
首頁 > 英語學習 > 四六級英語 > 2020年12月英語六級翻譯高頻詞彙(二)


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       流動人口 transient population

  城市人口 urban population

  農業人口 agriculture population

  出生率 birth rate

  自然增長率 natural growth rate

  負增長率 negative growth rate

  普查 census

  戶口冊 household register

  計劃生育 family planning/planned parenthood

  優生優育 ensure good prenatal and postnatal care

  自治區 autonomous region

  民族 ethnic groups

  少數民族 ethnic minorities/ minority peoples


  中國共產黨 Communist Party of China

  孔子 Confucius

  孟子 Mencius

  老子 Lao Zi

  儒學 Confucian School

  論語 Analects of Confucius

  發明紙和瓷器 invented paper and porcelain

  發明火藥 invention of gunpowder

  發明印刷術 block printing was invented

  科舉制 Imperial Examination for recruiting civil servants


  絲綢之路 Silk Route

  長征 Long March

  解放戰爭 War of Liberation

  改革開放 reform and opening up

  黃河 Yellow River

  長江 Yangtze River

  珠江 Pearl River

  太湖 Lake Tai

  鄱陽湖 Lake Poyang

  洞庭湖 Lake Dongting

  青藏高原 Tibet Plateau

  東北平原 Northeast China Plain

  華北平原 North China Plain

  長江中下游平原 Plain of Middle and Lower Reaches of Changjiang River

  南沙群島 Nansha Island


      巨集觀經濟 macro economy

  社會主義市場經濟 socialist market economy

  知識經濟 knowledge economy

  網路經濟 Internet-based economy

  經濟規律 law of economy

  大規模生產 mass production

  生產力 productive forces

  生產關係 relations of production

  公有制 public ownership

  私有制 private ownership


  國有企業 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)

  私營企業 private business

  民營企業 privately-run business

  中小企業 small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

  連鎖企業 franchise / chain business

  國民生產總值 Gross National Product (GNP)

  國內生產總值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

  實際增長率 growth rate in real terms

  年均增長率 average growth rate per annum

  可持續增長 sustainable growth

  經濟效益 economic returns

  投資回報率 rate of return on investment

  衰退 recession

  巨集觀調控 macro control

  提高經濟效益 enhance economic performance

  扭虧為盈 turn a loss-making business into a profitable one

  優化經濟結構 optimize economic structure

  擴大內需 expand domestic demand

  國計民生 national interest and people’s livelihood

  經濟特區 special economic zones


  風險投資 venture investment

  經濟繁榮 economic boom

  發達國家 developed countries

  不發達國家 underdeveloped countries

  發展中國家 developing countries

  經濟交流 economic exchange

  跨國公司 multinational corporation


      智慧財產權 intellectual property rights

  版權 copyright


  商標 trademark

  互通有無 mutual exchange of needed products

  法治 rule of law

  平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 電

  子商務 e-business

  信用卡 credit card

  資訊時代 information age

  科教興國 rejuvenate the country through science and education

  研究開發 research and development

  高新技術 innovative and high technology


  創新 innovation

  尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology

  普及率 popularizing rate

  航班號 flight number

  頭等艙 first class

  商務艙 business class

  經濟艙 economy class

  登機牌 boarding card

  口岸 customs port

  客船 passenger liner

  慢車 stopping train

  普快 express


  直快 through express

  直達列車 through train

  特快 special express

  高速火車 high-speed train

  臥鋪車廂 sleeping coach

  中鋪 middle berth

  下鋪 lower berth

  出發站 departure station

  中轉站 transfer station

  終點站 terminus

  到達站 destination

  站臺 platform

  地鐵 subway
