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King of Pop? This Is It? Thriller?
一小段关于Michael Jackson的描述,King of Pop流行天王是他的封号。This is it则是他的纪念电影,Thriller是MJ的畅销金曲。Booth学Michael跳舞实在很爆笑哇,Bren完全不明白他在干嘛,哈哈~~

Are you by any chance pregnant? 
by any chance 有可能 perhaps; possibly

You are so cheering me up right now.
cheer up 使振奋,感到振奋 cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful

You didn't hand them out.
hand out 分发出去

Dr. Brennan doesn't make life choices without a Boolean flowchart. 
Boolean 布尔数学体系的

- I am Mr. White from the General Services Administration.  
- The people we order paper cups and pencils from? 
美国联邦事务服务总局成立于1949年,作为一家独立机构负责简化政府资产的采购、使用和处置。简单来说就是后勤部门,果然就是如Cam所说负责采购纸杯啦,铅笔什么的。The General Services Administration (GSA) is an independentagency of the United States government, established in 1949 to helpmanage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies.

Take your pick. 
take your pick 任你选择

Saw a flicker from you,pal. I got you pegged. 
flicker 扎眼
peg 【俚语】猜中

peg本意是钉钉子啥的,所以这句I got you pegged就是“被我猜中了吧。”

Definitely water polo.
water polo 水球

Youch. Not even two-thirds normal size. Poor guy was in agony. 
youch 表达疼痛惊奇的象声词 An exclamation used to sympathize with someone who had just gone through something both painful and shocking

Fire in the hole.
Fire in the hole 卧倒!小心手雷!

- There's a reason I'm the boss when you're plainly the better FBI agent.
- I'll note that. 
plainly 显然地
note 记住了,比较商务的用语


You know,I'll poke around for some answers. See if I can muddy the waters a little bit. 
poke around 旁敲侧击
muddy the waters 混淆视听 to make a situation more confused and less easy to understand or deal with

这边两个成语都蛮实用的,尤其是muddy the waters格外形象,不就是把水给弄混么?

Give it your best shot.
give best shot 尽全力

they've been through some pretty hairy situations together. 
hairy 【俚语】棘手的 Fraught with difficulties; hazardous

Attaboy,Sweets. Attaboy. 
Attaboy 好样的


Jimmy Hoffa?
Well,it could be,like,D.B. Cooper,that hijacker. 
Jimmy Hoff是美国工会的会长,也是一个罪犯。他在20世纪50年代中期到60年代中期担任国际卡车司机协会会长。Hoffa的影响巨大。在他认罪后,他接受了将近10年的牢狱生活。在1975年7月30日,Hoffa在底特律的一个停车场消失,再也没有出现过。他应该是去见两位黑手党首领,来自底特律的 Anthony “Tony Jack” Giacalone和来自新泽西和纽约的联合城市的Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano。根据Donald Frankos(一个认罪的职业杀手),Hoffa在Giacalone的家中被枪杀,他的身体被埋在了巨人体育场(Giants Stadium)下。还有一个罪犯,Bill Bonanno声称Hoffa被枪杀后放进了一辆车的车厢,之后该车被放进了汽车压缩机。没有人知道Hoffa失踪的真相,但是谣言终结者团队在巨人体育场的一部分被认作是埋葬Hoffa的地方进行挖掘,但是一无所获。
D. B. Cooper(又叫做Dan Cooper)是给那个在1971年11月24日犯下劫机案的罪犯的假名。飞机在太平洋西北方飞行时,Cooper获得20万美金的勒索赎金后,就从波音727的尾部跳机。之后Cooper就再也没有出现在人们的视野中,所以没有人知道他是生是死。在1980年,一个8岁的男孩发现了面值20元美金,总共5800美元的纸币。虽然那些钱已经被浸泡的很彻底,但是上面的系列号还是可以分辨的出是和赎金一致的,为了更方便的追踪Cooper,之前这些钱的序列号都被记了下来。Cooper带着一个降落伞从飞机后机箱跳下,这样专家们仔细考虑这样的设计是否合理。另外,这一事件使飞机首次装上了金属探测器。

