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安倍呼籲G7重新接納俄羅斯 Japan’s Abe calls for Putin to be brought in from the cold

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安倍呼籲G7重新接納俄羅斯 Japan’s Abe calls for Putin to be brought in from the cold

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is pressing for President Vladimir Putin to be brought in from the cold, saying Russian help is crucial to tackling multiple crises in the Middle East.

日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)敦促西方同俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾渠京(Vladimir Putin)恢復合作,稱俄羅斯的協助對解決中東的多重危機至關重要。

In an interview with Nikkei and the Financial Times, Mr Abe said he was willing to go to Moscow as this year’s chair of the Group of Seven advanced economies, or to invite the Russian president to Tokyo.

在接受日本經濟新聞社(Nikkei)與英國《金融時報》採訪時,安倍表示,他願意以七國集團(G7) 2016年輪值主席的身份訪問莫斯科,或者邀請普京訪問東京。

Pointing to tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the war in Syria, and the threat of radical Islamism, Mr Abe said: “We need the constructive engagement of Russia.”


The former G8 excluded Russia following its annexation of Crimea and military support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. But while Japan has joined in sweeping economic sanctions, Mr Abe made clear he wants to work with Mr Putin.


“As chair of the G7, I need to seek solutions regarding the stability of the region as well as the whole world,” he said, noting Japan’s ongoing territorial dispute with Russia over the Kuril Islands. “I believe appropriate dialogue with Russia, appropriate dialogue with president Putin is very important.”

“作爲七國集團輪值主席,我需要爲地區乃至整個世界的穩定尋求解決方案,”他說。他特別提到了日俄之間關於千島羣島(Kuril islands)懸而未決的領土爭端。“我相信,與俄羅斯適當的對話、與普京總統適當的對話非常重要。”

As the only Asian nation in the club of rich democracies, Japan prizes its G7 membership, and Mr Abe is determined to make the most of the Ise-Shima summit he will host in May.


Mr Abe’s call for engagement with Russia came despite his lauding the G7 as “a gathering of the champions of universal values like freedom, democracy, basic human rights and the rule of law”. He also voiced strong criticism of China’s attempt to “unilaterally change the status quo” in the South China Sea.


Potential security threats to Japan were highlighted earlier this month when North Korea tested a nuclear weapon. Despite his efforts to secure the return of Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korea, Mr Abe vowed to toughen sanctions, saying it is no time for him to visit Pyongyang.


“The nuclear test unilaterally conducted by North Korea is a clear violation of United Nations resolutions,” said the Japanese prime minister. “We must make clear to North Korea that as long as they resort to these activities, it will not be business as usual.”


Mr Abe piled moral pressure on South Korean president Park Geun-hye to implement their recent settlement over wartime “comfort women” — his biggest diplomatic achievement last year. He said it was “a commitment and promise made between leaders” that had been welcomed by countries around the world.

安倍還向韓國總統朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)施加道德壓力,要求她貫徹兩國近期就戰時“慰安婦”問題達成的協議——安倍去年最大的外交成就。他稱,這是“兩國領導人之間做出的保證與承諾”,受到了世界各國的歡迎。


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