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A: Elijah’s team is such a soldierly bunch; do you think they will be able to defeat their competitor?

B: If you would have been at last year’s game you wouldn’t ask such a question.

A: Is that so? Let’s hope that today’s match is more of a team effort. Oh! They are about to take the field, look at how manly they all seem.

B: They look absolutely fearless!

A: Elijah所在的队是个英勇无比的组合,你说他们能打败对手吗?

B: 如果你看了去年的比赛,就不会问这样的问题了。Elijah单枪匹马进了顽强的一球。

A: 是吗?希望今天的比赛更体现出团队的力量。啊,他们要上场了,看他们多有气度。

B: 他们看上去简直无所畏惧。


soldierly: (像士兵一样)勇敢的,尚武的。

competitor: 竞争者,对手。

single-handed: 单独一人的;一人完成的。

pull off: 成功完成了某件艰难的事。

heroic: 英雄的,英勇的,尤其是面对极大的困难或者极度的危险。

manly: 勇敢的,具有男子气概的。

fearless: 无畏的,大胆的。


A: Did you see how fearless the boy was when he jumped off the building?

B: I sure did!!! I can’t imagine doing something that rash just to escape the police.

A: What surprised me was despite his reckless decisions he seemed to always avoid being captured.

B: I doubt that the point of the movie was to promote his daredevil antics but most guys who watch this movie really love that part.

A: 你有没有看见那个男孩子有多不怕死,居然从高楼上跳下来!

B: 当然了!!真不敢想象,仅仅为了逃避警察的追捕,他就做出这么不计后果的事。

A: 使我惊奇的是,尽管他的决定很鲁莽,他还是逃脱了。

B: 我想电影的主旨绝不是为了宣传他铤而走险的滑稽动作,可大多数看了这部电影的人都喜欢那段。


fearless: 无畏的,大胆的。

rash: (不计后果或危险)鲁莽的;轻率莽撞的。

reckless: 毫不考虑危险的,不计后果的。

daredevil: 鲁莽大胆的人,莽勇的人。

antics: 旨在哗众取宠的滑稽动作。