
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 生活口語天天說 第9期:怎樣問路 生活口語|情景對話|怎樣|談論|故障

生活口語天天說 第9期:怎樣問路 生活口語|情景對話|怎樣|談論|故障

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 1.16W 次

經典句型: Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the museum,please?打擾了,請問去博物館怎麼走?

生活口語天天說 第9期:怎樣問路--生活口語|情景對話|怎樣|談論|故障

A:Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the museum,please?
B:Turn right and you will see a bus No.116 and you will get there.

經典句型:I wonder if you could tell me where the supermarket is.您能否告訴我超市在哪兒。

A:I wonder if you could tell me where the supermarket is.
B:Go down this block until you cross the second intersection.

在街上向陌生人問路時要先說Excuse me(打擾了),詢問具體的地點,可以說Where is the…Could you tell me where the … is?如果是詢問公交信息,可以說Which bus should I take to the …?(我乘哪路公交車可以到達…?)