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商務英語口語對話:CEO 執行總裁

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M: So who does he think he is, anyway, I can't believe the way that my boss has been ordering everyone around laterly, I mean, it's now like he is the CEO, or anything.

商務英語口語對話:CEO 執行總裁

W: ally I am guessing you didn't get the MEMO. Your boss was selected to fill the vacancy in the CEO slot. He actually is the CEO now, or will be, as soon as the official press releases and hoopla is done with.

M: Yikes! you are joking, right? I can't believe it. No wonder he is so stressed and bossy lately. I thought he was just being ostentatious by giving orders to people and all the different departments. What big shoes to fill!

W: No kidding! When the last CEO left, we were worried about the future of the company.

M: What does a CEO do anyway? I know the CEO makes the most money in the company, but what does he actually do?

W: He is responsible to the board of directors for everything that happens in the company. He or she must give leadership to all company officers, as CEO is also responsible for providing the guidance of philosophy of the company, and acting as official representative, or face of the company.

M: Must be one smart guy.
vacancy:a job that is available for sb to do (職位的)空缺;空職;空額
a casual/temporary vacancy
vacancies for bar staff
to fill a vacancy


stressed:too anxious and tired to be able to relax 焦慮不安;心力交瘁
He was feeling very stressed and tired.

bossy:always telling people what to do 好指揮人的;專橫的

ostentatious:behaving in a way that is meant to impress people by showing how rich,important, etc. you are 炫耀的;賣弄的;誇示的

leadership:the state or position of being a leader 領導;領導地位
a leadership contest
The party thrived under his leadership.

representative:a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for sb else or on behalf of a group 代表
a representative of the UN
our elected representatives in government
a student/union representative
The committee includes representatives from industry.

hoopla:excitement about sth which gets a lot of public attention 大吹大擂;喧鬧

order sb about/around:to keep telling sb what to do in a way that is annoying or unpleasant (不斷地)支使,命令,使喚
It was obvious he was used to ordering people around.

big shoes to fill:接替高職