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英國埃塞克斯郡布倫特伍德市議員克里斯•霍塞克稱,計程車司機應對衣著暴露的女性降低收費以幫助她們安全到家。他認為,現在的年輕女孩喜歡模仿蹩腳真人秀“The Only Way Is Esssex”裡面的明星,而這樣也就隨時把自己置於“性騷擾”的危險之下。霍塞克表示,計程車公司應當承擔起“社會責任”,以低收費的方式幫助這些女孩子平安回家,避免被侵犯。

不過,他的觀點被受害者團體所譴責。受害者後援團的一名發言人表示,受害者的穿著或行為都不能成為受到侵害的理由。霍塞克先生則堅稱,真人秀“The Only Way Is Esssex”的風靡使得女孩子衣著更加“挑逗”,這部真人秀已經對社會產生了影響。許多年輕女性去商店大量購置衣物,而只是為了使自己在夜晚看起來更有魅力。

TAXIS should give "scantily clad girls" cheaper taxi fares to help them get home safely, a UK councillor says.

Chris Hossack, a councillor in Brentwood in the UK's Essex, says young women who are trying to emulate the stars of trashy reality show The Only Way Is Esssex are putting themselves "potentially at risk of being sexually assaulted".


Mr Hossack has called on taxi companies to show “social responsibility” and offer cheaper fares to women so they can get home without being attacked, This Is Total Essex reports.

But his remarks have been criticised by victims groups as blaming the victim.

"It must always be remembered that a victim is just that," said a spokesperson for Victim Support. "It should never be suggested that a victim makes themselves open to a crime because of what they wear or how they act."

Mr Hossack said the popularity of The Only Way is Essex has encouraged girls to dress more "provocatively".

"Has TOWIE made an impact? I think it has," he said. "They come down to buy clothes from their shops and wear them on the night trying to make themselves look more attractive."