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1.I appreciate your invitation感謝你的邀請。

2.I won't do it to save my life我死也不會做。

you have a room available? 你們有空房間嗎?

are you doing these days?這些日子你怎麼樣?

did he say in the letter?他在信裏說什麼了?

often do you eat out?你隔多久在外面吃一次飯?

went away as wise as they came他們一無所獲。

did you doing spend your holiday?你假期怎麼過的?

9.I have no opinion of that sort of man我對這類人很反感。

are you going to do with the books?你打算拿這些書怎麼辦?




you positive?你確定嗎?

tickets left?有剩票嗎?

answer is zero白忙了。

17.I don't have a clue我不知道。

've gone too far!你太過分了

the crap少廢話,別兜圈子。

it out!省省吧,少來這套。

21.I was about to leave我正要出門。

22.I forgot my wallet我忘帶錢包了。

23.I have a bad memory我記性不好。

e do we get off?我們在哪下車?

much do you need?你要借多少啊?

you with me?你們跟上我講的了嗎?

me put it this way讓我這麼說吧。

read it for me就讀給我聽好了。

I made myselfclear?我講明白了嗎?

d you say itagain?你能再說一遍嗎?

me make it up to you讓我好好補償你吧。

32.I always catch this bus我總是搭乘這輛公交。

haven’t paid me back yet你還沒還我錢。

always forget your wallet你總是忘帶錢包。

a beautifulgarden you have!你的花園真漂亮。

36.I hope you don’t forget to pay me back希望你別忘了還我。

were you doing when I called?我打電話給你時你在幹嗎?

38.I told you that I have a bad memory我跟你說了我記性不好了。

can get off the bus right behind Macy's我們可以在梅西百貨的下一站下車。

bus goes all the way to the zoo, right?這輛公交車一路開到動物園,對嗎?

’s this?這是什麼?

’s a book那是一本書。

this your book?這是你的書嗎?

,that’s not my book不,那不是我的書。

e book is this?這是誰的書?

’s your book那是你的書。

what’s that?還有那是什麼?

that a book?那是一本書嗎?

,it isn’t不,不是。

’s a pencil那是一枝鉛筆。