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麥當娜經典:Don't Cry For Me Argentina歌詞

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歌手介紹:麥當娜·西科尼(Madonna Ciccone),1958年8月16日出生於美國密歇根州底特律,美國女歌手、演員。

麥當娜經典:Don't Cry For Me Argentina歌詞

Don't Cry for Me Argentina

It won't be easy, you'll think it strange 這不會是一件容易的事。你會覺得很奇怪

When I try to explain how I feel 每當我試着向你說明我心中的感受時

That I still need your love after all that I've done 在我做了這所有的一切之後,我怎麼還需要你的愛

You won't believe me 你不會相信我的話

All you will see is a girl you once knew 你將看到的,其實就是你曾經知道的一個女孩

Although she's dressed up to the nines 雖然她現在身着盛裝

At sixes and sevens with you 卻和你一起胡鬧

I had to let it happen, I had to change 我只好順勢而爲,我只好改變

Couldn't stay all my life down at heel 不能一生都過着窘迫的生活

Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun 看着窗外,卻照不到陽光

So I chose freedom 所以我選擇了自由

Running around, trying everything new 四處漫遊,嘗試新事物

But nothing impressed me at all 但沒有什麼給我留下深刻印象

I never expected it to 我本也沒指望上

Don't cry for me Argentina 別爲我哭泣,阿根廷

The truth is I never left you 事實是,我從未背棄過你

All through my wild days 在我的整個瘋狂歲月

My mad existence 我瘋狂的生活方式中

I kept my promise 我都信守諾言

Don't keep your distance別和我保持距離

And as for fortune, and as for fame 至於財富和名聲

I never invited them in 我從未請它們走進我的心中

Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired 雖然在全世界的人看來,這些似乎都是我所渴望的

They are illusions 它們都是幻象

They are not the solutions they promised to be 它們並不是所謂的解決之道

The answer was here all the time 答案一直都在這兒

I love you and hope you love me 我愛你,也希望你愛我

Don't cry for me Argentina 別爲我哭泣,阿根廷

Don't cry for me Argentina 別爲我哭泣,阿根廷

The truth is I never left you 事實是,我從未背棄過你

All through my wild days 在我的整個瘋狂歲月

My mad existence 我瘋狂的生活方式中

I kept my promise 我都信守諾言

Don't keep your distance別和我保持距離

Have I said too much? 我說得太多了嗎?

There's nothing more I can think of to say to you 我再也想不出要說什麼了

But all you have to do is look at me to know 但是,你要做的就是看着我,因爲你知道

That every word is true 我的每句話都是真的


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