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VOA流行美語 Unit 302:說服&借錢

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李華和Larry排隊買票看電影。今天我們要學兩個常用語:rope somebody into something和spot.

VOA流行美語 Unit 302:說服&借錢

LH: 我真是太想看這部電影了,自從Sex and City《慾望都市》電視系列結束以後,我就一直眼巴巴地等著電影版上映。

LL: Yes, I Remember. I think you were addicted to that show. In fact, I might even call it an unhealthy obsession.

LH: Unhealthy obsession? 你才病態呢!你每天都看Oprah的脫口秀,雷打不動,居然還說我病態。不過話說回來,你能陪我看這麼女性化的電影,我還真沒想到。

LL: Actually, you didn't have to rope me in at all. I love Sex and the City even more than Oprah.

LH: 你說的rope you in是什麼意思啊?

LL: When you rope someone into something, it means that you convince them to do something they don't want to do.

LH: 也就是說,如果你本來不想看這個電影,但是經不起我軟磨硬泡,最後只好同意,就是被我rope into it.

LL: Yup. But even if I didn't want to see this movie, I would have gone anyway. I owed you a favor after I roped you into going to the national Chia Pet convention with me.

LH: 一個人情?我陪你去參加草頭娃娃展覽大會,你至少欠我五個人情。我到現在都不知道自己為什麼會同意幹這麼傻的事!

LL: Well what about the time you roped me into house-sitting your dog? I knew that was going to be a bad idea.

LH: 你幫我照看snoopy難道不開心嗎?它那麼可愛!

LL: He would have been more adorable if he were house trained.

LH: 我正在加緊訓練它不要隨地大小便,下星期還要麻煩你照顧它。

LL: No way, you're not roping me into that again. But you know, you can also use that phrase when you play a trick on somebody.

LH: Oh really?

LL: Yes. For a minute. Oh no! There's a sign that say Sex and the City is sold out!

LH: Oh No! 我今天晚上看不成一定會急死的。

LL: Wow. You are really gullible. I can't believe I roped you into that joke so easily. It's not sold out.

LL: Uh oh Li Hua, I think I forgot my wallet.

LH: 不會吧?為什麼我們每次出來你都“忘記”帶錢包呢?

LL: I'm sorry. I was just so excited to find out what happens with Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda that I completely forgot. Can you spot me?

LH: Spot you? Spot you是什麼意思啊?哦,我知道了,你一定是在請求我的原諒。

LL: Actually, no. Spotting somebody is like loaning somebody something, usually money.

LH: 所以你是要跟我借錢買電影票?

LL: Er... yes. But I think you owe me that favor. Remember last week when you were going to the store to buy some Chia Pets and I spotted you the money?

LH: 那不算,因為草頭娃娃本來就是買給你的。那你說,spotting somebody跟picking up the tab意思一樣嗎?

LL: "Picking up the tab" is usually only used to refer to paying the bill at a restaurant. "Spotting" is used mostly for small things and favors. You wouldn't use it for something big.

LH: 你說spot只能用在小事上,那什麼樣的事才算小事呢?

LL: Well, for example, since my car is broken, I might need you to spot me a ride home after the movie.

LH: 你是說我不僅要買票請你看電影,看完電影還要開車送你回家,你這個男朋友還真挺難伺候的。

LL: Maybe, but it's worth it. You know, if you want to get really colloquial, you can also "bum" something off somebody.

LH: 那bum可以用在什麼事情上呢?大事還是小事?

LL: "Bum" is only for little things. If I smoked and was out of cigarettes, I could ask to bum a cigarette off someone. But since my only addiction is gummy bears, I will need to bum a dollar off you to buy some candy in the theatre.

LH: 什麼?你還要買糖吃。你看人家《慾望都市》裡的男人多紳士,從來不讓女人花錢。你得好好學學。

LL: Well, you can't believe everything you see on TV, Li Hua.

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是rope somebody into something,意思是說服某人去幹本來不願意乾的事。另一個是spot,意思是借東西,往往是借錢。