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We live in a fast-paced and anxiety-filled world that oftentimes seems to shift beneath our feet. Thus we are sometimes affected by fears or anxiety impacting our life. For as long as I could remember I had struggled with anxiety. After I left university, I made friends with a Moroccan woman at work. One day she invited me to 16 her and her family back home. I wanted to, but I would have to travel there 17 and I knew we would be in a very rural area. How would I cope with my 18 ?

Then one day it 19 to me that I had a life to live. I could choose to let anxiety 20 me or I could go to Morocco and 21 something different. I was 23 years old and had never been out of the UK alone. The journey to Morocco 22 something inside me. I managed to cope with my anxiety. The sense of 23 was overwhelming and still to this day when I get afraid of going somewhere alone, I remember how 24 it felt when I arrived in Morocco.

Upon arrival I was so 25 for the generous welcome I received. My friend’s family had arranged a welcome party. The people were so loving toward me. As a moment of 26 felt in a faraway village, this reminded me that I was “good enough”, which helped to 27 my anxiety.

Waking up the next day, in the morning light, I saw the area where we were. I was 28 by how rural it was – and the realization that these people had very few 29 .

In the days afterwards, I traveled around Morocco. We went to Marrakesh and 30 the Atlas mountains. We had the most amazing food – lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

At the end of my 31 something inside me had changed. I realized I had not felt anxious for nearly two weeks.

Experiencing a different culture far away from home helped me to realize what is important in life, what really 32 , and with that my anxiety 33 . When I returned home I was much more active in 34 my anxiety. Working with people, helping them 35 their anxiety, is how I can share the love I found in Morocco.

16.A. send B. consult C. call D. visit

17.A. alone B. soon C. free D. safe

18.A. work B. curiosity C. homesickness D. worries

19.A. appeared B. hit C. struck D. occurred

20.A. impress B. control

C. reach D. persuade

21.A. enjoy B. experience C. take D. experiment

22.A. changed B. moved

C. supported D. impressed

23.A. achievement B. fear

C. disappointment D. embarrassment

24.A. good B. ashamed C. afraid D. proud

25.A. sorry B. confused C. confident D. thankful

26.A. doubt B. luck

C. love D. surprise

27.A. improve B. hold C. protect D. reduce

28.A. inspired B. moved

C. pleased D. shocked

29.A. lands B. difficulties C. resources D. friends

30.A. discovered B. explored

C. examined D. recognized

31.A. opportunity B. rush

C. stay D. life

32.A. rules B. exists C. matters D. hurts

33.A. disappeared B. expanded

C. remained D. removed

34.A. expressing B. challenging

C. forgetting D. remembering

35.A. drop B. notice

C. pass D. overcome


16.D send派,送;consult諮詢;call打電話,召集;visit參觀,訪問。根據下文我到Morocco可知本句是指有一天這個朋友邀請我去看望她。故選D項。

17.A alone獨自;soon很快,迅速;free自由的;safe安全的。根據下文29空前I get afraid of going somewhere alone可知我不得不獨自一個人去Morocco看望朋友。故選A項。

18.D work工作;curiosity好奇;homesickness想家;worries擔憂。我不得不獨自一人去那裏。而且我知道那是一個很荒涼的農村地區,我怎麼才能處理好自己的擔憂呢?故選D項。

19.D sth occur to sb某人突然想起某事;有一天我突然想起,我要過自己的生活。本句中的it是形式主語,真正的主語是後面的that引導的主語從句。故選D項。

20.B impress留下深刻印象;control控制;reach到達;persuade說服。我可以選擇讓焦慮控制自己或者我去Morocco體驗一下不一樣的東西。故選B項。

21.B enjoy享受;experience體驗;take拿走,花費;experiment實驗(名詞)。我可以選擇讓焦慮控制自己或者我去Morocco體驗一下不一樣的東西。故選B項。

22.A change改變;move移動,感動;support支持;impress給……留下印象。本句是指去Morocco的這次旅行改變了我內心深處的一些東西。故選A項。

23.A achievement成就;fear恐懼;disappointment失望;embarrassment尷尬。我成功地處理了自己內心深處的恐懼,這種成就感是對我的震撼十分巨大,直到今天我們仍然能夠感覺到。故選A項。

