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Alpha girl can always outperform men in study, work and sports. So, where there are alpha women, there are beta men。

“阿爾法女孩”也稱“α女孩”,指許多方面的能力和表現都在同齡男性之上的年輕女性。這個詞源自美國哈佛大學教授丹-肯德倫的著作Alpha Girl。


儘管大部分“阿爾法女孩”希望得到與其並駕齊驅的“阿爾法男孩”,但仍有“阿爾法女孩”降格以求,與成就平平,但性格溫和的“貝塔男孩”(Beta Boy)約會,且很少提及自己的優秀表現,以免嚇退男孩“物件”,更有越來越多的“阿爾法女孩”選擇單身。

該詞最早出現於1994 :Archer managed to overcome her father's misgivings by promising that he would allow Mary — an archetypal Alpha girl who duly collected an Oxford First —to follow any career she chose.—Graham Turner, "The Midas Touch," Sunday Telegraph, May 1, 1994.(星火)