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美語訓練班第93課:如何保證網路安全 運轉異常

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A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!

美語訓練班第93課:如何保證網路安全 運轉異常

B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來說說咱們今天都要學什麼吧!

A: Sure! 今天,我們要一起看看如何保證網路安全,學學怎麼表達運轉異常,還要告訴你勢不可擋麼怎麼說!

B:Internet security is really an important topic right now. Last year some hackers used my credit card information to hack into my bank account ! I still don't know how they did it because I had my credit card in my wallet the whole time!

A: I don't understand how these hackers can be super smart computer geeks and still choose to be hackers! Why not go work for Microsoft and become a millionaire?

B: Some people are just hard to understand....

A: Like you...(B: ugh...)哈哈,好啦! 不開玩笑了! 現在,咱們趕快先來進入第一個單元,learn a word!

Learn A Word 1672 free of charge

今天我們要學的詞是 free of charge, free is spelled free, of, of, charge, charge, charge, free of charge. Free of charge 免費。The course is offered to students free of charge. 學生可以免費上這門課。Google's VoIP phone service will remain free of charge within the U.S. and Canada in 2013. 2013年使用者在美國和加拿大境內可以繼續免費使用谷歌的網上電話服務。Gunrights advocates in Utah trained 200 teachers in handling concealed weapons free of charge. 尤他州的槍支權利捍衛者為200名老師免費提供了攜帶和使用隱匿武器的培訓。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 free of charge, free of charge, free of charge....

A: Free of charge, 免費! I heard dunkin donuts is giving out milk shakes free of charge, wanna go together after work?

B: Free drinks? Of course I'm in!

A: 我就知道有吃的你準來!

B: Oh wait...I forget I have to go to the gym with my gym buddy! I already promised him I would go today! Oh gosh, this just threw my plans out of kilter....

A: Out of kilter? That's an interesting phrase! 咱們來聽聽今天的美國習慣用語,看看這個說法是什麼意思!

Words and Idioms 819 OUT OF KILTER

美國習慣用語第 819講


M: Out of kilter. Kilter is spelled kilter. Outofkilter. Out of kilter.

說什麼東西 out of kilter, 就是指因為其組成部分彼此之間失去平衡,所以運轉起來不正常。剛才說我為了躲開鹿,急轉彎,結果方向盤打得太急,造成了車輪定位的失調,就可以說 The wheels are out of kilter. 讓我們聽聽下面這個人回憶他小時候幹過的淘氣事。

M: "Once my friend managed to get his mom's washing machine to spin around with me standing in it! That was fun until the washer started shaking violently. We got it so OUT OF KILTER that his dad had to have it repaired. Did we get in trouble for that!"


在孩子眼裡可能挺好玩,但是在大人看來,這太危險了。好在現在的大部分電器都有安全設定,不讓小孩子進行這種危險的舉動。很多人聽到剛才那個例子,肯定會說,"Boys will be boys." 男孩就是男孩。難道淘氣真是男孩子的本性嗎?

上個週末,我們一家本來說好了要開車到海邊去玩,誰知星期六一大早下起了瓢潑大雨,完全打亂了我們的原定計劃。Our schedule was thrown out of kilter. 好的,讓我們再來聽聽上面那段話。

M: "Once my friend managed to get his mom's washing machine to spin around with me standing in it! That was fun until the washer started shaking violently. We got it so OUT OF KILTER that his dad had to have it repaired. Did we get in trouble for that!"


M: "Millions of bees in the U.S. have mysteriously died or disappeared. As a result, crops in 24 states have been severely thrown OUT OF KILTER. While scientists continue to search for answers, farmers wonder how long this disorder will last."



M: "Millions of bees in the U.S. have mysteriously died or disappeared. As a result, crops in 24 states have been severely thrown OUT OF KILTER. While scientists continue to search for answers, farmers wonder how long this disorder will last."