24.A good好的;ashamed害羞的;afraid害怕的;proud自豪的。我還記得當我到了Morocco的時候,我得感覺是多麼得棒!故選A項。

25.D sorry難過的;confused困惑的;confident自信的;thankful感 激的。固定搭配be thankful for…對…感到感激;本句是指當我到達Morocco的時候,有很多人對我的到來表示熱烈歡迎,對此我十分感激。故選D項。

26.C doubt懷疑;luck運氣;love愛;surprise驚訝。有如此多的人來歡迎我,對我來說這是一個充滿了愛的時刻。故選C項。

27.D improve提高,改善;hold拿住,握住;protect保護;reduce減少。人們對我的歡迎讓我感覺很好,這有助於我減少自己的焦慮please。故選D項。

28.D inspire鼓舞,鼓勵;move感動;使……開心;shock使……震驚。第二天早上當我醒來的時候,我看見了自己所在的地方,被這個地區的荒涼驚呆了。這個地方實在是太荒涼了。故選D項。

29.C land土地;difficulty困難;resource資源;friend朋友。看到這個地方很荒涼,而且當地人可以利用的資源真少。故選C項。

30.B discover發現;explore探索;examine檢查;recognize認出;在接下來的幾天裏我們遊遍了Morocco,還去探索了Atlas山脈,吃了很多的魚和水果之類的食物。故選B項。

31.C opportunity機會;rush匆忙;stay逗留;life生活。我在Morocco逗留的最後幾天裏,我內心深處的一些東西已經發matter生了改變。故選C項。

32.C rule統治;exist存在;重要,有關係hurt;傷害。體驗一種遠離故鄉的文化幫助我意識到生活中最重要的是什麼,有關係的是什麼。明白了這一切,我內心深處的焦慮消失不見了。故選C項。

33.A disappear消失;expand擴張;remain保持,仍然;remove去除。體驗一種遠離故鄉的文化幫助我意識到生活中最重要的是什麼,有關係的是什麼。明白了這一切,我內心深處的焦慮消失不見了。故選A項。

34.B express表達;challenge挑戰;forget忘記;remember記得。當我回到家鄉以後,我更加積極地挑戰自己的焦慮,讓自己更加能夠克服自己的焦慮,積極地面對人生。故選B項。

35.D drop下落;notice注意到;pass通過;overcome克服。和人們在一起幫助他們克服困難是我學會如何分享在Morocco學會的愛的最好方法。故選D項。


Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new baby. They found out that it was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael 16 to his sister in Mommy’s tummy(肚子). He was building a bond of love with his little sister before he even met her.

The pregnancy progressed 17 for Karen. In time, the labor pains came. Soon it was every five minutes ... every minute. But something serious 18 during delivery. Finally, Michael’s little sister was born. But she was in serious 19 . With siren(警報) howling in the night, the ambulance 20 the infant(嬰兒) to the Intensive Care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee.

21 inched by. The little girl got worse. The doctors told the parents, “There is very little hope.” Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery (墓地) about a burial plot. They had 22 a special room in their home for the new baby — now they planned a funeral.

After two weeks in Intensive Care, it looked as if a funeral would come 23 the week was over. Michael, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister, “I want to sing to her,” he said. Kids were never 24 in Intensive Care. But Karen made up her mind to take Michael 25 they liked it or not. If he didn’t see his sister now, he may never see her alive.

She 26 him in an oversized suit and 27 him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse 28 him as a child, “Get that kid out of here now!” The mother rose up strong in Karen, and the usually 29 lady glared steel-eyed right into the head nurse’s face, saying in a 30 tone of voice, “He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!” Karen towed Michael to his sister’s bedside. He gazed at the tiny baby 31 the battle to live. And he began to sing. 32 the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang:

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray…” 33 the baby girl responded. The pulse rate began to 34 down and became steady.

“Keep on singing, Michael.” encouraged Karen. “You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away…”As Michael sang to his sister, the baby's breath became as smooth as a kitten’s purr.

“Keep on singing, Michael.” “The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping…” Michael’s little sister relaxed as rest, healing rest, seemed to sweep over her.

Funeral plans were 35 . The next day — the very next day — the little girl was well enough to go home!

The medical staff just called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of God’s love!

