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firmament是什麼意思 firmament的用法 firmament怎麼讀

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英 ['fɜːməm(ə)nt]美 ['fɝməmənt]

n. 天空;蒼天


firmament是什麼意思 firmament的用法 firmament怎麼讀


firmament 蒼穹



firmament (n.)

mid-13c., from Old French firmament

or directly from Latin firmamentum "firmament," literally "a support, a strengthening," from firmus "strong, steadfast, enduring" (see firm (adj.)). Used in Late Latin in the Vulgate to translate Greek stereoma "firm or solid structure," which translated Hebrew raqia, a word used of both the vault of the sky and the floor of the earth in the Old Testament, probably literally "expanse," from raqa "to spread out," but in Syriac meaning "to make firm or solid," hence the erroneous translation. Related: Firmamental.


1. He was rich, and a rising star in the political firmament.


2. There are no stars in the firmament.


3. a rising star in the literary firmament


4. Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy gold, and heaped itself glittering toward the firmament.

隨便什麼東西,艾萊柯都能點石成金, 金光閃閃的財富越堆越高,直逼天穹.

來自英漢文學 - 三萬元遺產

5. The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above.



[ firmament 造句 ]


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