
首頁 > 商務英語 > 商務英語 > 年度體重最高點將到來,你需要這份“一個月恢復體型”建議


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It's January. Christmas festivities are firmly behind us. You're probably feeling that the only thing that's lost weight over the last month is your bank account. I once read that the average amount of weight gain in the UK over Christmas is half a stone. Given the type of foods we traditionally consume over the period, in combination with what is usually a marked drop in exercise frequency, it's pretty safe to say that this weight gain is going to be comprised almost entirely of fat.


Now you want to shift that weight. But how? Well, it's commonly accepted that it takes us around 14 days to ingrain a new habit or behavior. On that assumption, I've designed a simple to follow program that will help you get back into shape after the festive season. It lasts for a month: in the first fortnight, you concentrate on your workout habits, in the second fortnight, you try to improve your lifestyle.

那麼體重的增加已經不可避免了,怎麼辦呢?我們都知道,一個好習慣或者好行爲的養成大約需要14天。基於這個假設,我設計了一份易於操作的鍛鍊計劃,讓你在節後能恢復體型。這個計劃會持續一個月:在前兩個禮拜,你需要關注於鍛鍊習慣的養成,第二個兩禮拜中,你努力去改善生活習慣 。


Weeks 1 & 2: The Workout


This program is comprised of three workout days, two activity days and two rest days.


The training days are split into upper body resistance, lower body resistance, and high intensity Cardio. This ensures you get the metabolism-boosting benefits of resistance training, the all-round fitness improvements that come with cardio training, and spend a good deal of time in the 'fat burning' zone with the low intensity activity.




• Monday: Upper Body

• Tuesday: Activity

• Wednesday: Lower Body

• Thursday: Activity

• Friday: High Intensity Cardio

• Saturday: Rest

• Sunday: Rest Upper Body

• 週一:上半身重量訓練

• 週二:活動日

• 週三:下半身重量訓練

• 週四:活動日

• 週五:高強度有氧訓練

• 週六:休息

• 週日:休息/上半身訓練



• 3 x 10 Barbell Bench Press / Machine Chest Press (Chest)

• 3 x 10 Bent Over Barbell Row / Lat Pull Down (Lats)

• 3 x 10 Military Press / Machine Shoulder Press (Deltoids)

• 3 x 10 Upright Row / Machine shrug (Traps)

• 2 x 10 Bicep Curls(Biceps)

• 2 x 10 Tricep Pull Downs (Triceps)

• 3 x 10 槓鈴臥推/ 胸肌器械練習(胸肌)

• 3 x 10 俯身槓鈴划船/ 背肌下拉(背肌)

• 3 x 10 軍事肩推/ 三角肌器械練習(三角肌)

• 3 x 10 槓鈴直立上拉/ 器械聳肩(斜方肌)

• 2 x 10 肱二頭肌彎舉 (二頭肌)

• 2 x 10 三頭肌下拉(三頭肌)



• 4 x 12 Barbell Squat / Leg Press

• 4 x 12 Deadlift / Machine Hamstring Curl

• 4 x 12 Step Ups (onto a bench or box). Weighted if currently training, bodyweight if new to exercise

• 4 x 12 槓鈴深蹲/ 腿推舉

• 4 x 12 硬舉/俯臥腿彎舉

• 4 x 12 長凳或箱子登階 根據健身能力調節強度



• 10 x 100m sprints on Concept2 rowing machine

• 30 second high and low intensity intervals on a treadmill x 6

• One minute plank followed by 5 burpees, x 3

• 10 x 100m 划船機衝刺

• 6組30秒高低強度交替跑步運動

• 3組 一分鐘平板支撐接5個波比跳


Activity Days:  These are days where you stay active but don’t actually do anything so vigorous that you would consider it a workout. The aim here is to keep the heart rate in the fat burning zone to get rid of the extra calories. The fat burning zone is approximately 60-70pc of your maximum heart rate (which can be roughly calculated by subtracting your age from 220).In the fat burning zone, 85pc of the calories you burn will be from fat. Activities such as walking, cycling, swimming and dancing are great choices.



Weeks 3 & 4: Lifestyle Changes

第3 & 4周: 生活方式轉變

While continuing with the above workout, it's now time to focus on making sure your nutritional intake is in order. Let’s keep things simple. Here's 10 rules to ensure that you are on the right track:


1. Empty the shelves of all the festive goodies.

2. No Alcohol.

3. Go For Colour.

4. Stay Hydrated.

5. Treat Each Day As A Journey.

6. Keep Protein Intake High.

7. Eat a Lot of Fat.

8. Avoid Simple Sugars.

9. Food Timing.

10. Plan Ahead.

1. 清理你的節日食物囤積

2. 不要飲酒

3. 增加食物顏色種類

4. 多喝水

5. 根據每天活動量調整飲食

6. 保證較高的蛋白攝入

7. 多吃一些健康脂肪

8. 減少精細碳水攝入

9. 注意進食時間

10. 做好計劃


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  • 5立體語音 第126期:你是一個獨立的個體
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  • 10備份和恢復數據庫的知識重點
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