16.A. talked B. sang

C. played D. whispered

17.A. quietly B. peacefully

C. hopefully D. normally

18.A. arose B. raised

C. rose D. aroused

19.A. situation B. place

C. condition D. position

20.A. took B. sent

C. carried D. rushed

21.A. The years B. The months

C. The weeks D. The days

22.A. fixed up B. made up

C. built up D. set up

23.A. until B. before

C. after D. when

24.A. asked B. allowed

C. admitted D. acquired

25.A. no matter B. even if

C. whether D. as if

26.A. put B. dressed

C. wore D. fit

27.A. marched B. forced

C. hid D. followed

28.A. required B. replied

C. recognized D. regarded

29.A. warm-hearted B. well-managed

C. mild-mannered D. cold-blooded

30.A. firm B. strong

C. hard D. tough

31.A. losing B. lost

C. to lose D. having lost

32.A. In B. On

C. At D. With

33.A. Finally B. Instantly

C. Patiently D. Interestingly

34.A. calm B. quiet

C. slow D. fast

35.A. erased B. scratched

C. abandoned D. switched


16.B聯繫上文,一個三歲的孩子是還不會什麼正式語言的結合下文I want to sing to her。唱兒歌給他的妹妹聽,故選B項。

17.D quietly安靜地;peacefully 平靜地;hopefully懷有希望地;normally正常地。結合下文可知凱倫的懷孕過程很正常,故選D項。

18.A arise不及物動詞,出現、產生;rise不及物動詞,升起升高;raise 及物動詞,增加的意思。Arouse喚醒鼓勵。根據題意,但是分娩過程中併發症產生了,故選A項。

19.C B、D項容易排除。condition一般指個體的情況;situation指整體情況。結合題意,這裏指的是嬰兒個人的情況。故選C項。



22.A 結合上下文,他們不可能在家建造一個房間,應該是提前準備了一個房間,故選A項,固定、安排。

23.B before在……之前。結合上下文可知句意爲,看起來在本週結束前就要舉行葬禮,選B項。

24.B admit同意進入,允許進入,常與to連用;allow泛指“一般的同意,允許”;ask要求;acquire獲得。結合上下文可知重症護理室一般是不許小孩進去的。故選B項。

25.C no matter不論怎樣;even if即使/雖然;whether是否 常和or連用;as if好像。結合上文可知句意爲,不管他們是否喜歡,她都要帶米希爾進去。選C項。

26.B put放;dress給……穿衣;wear穿着;fit適合。結合句意可知選B項,她給他穿了一件大好消毒服。

27.A march使……前進;force強迫、督促;hide藏;follow跟隨。根據題意她讓他進入重症護理病房。選A項。

28.C require要求;reply回答;recognize認出;egard看待。根據下文可知句意爲,但是護士長認出了他是一個孩子。選C項。

29.C warm-hearted熱心腸的;well-managed管理得好的;mild-mannered溫柔的;cold-blooded冷血的。結合上下文可知句意爲,這位一向溫 文爾雅的女士狠狠地盯住護士長的臉。選C項。

30.A firm堅固的;strong強壯的;hard困難的、努力地;tough堅韌的、結實的。根據題意,她的嘴抿成一條線。這裏表示的是凱倫堅定地決心,故選A項。

31.A作狀語時,動名詞多表示正在發生的伴隨的動作,過去分詞表示發生過的被動的動作、不定式表示將要發生的具體的動作,現在分詞的完成時態表示現在已經完成的動作。根據題意可知the battle to live爲前面謂語的伴隨動作,故選A項。

32.A In在某個 範圍內;On在某個表面;At在一點;With用某種具體工具。結合下文可知題意爲,在一個三歲孩子來自純淨心靈的歌聲裏,米歇爾唱到,選A項。

33.B Finally最終;Instantly馬上;Patiently耐心地;Interestingly有趣地。結合下文可知句意爲,馬上這個小女孩有了反映,故選B項。

34.A calm平靜的,一般指情緒動作等;quiet 安靜的,指沒有聲音;slow 慢的;fast快速的。結合上下文可知句意,脈搏變得平靜而穩定了。故選A項。

35.C erase擦除;scratch抓傷;abandon拋棄;switch開關。結合上下文可知句意爲,舉行葬禮取消了。選B項。