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Sandwich, a typical Western food, is usually two bread slices with a filling in between. The sandwich generation, like the design of the sandwich, consists of middle-aged people who must care for their elderly parents and their growing children at the same time.

The sandwich generation is under significant financial and emotional stress: parents may be ill or lack a sufficient pension, while kids may require tuition and training. At the same time, the members of the sandwich generation must contribute to their own work.




“sandwich generation”解釋爲三明治一代,常指上要照顧老人,下需撫養子女負擔沉重的中年人,通常在30-45歲之間,類似的表達還有:club-sandwich generation 多層三明治一代(指同時要照顧父母、孩子以及孫輩的一代人)。