說了半天,大家一定想知道,Kilter 這個字的意思。Kilter 的意思就是“良好的狀態”。這個字的準確來源無法確定。有人說,Kilter 原來是指手裡沒用的廢牌,也有人說,這個字跟砍或是打有關係。因此,out of kilter 也可以說成是 out of whack. 不論 kilter 這個詞是怎麼來的,大家需要記住的就是,out of Kilter 可以用來形容任何機械裝置的失調,也可以用於某個系統、過程、機構、預算、或是日程的失常。

好的,這次美國習慣用語就到此結束了。我是楊晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。只有勤學苦練,才能不斷進步。大家在學習過然b中,一定要注意準確理解和應用,這樣才能保證你的英語不會 out of kilter.

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: 說起out of kilter, 我覺得這個詞最適合用來形容網路了! Remember last time the building's Internet service was down? All our work got thrown out of kilter!

B: Yeah. 10 years ago, who could have imagine that Internet would play such a big role in our life? I mean, searching for information, managing your are doing everything on the Internet!

A: That's true. our social lives have even moved into cyberspace! I have such mixed feelings towards social media right now. While it's super convenient and can connect people all around the world, once your information is out, it's there forever! For example, I really don't want Facebook to store all my personal information.

B: That's why Internet security is so important! 's the topic of today's business etiquette. Let's listen and see if we can learn some useful tips to protect ourselves on the Internet!

禮節美語BE219 Internet Security I

Dylan早上見到同事Cory和Brenda, 告訴他們公司出事了。

Dylan: Hey, you hear about the breakin?

Cory: No! Burglars broke in? Did they steal anything valuable?

D: Actually, they might have gotten quite a bit of valuable information. But it wasn't thieves, it was online hackers.

C: Ah, so somebody broke into our computer system! Oh, good morning, Brenda. Did you hear the news? There was a cyber attack!

B: Oh my! But I thought we had very strong Internet firewalls.

D: We do, but all it takes is one mistake and hackers can come pouring in like an invading army.

Dylan問同事Cory聽沒聽說公司有人非法闖入breakin, 不過不是真的有人夜盜,而是 online hackers 網上的駭客。The hackers broke into our computer system. 駭客進入了公司的電腦系統,這也可以被稱為 cyber attack. 儘管公司安裝了 Internet firewalls 網際網路防火牆,但是稍一疏忽大意,還是被駭客鑽了空子。

B: Does the I.T. department have any idea how this happened?

D: It looks like the hackers got in from an unsecure corporate email account.

C: And then they loaded up a virus?

D: Not a virus, but they put spyware or malware into our system.

C: I've heard of spyware but what's malware?

B: Malware is short for "malicious software." Malware is any kind of software that is specially designed to infiltrate a computer system.

C: So spyware is a kind of malware.

公司電腦技術部門的調查顯示,這次襲擊是通過一個 unsecure email account 沒加保密措施的電子郵箱偷偷安裝的 spyware 或 malware. malware是 malicious software兩個字連在一起產生的,spyware間諜軟體是malware惡意軟體的一種,都是破壞電腦安全的軟體,目的是滲透進入電腦系統,infiltrate is spelled infiltrate, infiltrate, infiltrate 意思是滲透 。

B: Sometimes the malware follows each keystroke you make, and then sends the information back to the hacker.

D: Or, sometimes they install a program called a Trojan horse that steals data.

C: Do you think this cyber attack was instigated by one of our competitors?

D: I don't want to point fingers, but it certainly could be. If a Trojan horse got into our mainframe it could download a lot of sensitive info about our company's upcoming product launches.

B: Many companies do spy on each of course, it's illegal.

特洛伊木馬程式 Trojan horse 也是駭客常用的一種程式,目的是盜取電腦系統裡的資料。Brenda說,現在很多公司都 spy on each other 彼此展開電子間諜行動,那這次的駭客入侵是不是他們公司競爭對手乾的呢?Dylan說,I don't want to point fingers. 我不想指責誰,to point fingers at someone 是一種很形象的說法,意思是指責某人做某事,但是如果駭客真在他們公司的電腦系統裡安裝了特洛伊木馬程式的話,就可能盜取很多 sensitive information 敏感的資訊。

A: 原來,Brenda 和Dylan的公司遭到了cyber attack, 網路黑客襲擊。黑客利用malware惡意軟體, infiltrate the company's system, 滲透了公司系統。這黑客真是高智商犯罪呀,隨便動動手指頭,就能讓你好久的努力付諸流水!

