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全網最酷美語怎麼說:第9期 考砸了

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Nick:Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."
Nick:我們今天來講一個很常用的詞組,"考砸了"。其實這個是發生在很多人身上。比如說很多學生他們大測,就是大的測驗,不多。但是小測特別多。或者說大的考試,其實有些人也很多。這種情況下,你要是沒有複習充分或者記錯時間,你就會考砸,對不對。那比如我上次的法語考試,像往常一樣我跑去教室,談笑風生。最後發現居然考砸了,因爲我不知道居然有考試。我壓根就沒有複習。非常慘痛的一個教訓。Remember what I told you before, I had a French exam. It was on Monday. I went to class as usually. I talked funny stuff with my classmates. We were like talking and laughing. And then they asked me one question, which scared me. They were like, "hey Nick." I was like, "what?" "Did you study for the exam?"
Brad: Oh and you thought that was a joke. You thought they were messing with you.
Nick: Yeah, I was like, "no, why?" Because we don't have finals right now. it's gonna be a long time. And then they were like," No, it's a quiz, which is today." I was like, "How?! Are you kidding me??" They were like, "No" Obviously, I bombed that exam coz I didn't review that, I didn't hit the books.
Brad: I had a similar experience when I talked about in last section, about messing up the dates.
Nick: oh yeah the last lesson.
Brad: Yeah my quiz was on Tuesday. I completely bombed that. I don't think I got a single question right. We didn't get to erasing it. But it was so bad. It's just the test was just, or the quiz was awful. I hate bombing quizzes. Bombing quizzes is just the worst.
Nick: Yeah the worst thing in the world. And I feel like at that time, I was talking. After they told me that, I was like, "I'm so gonna fail the exam." And I did, I bombed that exam. 剛剛我說就是我因爲沒有及時複習,然後bombed the exam,就是說把考試考砸了。然後Brad呢他也是。就像上一期我們講過mess up,還記得嗎?Brad就說過這個例子。那現在也是,同樣的,這個詞組也可以用在那個例子之中。因爲他考砸了嘛, "bomb the exam." B-o-m-b,注意這個b不發音。不要發成bomB. There's no bomB, right? The B is silent.
Brad: It roughly yes, it's in there very subtly. You don't say bomB. Less strange is bomb-you say it out with one breath. You don't use your tongue a lot. With your lips-it's called bomb.
Nick: 那這個就是一個發音的訣竅。大家要注意,千萬不要發成bomB. This is gonna be so funny when you pronounce like bomB.
Brad: This is fine. It's a little strange.
Nick: It's strange. 大家要注意,不要發音錯誤。那今天就是一個主要內容。 Hope you guys can learn it. I'll see you guys next time.
Brad: Bye, everyone.

全網最酷美語怎麼說:第9期 考砸了