The victim died within months of the Limited Test Ban Treaty.
Limited Test Ban Treaty 又叫 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 《部分禁止核试验条约》;全称《禁止在大气层、外层空间和水下进行核武器试验条约》。1963年8月5日美、苏、英三国在莫斯科签订,同年10月10日生效。至1989年共有129个国家参加该条约。

Hodginsand Cam are convinced that it's John F. Kennedy. The 35th president ofthe United States who was assassinated on November 22,1963.
John F. Kennedy 简称JFK,是美国第35名总统,1963年11月22日遇刺身亡。

Who saw that coming? 
see something coming 想到会发生某事

Secret Service? Do yourself a favor. Don't tell any Reagan jokes or mention the Bush shoe incident. They get really mad. 
Do yourself a favor 为你自己着想

I'm extremely well-connected.
well-connected 人脉深远

He might rise to the occasion.
rise to the occasion 应付自如 to succeed in dealing with a difficult situation

Or she could re-create JFK's shooting so we can rule him out,right? 
rule out 把…排除在外

Here we go.
here we go 又来了

It's a piece of cake.
piece of cake 小菜一碟
So I used the fact that Mr. White was eavesdropping on us to sow the seeds of discord. 
eavesdrop 偷听,监听

you want to try me instead of some bigmouth scientist,huh? 
bigmouth 大嘴巴,管不住嘴

I'm gonna need some science jibber-jabber to distract these guys. 
jibber-jabber 碎碎念

Becauseyou have forbidden us from taking samples in order to estimate theosteoconductivity of the oblique taphonomic remodeling pertaining tothe mid-sagittal plane, encelphalametric transaction or translation, ifyou will,of the intermatrix can be deduced by correlating theforce-displacement values with the osteogenic- and eogenic-hydrogel-nanocomposite we placed inside the surrogate.
伟大的编剧啊,这么一段台词是怎么写出来的?伟大的Emily Deschanel同志啊,这么一长串话是怎么背下来的?别为难柒让咱翻译这么曲折离奇的话了……

Booth,does,does this have anything to do with the fact that your ancestor was a famous assassin? John Wikes Booth
John Wilkes Booth是刺杀林肯总统的刺客,居然是Booth他们家祖先!面部结构上看……不像啊~~~

For future reference,you might want to inform your bosses that we don't do half-truth here.
For future reference 为了作为今后的参考,简写FFR
There are loose ends. 
loose end 悬而未决的因素 a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete

The big man always comes through. Always.
come through 挺过来
Man,you Butch Cassidy'd 'em. 
Butch Cassidy是《神枪手与智多星》里的一个角色,直接用他的名字指代他的行为,挺常见的一个用法。

Oh,that was totally ninja. May be some anger issues there, but you kicked ass. 
ninja 忍者
kick ass 打得落花流水

I'vebeen speaking with Mr. White here from the General ServicesAdministration, and we've come to the conclusion that any reports weall write should be carefully worded. As in,there shouldn't be anywords in there. 

Just saying,to each their own.
to each their own 也能说成Each to their own人各有好
to each their own就是"青菜萝卜,各有所爱"的意思,经常用在双方意见不统一,求同存异的情况下。

Bones 5.12观后感
   1. Best Episode Ever!!! 非常意味深长的一个案子,只是柒也不可说,you know why~~~难得一见的打戏频频,Booth同学偶尔一追捕实在太帅鸟!
   2. 猛然发觉Cam和Hacker很搭……囧虽然柒也不爱他的秃头,毕竟这也是一容易纠结的好人,这俩凑一块儿的话,幽默指数想必不小……期待一下
   3. Hodgins, you are the sweetest guy!!! 咱已经看到了乃们俩复合的曙光了,哦耶,最后手挽手走开的画面忒老夫老妻了……
   4. 至于B&B,这集里面的小表情太多了,碎碎念完的Bren被Booth夸了那一脸得意哟;然后Booth射击非常准她又那个一脸自豪哦;接着说错话在后面追着弥补,那个一脸后悔呀;后来的那个"guy" hug,某只被她感动坏了;而最后,awwwwww,Bren乃真是超好呀……最后能不能补充一句,六个人排排坐实在很让柒想到老友记……
   5. 下集Booth他弟携女友归国,估计有个大动作了。Jared同学乃一定要刺激下你哥,嗯嗯~~~Bones识骨寻踪5.12剧情预告 研究所关禁闭