B: Yeah, people are gradually realizing it now. After my bad banking experience, I'm really careful about giving out my personal information on the Internet. The more information the hackers have, the easier it is for them to hack into your system.

A:I guess setting strong password also helps.

B: Yep! Let's see what Dylan and Brenda have to say about it!

禮節美語BE220 Internet Security II


D: We may never be able to trace the origin of this attack. But what we can do is work harder to make our systems impenetrable.

B: Yes, a lot of people are quite lazy with computer security.

D: That's true. For example, many people almost never change their passwords.

B: Or they use ridiculously easytoguess passwords.

C: Um....I guess I'm guilty of that. I don't think I've ever changed my password.

Dylan說,他們可能永遠都查不到這次駭客襲擊是誰幹的,但他們可以吃一塹長一智,加倍努力 to make our systems impenetrable. 讓我們電腦系統的安全滴水不漏,impenetrable is spelled impenetrable, impenetrable 是無法進入的意思。Brenda說,很多人太大意,不重視電腦安全,從來不換密碼,或是用的密碼太簡單。Cory說,I'm guilty of that. 我就是這種人,從不換密碼。Dylan 說,

D: And let me password is, "1234."

C: Well, it's not quite that simple....

B: Let me take a guess.... It's your wife's birthday.

C: That's incredible! How did you guess that? Have you been spying on me?

B: (chuckle) Nope. It's just that you selected one of the most common passwords on the planet. Are you a member of any social networking websites?

C: Yes, a couple.

B: Then your wife's birthday is probably public knowledge.

D: That's right! In the Internet age, very few things are private anymore. If I do a little research on you, I'll bet I can find out where you were born, what school you went to, your wife's maiden the name of your dog!

Dylan和Brenda一下子就猜到了Cory的密碼,原來他用的是太太的生日,one of the most common passwords on the planet 最常見的密碼之一。由於Cory業餘時間用社交網站,所以實際上,他太太的生日簡直就是public knowledge 公開的資訊。Dylan還說,在網際網路和社交網站如此發達的今天,沒有多少資訊是真正保密的,稍微上網找一下,出生地,上過的學校,太太的名字等等都能找到。Cory說,

C: Wow, I hope I wasn't responsible for this recent attack. What's a good password then?

D: A good password uses a mixture of letters and numbers. For example, think of a simple sentence such as, "I like ice cream on Sundays." Take the first letter from each word in the , because Sunday is the first day of the week, add the number 1 at the end.

C: So my password would be, "ILICOS1?"

B: Yeah! That's a pretty difficult password to it's easy to remember.

D: 't forget to change it every couple of months.

C: Good thinking. I'm going to go change my password right now!

Dylan說,密碼最好是用字母和數字的組合。他舉例說,可以想一句話,I like ice cream on Sundays. 用這句話每個單詞的首寫字母,最後面再加個1,因為星期天是一週的第一天。這樣的密碼又好記,又難破譯。Cory 高興地說,他現在就去改密碼。

A: What kind of password do you use, Mike?

B: I'm not going to tell you!

A: Let me ' the day you got your dog Sunny, right?

B: Stop it! And OMG, how do you know that! Now I'm going to have to go change my password right after the show....

A: Haha, My powers of deduction are unstoppable!

B: 's what we are going to listen to in the next learn a word!

Learn A Word 1677 unstoppable

今天我們要學的詞是 unstoppable, unstoppable is spelled unstoppable, unstoppable. Unstoppable 無法阻擋的。The Washington Redskins have won 7 games in a row. They're unstoppable. 華盛頓美式足球紅人隊連贏七場比賽,勢不可擋。Ever since the introduction of Apple's iPad in 2010, tablets have been enjoying seemingly unstoppable growth. 自從2010年蘋果首先推出iPad以來,平板電腦的發展突飛猛進。In the last few years, the acceptance of gay rights in America has been seemingly unstoppable. 過去幾年裡,美國社會對同性戀權利的認可度看起來勢不可擋。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable....

