

大凡读过《冰与火之歌》(《权力的游戏》据此改编并搬上银幕)的人们都知晓琼恩·雪诺(John Snow)最后成为了守夜人的指挥官。当时情况十分紧急,琼恩·雪诺临危受命,甚至还有一些守夜人哗变,联合起来反对他。他的结局到底如何?是生是死? 在乔治·R·R·马丁(George R.R. Martin)的新书《魔龙狂舞》里并未言明,这就吊足了读者的胃口,留下一个谜团。这像极了使得凯撒大帝殒命的那场刺杀,饶是他再英勇,也是明枪易躲暗箭难防。殊不知他能避开本应刺中颈部的一招,却再躲不开信任之人的背后一剑。随后叛徒们蜂拥而上,琼恩·雪诺腹背受敌,颈部、腹部、背部统统受伤。不仅您不知琼恩·雪诺的命途如何,其他读者也一样。看来直到下一本书面世,都无人能知其生死。

审校:烟囱 编辑:Freya然