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雅思口語Part 2&3考官範文:想學的語言(除了英語)

Describe another language (not English) that you would like to learn.

You should say:

What language it would be

How you would learn it

What equipment or facilities you would need to study this language

And explain what difficulties you think you would have / why you would choose this language.

Ok right then, well there are actually quite a few languages that I would like to learn, but probably the one I’d like to learn most is French, partly because I think it sounds really nice, and also because France is a country that I’d really love to visit sometime. And so if was able to speak French, I would then be able to converse with the locals, which I think would give me a much better understanding of the country and also make my time there a lot more interesting and enjoyable.

Anyway, as for how I would learn it, well I guess first of all I would try and find a decent self-study course on the Internet. And as well as that, I suppose another thing I would do would be to look for a teacher, preferably a native speaker if possible, because I would then be able to get feedback on what I was doing right and wrong. And having a native speaker as my teacher I think would be extremely beneficial in terms of developing a good accent.

And regarding what equipment I would need to study French, well thinking about it, I suppose it would be more or less the same as what I’ve been using for learning English, so basically a laptop and mp4 player, with which I would be able to download various things like podcasts and other learning materials onto.

So that’s probably how I would learn the language, and finally, with regard to what difficulties I think I might encounter, well firstly, I imagine I might have quite a bit of difficulty with the pronunciation, as it’s so different to Chinese. I mean, there are so many sounds in French which we don’t have in our language, so I’m sure it would take an extremely long time to speak it well. And besides the pronunciation, I guess it might also be pretty difficult mastering the grammar, simply because every language has its own set of grammar rules, and I’m sure French is no exception!

So yeah, I suppose that’s about it then. Thanks for listening!


decent = good

more or less = 差不多

So yeah, I suppose that’s about it then = 所以嗯,差不多就這些吧!



Describe a person you know who can speak a second language

You should say:

Who this person is這個人是誰

How you know them你是怎麼知道他的

What language they speak他能説什麼語言

And explain why you think this person can master this language解釋為什麼你認為這個人能夠掌握這種語言。


Ok right then, well there are actually quite a few people I know who can speak a second language well, but the person who stands out the most is one of my English friends called Nick, so he’s who I’m gonna(很地道且口語化的單詞) talk about.(Who this person is這個人是誰)簡單幾句話説明了這個人是誰。

And uh, I got to know him at university, because we’re on the same course, which is Modern Chinese. And um, I find it incredible just how quickly he’s managed to learn it! Because he couldn’t actually speak a word of Chinese before the course began, you know, he started pretty much from scratch, and in the space of about two years, he can now speak it pretty fluently. It’s amazing! 因為大學的時候,上現代漢語的課程認識的……同時回答了“How you know them你是怎麼知道他的”和“What language they speak他能説什麼語言”。

Um…and as for how he’s been able to learnt it so well, uh.. I guess there a few reasons, one of which is that he always takes every opportunity to speak the language, you know, he’s never afraid of making mistakes or anything. So he’ll always try answering the questions in class, and he hangs out a lot with Chinese friends in his free time. Another thing is that he’s also got a very strong curiosity for the language, which I noticed once when I saw him reading a story by the writer Lu Xun. Because it wasn’t something that we had been told to read, you know, it was simply out of his interest in Chinese that he decided to read it, and that made me realize why he had become so good at the language.

And um…I’m just trying to think if there’s anything else to say…uh... oh yeah, I’ve also noticed that he listens really attentively to native speakers when he’s talking with them. You know, he’s not just focused on things that he’s trying to say. He’s also listening extremely carefully to people talking around him. And he picks up an incredible amount just by doing that. So yeah, I’d say these are probably the main reasons as to why he speaks the language so well, and I feel really lucky to have him as a friend, because I’ve been able to learn a lot from him!上述兩個段落分別講述他是如何學習的以及為什麼認為這個人能夠掌握這種語言的解釋。這裏的素材很豐富,一般的考生可能根本無法去表達,甚至都不曾想到這樣的素材。所以最重要還是考生的積累。

而上述這些內容,其實也可以運用在其他關於語言的話題上,並非一個素材對應一個話題,而是一個素材對應多個話題。上面的內容中如果細心的考生其實可以發現很多短語句式是值得積累,下面為大家簡單彙總一些:he started pretty much from scratch – 他差不多從零開始;in the space of… - 在… 期間內;he listens really attentively – 全神貫注地聽;I’m just trying to think if there’s anything else to say – 我在想還有什麼話可以説…;pick up –(不費力地)學會;She sounds exactly like a native speaker.;She can speak the language effortlessly.



