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武術在我國源遠流長,是中華民族傳統文化的瑰寶。我們知道,一個民族的優秀文化遺產,不僅僅屬於一個民族,它會逐漸傳播到世界而成爲人類的共同財富。// 爲了更好的推廣武術運動,使其與奧運項目接軌,中國武協和國際武聯做了大量的艱苦卓絕的工作。現在武術運動已被列爲一種具有與保齡球運動和國際標準舞同等地位的奧運表演項目。//武術的蓬勃發展,除得益於其項目本身的吸引力之外,早期移居海外的一代武術大師功不可沒。//老一代武術家在海外播種下了武術的種子,使武術這門既可以自衛又可以健身的運動很快就在新的土地上紮下了根。今天高超的武術大師已遍佈世界各地,武術愛好者也與日俱增。//

Wushu, or Chinese martial art, can be traced back to ancient times. It is a gem of Chinese traditional culture. As we all know, the fine culture of a nation doesn' t belong to the nation alone and it will be spread to the rest of the world and shared by all humanity.// The Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize wushu and make the Chinese martial art closer to the Olympic Movement. Wushu was accepted to join bowling and international standard dance as an Olympic demonstration event.// The booming of wushu is attributed not only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to emigrant Chinese wushu masters over the years.// Martial artists of the older generations have sown wushu seeds in foreign countries. Weshu, which can be used as self-defense and can keep practitioners fit and strong, soon became popular on new lands. Today superb wushu masters are active all over the world, and amateurs are on the increase with each passing day.


香港中文大學,簡稱"中大",成立於1963年。中大是一所研究型綜合大學,以"結合傳統與現代,融匯中國與西方"爲創校使命。//40多年來,中大一直致力於弘揚中華傳統文化,堅持雙語教育,並推行獨特的書院制度,在香港教育界卓然而立。中大校園佔地134 公頃,是世界上最美麗的校園之一。//中大的師生來自世界各地。有教職員工 5200多人,近萬名本科生、約2000多名研究生,其中約2500多人來自45個不同的國家和地區。//中大實行靈活的學分制,不僅有助於培養有專有博的人才,而且還賦予學生更大的學習自主權。中大的多元教育有助於充分發揮每一個學生的潛能。//

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is are search-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK' s faculty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//


過去10年,海平面升高和森林看法的速度都是前所未有的;生態惡化、物種滅絕、臭氧層被破壞、溫室效應、酸雨等一系列環境問題已經嚴重影響到人類的生存環境。// 環境惡化造成的問題之一就是缺水。目前全世界 40%以上的人口,即 20 多億人,面臨缺水問題。據預測,未來 25 年全球人口將有 60 億增長到 80 億,環境保護面臨更大的壓力。// 中國作爲一個發展中國家,面臨着發展經濟和保護環境的雙重任務。從國情出發,中國在全面推進現代化的過程中,將環境保護視爲一項基本國策。// 衆所周知,對生態環境和生物多樣性的保護是環保工作的重點。我國野生動植物物種豐富,僅脊椎動物就有 6000 多種左右,高等植物 3 萬多種。//

Sea level rose and forest were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade. A series of environmental problems such s the deterioration of ecosystem, the extinction of bio-species,damage to the ozone layer, the green-house effect, acid rain, have posed a serious threat to human living conditions.// Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems, namely, water shortage. Presently, more than 40% of the world's population, more than 2 billion people, now face water shortage. It is predicted hat with the global population expected to increase from six billion to eight billion over the next 25 years, more pressure on environmental protection stress is expected.// As a developing country, china is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the eeding from its national conditions, china has, in the process of promoting its overall modernization program, made environmental protection one of its basic state policies.// It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work. China is rich in wildlife species. There are about 6,000 vertebrates alone and 30,000species of higher plants.//


爲了切實保護兒童權益,中國的立法、司法、政府各有關部門以及社會團體都建立了相應的機制,以監督、實施和促進保護兒童事業的健康發展。// 中國政府動員社會採取多種方式關心和幫助殘疾兒童的成長,大力弘揚殘疾兒童自強不息的精神,倡導團結、友愛、互助的道德風尚。// 中國民族素有"攜幼","愛幼"的傳統美德,中國古語"有無有以及人之幼"了流傳至今。// 我們要在全社會倡導樹立"愛護兒童、教育兒童、爲兒童做表率、爲兒童辦實事"的公民意識,並努力爲兒童事業的發展創造良好的社會條件。//

To effectively protect children's rights and interests, china's legislation, judicial and government departments concerned as well as non-governmental organizations have set up corresponding mechanisms to supervise, facilitate and promote the healthy development of the work on protecting children.// The Chinese government has done a great deal to mobilize various circles in society to care for, in various manners , the development of disabled children, to greatly encourage the spirit of unceasing self-improvement among physically disadvantaged children and to advocate the valued social virtues of unity, friendship and mutual aid.// The Chinese nation has long cultivated the traditional virtues of "bring up the young" and caring for the young". An old Chinese saying that "love our children and love others'children in the same manner" is still very popular.// We should urge the society at large to raise the awareness of importance of "protecting and educating children, and setting a good example and doing practical thing for children". We will spare no efforts to create favorable social conditions for the progress of child development programs.//


泰山的每個季節都有獨特的魅力。春天,綠茵茵的山坡上,爭奇鬥妍的花朵到處可見。夏天泰山的雷暴雨堪稱奇觀。秋天,楓樹葉漫山遍野,蔚藍色的河水川流不息。冬天,雪蓋羣峯鬆披霜,景觀素雅悲壯,別有一番情趣。喜逢豔陽日,極目遠眺,重巒疊嶂,盡收眼簾。//但遇天陰時,環顧四周,蒼茫大地,盡入雲海。泰山的日出與日落,聞名遐爾。壯觀的自然風景以及不可計數的歷史名勝,激發了古代文人墨客,爲之舞文弄墨,創作了無數經典 佳作。泰山歷來是畫家騷客所鍾情的聚集地。//

Each season here has its beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring,spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue river srunning across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow-capped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet solemn spectacle of particular interest. On a clear day one can see the peaks rising one after another. // When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into asea of clouds. Mount Tai is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset. Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers. Mount Tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.//