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__________ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If B. Whether C. That D. When

此題應選 B。容易誤選A,C。

1. 關於if與whether:兩者都可引導賓語從句,常可換用; 但若引導主語從句,則用whether (不用if),排除A。又如。如:


誤:If he will come is a question.

正:Whether he will come is a question.

2. 關於whether和that:兩者都可引導主語從句,其區別主要應從句意來考慮:whether表示“是否”,由它引導的主語從句的意思通常是不確定的;that 引導主語從句時,本身沒有詞義(that在其他名詞性從句中也沒有詞義),但是由that引導的整個主語從句的意思通常是確定的。試比較:

1. a. That we’ll hold a meeting is decided. 我們要召開一次會議,這已決定了。

b. Whether we’ll hold a meeting is not decided. 我們是否要開一個會,這還沒有決定。

2. a. That he has left here is clear. 他已離開了這兒,這點很清楚。

b. Whether he has left here is not clear. 他是 否已離開這兒,這還不清楚。

3. a. That he can finish it in two hours is clear. 他能在兩小時內完成它,這是顯然的。

b. Whether he can finish it in two hours is a question. 他能否在兩小時內完成它還是問題。



當where 引導定語從句時,Where前有表示地點的先行詞,where 引導的從句修飾先行詞,Where是關係副詞,在從句中作地點狀語。例如:

's got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose control over the plane .(2001年上海)

評析:situation 是先行詞,其後是Where引導的定語從句。

is the place where Luxun once lived .

評析: the place 是先行詞,其後是 where引導的定語從句 ,where 在從句中作地點狀語。



famous scientist grew up where he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.(2002年春季高考上海)

評析:句中“the famous scientist grew up "這一部分是該句的主句,Where到句子最後是地點狀語從句,where前沒有表示地點的先行詞.

found her passport where she lost it .

評析:"passport"是主句 found 後的賓語,它並不是從句中lost的地點,因此 where 引導的是地點狀語從句,從屬連詞where引導的從句修飾主句的謂語動詞 found 。

三、where 引導賓語從句、表語從句、主語從句、同位語從句———名詞性從句

where引導的名詞性從句,意思接近the place where ,可譯爲:“……的地方”,where是疑問副詞。例如:

5. This is where Luxun once lived. (where 引導表語從句)

評析:此句與第2句意思一樣,即:這是魯迅曾經住的地方。但語法功能不一樣,第2句中,where 前有先行詞 the place, the place在主句中作表語,而第5句中,where 引導的表語從句前沒有名詞,從語法功能看,where 引導從句的位置是表語位置,where 在表語從句中作地點狀語。

6.I don't know where Luxun once lived .(where 引導賓語從句)

評析:此句where 引導的是動詞know的賓語從句。Where引導的從句

was free to go to where she liked and do what she liked . (where 引導賓語從句)

評析:此句中,where 引導的從句作介詞的賓語,意思接近 the place where。

haven't yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation. (where 引導同位語從句)

評析:本句中疑問副詞where 引導的從句,與其前面的名詞the question 是同位關係,the question 的具體內容就是where 引導的從句,因此,where 引導的是同位語從句。

e Mary was born is Beijing . 來自 (where 引導主語從句)

評析:本句中疑問副詞where 引導的從句,放在主句主語的位置,因此這裏where 引導的從句是主語從句。譯:瑪利出身的地方是北京。




3.司機問我想上哪兒去。(where 引導賓語從句)

4.書在你原來放的地方。(where 引導表語從句)

5.她回到她媽媽坐的地方。((where 引導介詞 to 的賓語從句))



e there is a will, there is a way.

is the building where my father worked.

driver asked me where I wanted to go.

book is where you left it.

came back to where her mother was sitting.

se stay where you are.





1. 當先行詞爲all, much, little, none及由any, every, some, no所構成的複合不定代詞時。

如:We should do all that is useful to the people. 我們應該做一切有益於人民的事情。

Please tell me anything that you know about the matter. 有關此事,凡是你所知道的請告訴我。

2. 當先行詞被any, few, little, no, all, much, some等詞修飾時。

如:You can take any seat that is free. 任何空着的座位你都可以坐。

There is little work that is fit for you. 幾乎沒有適合你的工作。

3. 當先行詞爲序數詞或被序數詞所修飾時。

如:When people talk about the cities of China, the first that comes to my mind is Beijing. 人們談論起中國的城市的時候,我首先 想到的是北京。

This is the fourth film that has been shown in our school this term. 這是我們校本學期放映的第四部電影。

4. 當先行詞爲形容詞最高級或被形容詞最高級修飾時。

如:The best that I could do was to apologize. 我唯一能做的就是賠禮道歉了。

This is the most interesting story book that I have ever read. 這是我讀過的一本最有趣的故事書。

5. 當先行詞被the very, the only, the last, the just, the same等修飾時。

如: This is the very book that I'm looking for. 這正是我在找的書。

The only thing that we could do was to wait. 我們唯一能做的事就是等待。

注意:先行詞被the same修飾時,關係代詞也可用as。

如:I need the same book that / as you have. 我需要有你一樣的書。

6. 當先行詞既包含人又包含物時。

如: They are talking of the heroines and their deeds that interest them. 他們正在談論他們感興趣的女英雄及她們的事蹟。

7. 當先行詞是疑問代詞who,which,what或主句以這些詞開頭時。

如:Who that has ever worked together with him doesn't admire him? 曾經和他一起工作過的誰不欽佩他?

Which is the star that is nearer to the earth? 哪個是離地球比較近的星星?

8. 當先行詞爲主句表語或關係代詞爲從句表語時。

如:That's a good book that will help you a lot. 那是本對你很有幫助的書。

Our school is no longer the place that it used to be. 我們的學校現在已不是過去的那個樣子了。

9. 先行詞爲time時,當time表示次數,引導詞用that, 可省略。 當表示時間,可用that或when引導,都可省略。

如:I do remember the first time(that) I had ever heard the sweetest voice in the world.我很清楚地記得當我第一次聽到世界上最美的聲音的時候。

I did't remember the exact time (when/that) I arrived in Shanghai last month. 我不記得上個月到達上海的確切時間了。


1. 在“介詞+關係代詞”結構中,關係代詞必須用which。

如: The house in which we live is very large. 我們住的房子非常大。

This is the reference book of which the teacher is speaking. 這就是老師正在談及的那本參考書。

注意: 如果介詞不放在修飾事物的限定性定語從句的句首, which就可換爲that, 例如: This is the question which/that we've had so much discussion about. =This is the question about which we've had so much discussion. 這就是我們已經多次討論過的問題。

2. 先行詞爲“those+表事物的複數名詞”時, 關係代詞通常只用which而不用that。

如:you should grasp well those skills which may be used in the future work.


如: She likes the child for the very reason that (=for which) she loves his father. 她喜歡那個孩子因爲她愛着孩子的父親。

He didn't like the way that (=in which) she speaks to his mother. 他不喜歡她對他的母親那樣說話。

Imagine the speed that (=at which) he drives the car. 很難想象,他開車開得那麼快。

The reason (that /for which /why) he came here was to ask for our help.他來這裏的原因是尋求我們的幫助。