1. take notes / write keywords(做筆記 / 記錄關鍵詞)


2. cover every point(涉及卡片上所有的問題)

舉個“栗子”:當你被要求描述一個你去過的博物館,並且列舉了以下幾個問題:1. 博物館位於哪裏? 2. 對於這個博物館,你印象最深的是什麼? 3. 你去這個博物館的原因是什麼?

當你拿到這三個問題的時候,一定要保證你 cover 到每一個問題,怎麼樣才能保證每個問題都不落呢?就是我下面要説的這一點。

3. point to point as you talk(依次陳述)


4. use personal experience or lie(陳述親身經歷 OR “撒謊”)

當你被問到自己的親身經歷時,例如:描述一個你最喜歡的老師。當然,如果你能清楚的記得你的某位老師固然很好。也就是説,不管被問到什麼問題,只要能聯繫到自己的親身經歷都是極好的!但是,如果你從來沒有去聽過音樂會,沒有觀看過現場的體育賽事,但卡片上就是這樣的問題,你別無選擇。怎麼辦?這種情況下,你就只能“撒謊”了,捏造一個屬於你的故事,你可以 copy 你朋友曾告訴你的她的經歷。在雅思考試中,沒有人會在意這個故事是否是真實的,它所考察的是你駕馭語言的能力,你是否能將故事説的精彩。

5. expand — use senses(擴展答案——調動感官)





6. organize speech — intro, body, conclusion(組織語言——開頭、主體、結尾)

大家都知道,雅思考試 是一個標準化考試,它所考察的是考生運用語言的能力。所以,如果你所陳述的內容條理清晰、結構完整,不得高分是不可能的。與寫作文同理,一個擁有開頭、主體和結尾的口語答案,必然會讓考官耳目一新。

7. imagine the object, person, place(想象——事物、人物、地點)


8. use introductoy phrases(使用引導性短語)


I want to talk about …

I'd like to talk about …

I'm going to talk about …

9. use transitions(使用承接詞)



First of all, secondly, thirdly, finally

First, then, next, after that, finally

10. speak loudly(聲音洪亮)



1. memorize answers(回憶事先準備的答案)




2. write too much(記錄過多)

要知道,你只有一分鐘的時間來準備。在這短短的一分鐘裏,你不但需要考慮清楚你要怎麼説,還要做筆記。所以,你沒有時間寫很多東西,每個點你只需要記錄 1-2 個單詞就可以了。

3. panic(緊張、害怕)



4. focus on one point(只專注陳述一個點)

在 Part 2 的考試中,你至少要 cover 到 3 個點。所以,不要把時間都花費在一個問題上。因為,考試是有時間限制的,時間到了,考官就會叫停。當然,你沒有説到的問題就會沒有分數,所以,一定要把握好時間。

5. use boring words(使用“無趣”詞彙)

這裏要提到的就是詞彙的問題。不要張口閉口就是 good, bad 這樣的詞彙。要學會豐富自己的語言,很多非常好的形容詞 excellent, fantastic, amazing, tremendous, extremely … 都可以運用到你的段子裏。

6. give short answers(回答過短)


7. go off topic(跑題)


8. worry about your accent(過於擔心口音問題)

口音問題是很多考生非常頭疼的事情,有時就是因為感覺自己發音不好,就不願意張口説英語。但這樣只會惡性循環,每個人都會有口音,只要能讓人聽清楚你要表達的內容,並且所用表達的語法正確,就可以了。當然,雅思口語考試 7 分,甚至 8 分都是允許出現少量錯誤的。大家不要過於擔心。


練習講 2 分鐘英語,2 分鐘將一件事説清楚。對於很多人來説,獨自説 2 分鐘的話是很困難的。所以,首先可以從 30s 開始,然後增加到 1 min,最後增加到 2 min。這會是一個漫長的過程。但是,對於這方面能力較差的考生,一定要堅持練習,語速也要適中。