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Hi, 的網友們大家好。我們都知道習語是人們經過長期使用後提煉出來的短語或短句,它是語言中的核心和精華。它們讀來順口,聽來易記,語言生動活潑,雖寥寥數字卻可傳神達意。如高爾基所説:習語能很好地教我們學會文字的節約,語言的壓縮和使語言更加形象。比如,本期我們將很多有關天氣的習語用在了一段文字中,天氣好壞和我們的感受息息相通,所以,相信您也可以在第一時間就能領會它們的引申意義。


For some folks, everything is easy. Life is a breeze. They're always healthy. They're never under the weather. If they walk into a room full of strangers, they make friends in five minutes. They have no trouble breaking the ice. They earn enough to save some money every week. They're saving money for a rainy day. So if trouble ever does come, they'll be able to weather the storm. Yes, some people have no problems if times are good or bad. They're okay come rain or shine.

For some folks,對於一些人來説,做什麼都易如反掌。生活就是a breeze. Breeze “微風”,微風拂面的感覺大家都體驗過,舒適,愜意的,因此,我們常常用breeze來形容something easy for person to do,對於某個人來説很容易做的事情。比如:Because I studied English every day, the exam was a breeze. 因為我每天都學英語,所以考試是很輕鬆的一樁事情。

這樣的人似乎never under the weather。Under the weather意思基本相當於uncomfortable,不舒服的。即便滿屋子都是陌生人,這樣的人還是會很快交到新朋友。這樣的人擅長break the ice。電視中,特別是新聞報道中常常將某國的領導人到另一個國家訪問稱為“破冰之旅”其實就源於這個短語。Break the ice指begin a conversation with a stranger和陌生人開始交談,開啟交流通道。

這些人還頗具遠見,賺足夠的錢並積累起來,save money for a rainy day,從字面意思上大家可以猜測到rainy day其實指代trouble,整個短語意思是prepare for trouble, usually by saving money,相當於漢語中的“未雨綢繆”。

沒有問題的時候積極準備,問題來了也能夠weather the storm。這個短語從字面上不好猜測,它的意思是to wait and be patient until things get better,耐心等到事情有轉機的時候。再比如:Our business has had a lot of problems this year. But I'm sure things will be okay if we can weather the storm for just a few more months. 今年我們的生意出了很多問題。但是我確信一切都會好起來的,如果我們能再耐心等待幾個月。

文中説,有些人are okay come rain or shine,按説,總能做到不管風雨還是晴天都安之若素的人一定是不多的,這需要相當的經歷和悟性吧。不過,are okay come rain or shine,也就是no matter how hard it is,不管多麼艱難,都保持okay的狀態是我們每個人都該努力的目標。

好了,來聽本期的小問題:If you're under the weather, how do you feel? 我們下期再見吧。