A: 雖然大家總說iPhone 5這不好,那不好,可是買的人還是非常多!

B: Seems like that's the case for all apple products. Once they have a new product, their sales always seem to unstoppable!.

A: 就是! 我這次回北京,整個蘋果店裡就都是人,到處都有科技發燒友呀!

B: All right all right. Calm down. Let's put the apple fanboy fever aside. Now we are going to continue with our last segment, another words and idioms!

Words and Idioms 820 Know One's Place

美國習慣用語第 820講

我最近一直在上一門藝術史的課。就在上個星期,一個學生在課堂上跟教授吵了起來,非說教授講得不對,讓我大吃一驚。我們上學那會兒,絕對沒有人敢去指出老師的錯誤。不過,這倒讓我想起了一個習慣用語,那就是:M: Know one's place. Place is spelled place. Knowone'splace. Know one's place.

to know one's place 意思是按照自己的身份和地位行事,特別是指自己的地位比較低下的時候。中國文化講究的是尊師敬長,老師說的都是對的,學生怎麼能反過來質問老師呢?要讓我說,He didn't seem to know his place. 他的表清太不得體了。讓我們聽聽下面這個工廠工人的經歷。

M: "During my first year on the assembly line, I noticed the foreman making a lot of mistakes. But I kept quiet. As a lowlevel worker, I KNEW MY PLACE. I didn't want to get fired for telling my supervisor what he had been doing wrong."


這個工人看來挺會做人的,不象某些初出茅廬的年輕人。He knows his place. 我先生的公司去年夏天曾經來過一批實習生。臨走的時候,他們居然給公司總裁寫了一封聯名信,歷數公司在管理上所犯的錯誤。有人說,他們真是不知深淺,居然教育老闆如何去經營自己的公司。They should have known their place. 你覺得呢?暢所欲言需要考慮身份和等級嗎?


M: "During my first year on the assembly line, I noticed the foreman making a lot of mistakes. But I kept quiet. As a lowlevel worker, I KNEW MY PLACE. I didn't want to get fired for telling my supervisor what he had been doing wrong."


M: "During her years in the White House, Rosalyn Carter was not a traditional First Lady. She would often sit on her husband's senior staff meetings and sometimes represented President Carter in discussions with world leaders. As a result, some voters criticized her for NOT KNOWING HER PLACE."

這位歷史學家說,在白宮的時候,羅莎琳並不是一位傳統的第一夫人。她經常參加卡特政府高階官員的會議,有時候還代表卡特總統跟外國領導人會面。因此,有些選民批評她,說她沒有擺好自己的位置。我祖母就有這種看法。她覺得卡特夫人作為第一夫人,任務就是端端茶,或是跟其他政要的夫人聊聊天。不過,這也反應了我祖母那輩人的傳統思維。在她們眼裡,A woman who knows her place will not try to compete with a man for a job. 女人本來就不應該跟男人搶工作,女人就是應該待在家裡,照顧孩子、做飯、打掃衛生。好,我們再聽一下上面的例句。

M: "During her years in the White House, Rosalyn Carter was not a traditional First Lady. She would often sit on her husband's senior staff meetings and sometimes represented President Carter in discussions with world leaders. As a result, some voters criticized her for NOT KNOWING HER PLACE."

根據我的研究,know one's place 這個習慣用語是十六世紀後半葉開始流行的,也許是因為那個時候,逐漸出現了嚴格的社會地位的規範吧。如果你有什麼更好的解釋,一定要告訴我,I'm not going to come down on you for not knowing your place. 我不會因為你糾正我而遷怒於你的。

好的,這次美國習慣用語就到此結束了。我是楊晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: See, you should always know your place. 你可以每天向你的領導我進貢食品呀,咖啡呀,之類的。

B: Sorry, But I think you misspoke. You put the words "you" and "my boss" in the same sentence. Did you mean to say that your going to bribe with food?

A: Dream on! 好了同學們,這次節目時間就到這裡了。

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!