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古詩詞的迴歸 The Return of Chinese Ancient Poetry

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古詩詞的迴歸 The Return of Chinese Ancient Poetry
There are many popular words that are created from the Internet and people like to use the network language, because it is simple and funny. Recently, a teenager girl won the Chinese ancient Poetry Competition, which caught the public’s attention. It seems that she reminds people the return of ancient poetry.

Chinese ancient poetry is beautiful and profound. The reason why we miss Nobel Prize in Literature is translation, because it is hard to translate the beauty of the language. When Chinese poetry is translated into English, most only remain the main idea. The loss of  the artistic concept makes the poetry lose its charm.

The young people get used to using the Internet language, and most of them have forgot the charm of ancient language, but its elegance won’t fade away. With more people start to realize the charm of ancient poetry, the desire to use beautiful language will be recalled. Indeed, Chinese culture is profound and rich. The classic poetry reflects the history.

In the fast pace lifestyle, the ancient language won’t be kicked out, which stands for the national treasure. 


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  • 推薦閱讀

  • 1[古詩詞徵文]當歸50字
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