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(1) Look, we'll never make it in time if we only travel at night. 聽着,我們如果只能晚上走,一定趕不及。

——Manny一行遇到吊在樹上的Ellie,雖然一時不能説服她,讓她對“自己是一隻猛獁象”有清醒的認識,但是Ellie考慮到洪水的步步緊逼,決定和Manny同行。Make it是一個在口語中經常使用的動詞詞組,意思是“達到預定目標,及時抵達,走完路程,(病痛等)好轉”,例如:He puts grease on his hair to make it shiny. 他給頭髮擦上髮油使它發亮。Although she scrubbed the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean. 雖然她用力擦洗那隻舊壺,但無法把它徹底洗乾淨。He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他給鴨肉加了點豬油使它美味可口。The train goes at10.15. I think we shall make it. 火車10點1刻開,我想我們能趕上。

(2) He has a point. 他説得對

——集體中有人出於對負鼠的恐懼而不願意接納Ellie,但是考慮到Ellie很有可能是最後一隻除Manny之外的猛獁象了,最終集體包容了Ellie和她的負鼠弟弟們。“説得對”儘管簡單,但是有很多表達法,例如:1. Say well. 説得不錯!2. You said it! 你説得對! 3. "Well said,” put in Uncle Wang. 王大叔插話説:“説得對。”4. You're right. 你説得對。5. What you say makes sense. 你説的很有道理/言之有理。

(3) Manny sure took a big leap with Ellie today. 曼尼和艾麗今天進展神速

——經過長時間的相處,Manny和Ellie終於有了共同的語言,Ellie也開始相信自己是猛獁象了。Leap兼有名詞和動詞的意思,表示“跳躍,劇增,急變,猛衝”,例如:There has been a great leap in the number of births in these past five years. 這五年來,出生人數有很大的增長。類似的,“進展”可以用to make headway/ progress來表達,如:The intercession has made a rapid progress. 調解已經取得了很大的進展。

(4) What if we're the last creatures left alive? We'll have to repopulate the Earth. 萬一我們是物種的最後兩個,我們得重新繁衍

——負鼠兄弟睡過了頭,看到四周的冰川正在快速融化,他們悲觀地認為他們的末日到了。What if… 表示一種假設,也可翻譯為“要是……該怎麼辦?”、“如果……將會怎麼樣”,在日常生活中很實用,例如:1. What if it is true? 如果這是真的又該如何呢?2. What if he doesn't agree? 如果他不同意該怎麼辦呢?3. What if the boy's parents should die? 如果那男孩的父母死了該怎麼辦呢?Repopulate做動詞表示“重新構成……的人口”, 後接the Earth強調重新繁衍的數量之多,任務之大。

(5) You are so stubborn and hard-headed. 你簡直太固執了!

——面對前有熔巖後有洪水的危急局面,Manny和Ellie做出了相反的選擇,一個贊成前進,一個主張後退,雙方不歡而散。Stubborn形容“頑固的,倔強的”,例如:You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a stubborn woman.你與其跟一個倔女人爭吵,還不如對一塊石頭説話。同義詞有obstinate:Only a man full of the milk of human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man. 只有天性善良的人才會和這個性情高傲脾氣倔強的年輕人繼續交往。