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名詞解釋:軍服,顧名思義,軍人的服飾。由於軍人帶有獨特的職業風格,軍服也由此增添了幾分神祕色彩。軍裝採用的是一種制式服裝,透過一個國家、一個時期軍服的質地、顏色和款式,不僅可以品出時代的審美,同時可以讀出政治、軍事、經濟、科技等方面的內容。 你知道怎麼用英語表達嗎?


Several types of military uniforms were displayed at the rehearsal on Aug 23 of the military parade which will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing on Sept 3.

The military uniforms during the rehearsal included clothing for guard of honor, uniforms in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, female dress clothing and different camouflage clothing.




文中的military uniform就是“軍服”的意思,也可以用army uniform表示,其中uniform指某團體或組織統一做的制服,如:police uniform(警服),naval uniform(海軍制服);而suit指一套服裝,一般有幾件配成一套的套裝,如:sports suit(運動服)。

第一段中的rehearsal是名詞,意為“排練,彩排” ,如:The band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a concert tour.(這支樂隊準備開始為巡演排練。)