
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 英語口語大贏家Topic118:扭秧歌Yangge Dance

英語口語大贏家Topic118:扭秧歌Yangge Dance

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英語口語大贏家Topic118:扭秧歌Yangge Dance


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Jane: The government is going to organize a folk-custom activity at the end of the month. And our community is supposed to put on a performance.

Shirley: What kind of performance? A lion dance?

Jane: Stuff like that but I think the lion dance is a bit too difficult and dangerous.

Shirley: Sure, you'll be dancing with lions. What do you expect? Then what about Yangge Dance which we did before.

Jane: Good idea. Shall we get everyone in the community?

Shirley: Maybe not. I think we should just focus on the retired people.

Jane: I know that they already have a Yangge Dance team and then what we need is just to do some rehearsals.

Shirley: What about the costumes?

Jane: We can raise money in the community. You know each family 10 yuan maybe.

Shirley: Try something new. We can find a supporting agency.

Jane: Great idea. There is a travel agency nearby who would love to be our sponsor. It's a perfect chance for them to promote ethnic tourism.

Shirley: Let's go for it.

Jane: Maybe we should take part in the Yangge Dance too. Good exercise to lose weight.

Shirley: Oh, my work-out card is about to expire.

Jane: Good timing.

















經典背誦 Recitation

Jane: I like Yangge Dance. We have a Yangge Dance team in our community. Most of us are retired. We have put on many performances in some folk activities. Now a travel agency's agreed to be our sponsor. So I think it won't be long before we have beautiful costumes. How exciting!


government n. 政府

organize vt. 組織

focus vi. 退休

retire vi. 集中

rehearsal n. 彩排

supporting agency 贊助單位

ethnic tourism 民俗旅遊

expire vi. 期滿

單詞擴展 Vocabulary Builder



paper cut 剪紙

cross-talk 相聲

cock-fighting 鬥雞

couplet 對聯

kite flying 放風箏

shadow shoe 皮影戲

firework display 放煙火

monkey tricks 耍猴戲


acrobatics 雜技

puppet show 木偶戲

clay sculpture 泥塑

riddle solving 猜燈謎

dragon boat rowing 賽龍舟

embroidery 刺繡

pay New Year call 拜年

cricket fighting 鬥蟋蟀


Sure, you'll be dancing with lions. What do you expect?


家庭總動員 Do it together


What about ( )?

[例] 家長讀paper cut 剪紙

孩子讀What about paper cut? 我覺得很好玩。