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十大最流行的新年目標 如何才能堅持下去?大綱

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十大最流行的新年目標 如何才能堅持下去?

Year in and year out, we all make resolutions to better ourselves. Gym memberships surge, restaurants serve more salads and people reduce their smoking, drinking and spending. Making a resolution is one thing, but sticking to that resolution can be an uphill battle -- these are lifelong habits you're trying to break. Kafi A. Martin, a health and lifestyle expert and CEO of Island Sweat, offers her tips for staying focused. In short, think long term.

日復一日年復一年,每到新年時分我們都會列新年目標,希望可以完善自身。健身房的會員業務量激增、餐館的健康食品賣得更多、戒菸戒酒戒花錢的人兒也遍地都是。不過,列目標是一回事,但堅持下去就是場艱苦卓絕的戰役了:要知道,你在努力戒掉的,是長期以來養成的習慣。in 是一位生活健康專家,同時也是Island Sweat公司的CEO。她將跟我們分享將目標堅持到底的祕訣。一句話:從長遠利益出發。

1. Cook More

1. 多做飯

Cooking more meals at home is a top New Year's resolution, but it's daunting if you're not comfortable in the kitchen. "To start, pick one meal that would be easy for you to do," Martin said. Think eggs for breakfast or chicken for dinner. "The key here is to not overwhelm yourself by trying to cook each meal right away. Pick one easy meal first, master it and then add another."

今年要多在家做飯,這是很多人第一選擇的新年目標。不過,假如你本來就廚藝不精,那這個目標對你來說着實艱鉅。Martin告訴我們:“剛開始的時候,你可以選擇一個簡單的食譜。” 比如用雞蛋做早飯、或是用雞肉做晚餐。“關鍵是,不要在一開始就妄想着能頓頓美味,先選一個簡單的食譜、掌握它,然後再逐漸進階。

2. Eat Better

2. 吃得更健康

Eating the majority of your meals at home is the quickest way to eat healthier. Still, you will likely eat out. At restaurants, don't be afraid to get picky. Ask for dressings and toppings on the side, request your food cooked in olive oil instead of other fats, skip the appetizers and order water to drink. At friends' houses, control your portions and pass on high-calorie beverages.


3. Get a Better Education

3. 繼續深造

If you're thinking of going back to school, Martin suggests you "write down your reason for going back to school at the top of every notepad and notebook you use." The constant reminder, she says, will keep you focused and motivate you through difficult classes and exams even when balancing school with life and work seems impossible.

假如你打算回爐深造一下,Martin的建議是:“把你想深造的原因和目的寫下來,並放在所有常用的筆記本的第一頁。” 這樣,通過長期持續的提醒,它將保持你注意力的集中,並在艱苦的課堂和考試中給你動力;在令人疲憊的生活和學業的平衡中,持續給你信心和力量。

4. Quit Smoking

4. 戒菸

This resolution may be more difficult to keep than others because your body's addiction to nicotine can be difficult to overcome. Some can quit cold turkey, but others require gradual steps to break their addiction, and that's OK. Invest in products that help wean you off your nicotine addiction. In addition, Martin says to "assess what triggers your stress and control that first before you reach for your puffer" since smoking is often a mindless, stress-relieving habit.

這個目標相比別的而言,比較難。因爲吸菸者的身體對尼古丁的依賴並不容易克服。少數人能迅速又徹底地戒掉,然而大多數還是需要一個漫長而逐漸的過程的,沒關係。可以嘗試用替代品來幫助你克服煙癮。此外,Martin還認爲,“每當煙癮重犯、伸手掏煙時,你應該先想一想:啥事兒讓我變得緊張了?從而剋制住這種情緒。” 因爲吸菸是一種下意識緩解壓力的習慣。

5. Stick to a Budget

5. 計劃用錢

"A budget is how you control your money and ensure that money does not control you," said Martin. Think of a budget as financial freedom as opposed to a restriction. To stick to this resolution, Martin suggests setting up a small monthly reward for yourself as a treat for a month's worth of success. Take a picture of this reward (a meal, a manicure, a new outFit) and keep it in your line of sight to help stay on track.


十大最流行的新年目標 如何才能堅持下去? 第2張

6. Reduce Debt

6. 減少債務

Whether you're tens, hundreds or thousands of dollars in debt, reducing that debt takes dedication and diligence. To start, do not accrue any more debt and instead only spend within your means. To reduce the debt you already have, list all your debts from smallest to largest. "Start by paying off the smallest debt," suggested Martin, who explains that the reward of paying it off can motivate you to work on your larger debts, too. If necessary, work with a financial specialist to help you create a plan of attack.


7. Get Organized

7. 生活得更有條理

Drowning in clutter? Try nixing as much paper as possible and storing it digitally instead, Martin suggests. "With an electronic copy, you can get rid of the paper copy and immediately begin to keep your space clear and organized," she said. For standard household organization, go through all your possessions and donate whatever you aren't using. Buy storage containers of all sizes, give everything a place and then label the containers. "Designating one space for each item keeps it from being jumbled and hard to find," said Martin.

感覺快被一團亂麻淹沒了?不如試試減少紙張使用、轉向數字生活吧,這是Martin的建議。“電子文檔可以立即幫你擺脫成堆的紙質文件,還你一個乾淨有條理的空間,” 她說。對於普通的家庭或機構而言,不妨翻看一下自己的存貨,然後把那些不用的東西都捐出去。購置各種尺寸的儲物箱,把每件東西都標記好,然後放進去。“把空間標記好,不同的地方存放專門的東西,這樣就不會造成一團亂麻、要啥找不到啥的局面了。”

8. Reduce Alcohol Intake

8. 減少酒精攝入

To successfully reduce your alcohol intake, first consider where you do the majority of your drinking. "If you’re a social drinker, do less events where others are drinking and do more physical activities like skating or hiking," suggested Martin. "This way you get your social interaction, but it’s not built around behavior where drinking is the norm." Martin says to pay attention to your drinking mood if you're a solitary drinker. Once you understand your triggers, work to avoid them and find other ways to cope or relieve that mood.

想要少喝酒,首先你得回憶一下平時一般都在哪裏喝得比較多。“假如應酬時總喝多,那就少去聚餐,多做些體育運動,比如滑冰啊、徒步之類。” Martin建議道。“這樣,你既和朋友們保持了聯絡,同時也迴避了那種處處離不開酒精的場面。” Martin還說,假如你常常獨飲,那得好好注意一下自己在喝酒時的情緒。一旦你掌握了自己情緒的薄弱點,那麼下次再出現這種情緒時,用別的方式來化解它。

9. Get Fit

9. 去健身

Exercise and getting more fit is all about a lifestyle change -- not a temporary regimen. "To get fit, you must engage in an activity that you love, at a time where you are fully focused on you and you only," advised Martin. "Separate an hour in every day that belongs only to you. In that hour, do the sporting activity you enjoy most." If you hate running, don't do it. Instead try dancing, skating or even walking. If you enjoy sports, join a community team. If you love the outdoors, take up hiking or biking.


10. Spend More Time With Family

10. 花更多時間和家人相處

Spending quality time with your family can be tricky since it requires balancing various peoples' schedules. The key is to plan in advance and to find something fun that you all enjoy. "Take turns picking an activity that everyone can do and set aside a specific time every week," suggested Martin. "Even if it's game night at home, put the event on your calendar so you don't schedule something over it by accident."
